Vindicator ago

@ThomasMerton1968, please provide links that actually support the premise in your headline, or change your headline to match the evidence provided in your link. I need to remove this, because it does not fulfill Rule 2. Please review the submission guidelines. You can post unsourced, speculative posts in v/pizzagatewhatever. Thanks.

ThomasMerton1968 ago

romney was running bain while cheney was at halliburton, its the same conglomerate

Vindicator ago

Neither link says anything about Bain, Cheney or Romney...second link is broken.

ThomasMerton1968 ago

Romney and Cheney both are from Bain which controls both Halliburton and DynCorp, look at the regulatory filings and the management. Romney was head of Bain capitol

ThomasMerton1968 ago

monsanto owns GDSerle and Don Rumsfeld was Serle Chairman. Cheney was at Halliburton which was a Bain managed corporation after it changed its name from KellX to halliburton

Both Cheney and Romney are BAIN and CO shareholders who control Halliburton and Bain capitol respectively. Bain is a CIA company, now run by an isreali woman

Raytheon was a Bain client and was taken over by Bain in the early 1970s.

Vindicator ago

The links you've provided here don't actually support the statements you are making about them about who own whom and what the actual relationships are. You've provided no evidence of the claim that Bain is a CIA company. Or that Raytheon is owned by Bain.

Godwillwin ago

Yes. Mitt's connections to this is why so many were flipping out that trump was considering him for his cabinet. John McCain has some involvement in this too.

Fatsack ago

This is WW3. It's not a war between nation-states. It's a war between governments and privately owned empires. Just like in Call of Duty future Warfare. They literally own the food, the weapons,, th black market, and the mercenaries. This is a threat to national security. This IS the shadow government.

derram ago :

Bain: A consulting firm too hot to handle? (Fortune, 1987) | :

Monsanto Held Liable For PCB Dumping - The Washington Post

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