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sodePllAlliK ago

Religion is one of the most common themes among pedophiles. There are a lot of sanctimonious religious fanatics on here who pretend that people of their religion aren't fucking kids, and that it's just "Satanists." Religion is just as big a problem as that of kid-fuckers. Both are destroying the world from the inside out, and both are stifling evolution. "Burn them all!"

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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auralsects ago

(PART 2)

You are getting rekt so hard right now it is painful.

But let's continue, LMAO! Child marriage very commen in Yemen.

They just found time during a brutal civil war to publicly shoot and hang 3 pedophiles in Yemen.]( Has America EVER executed a pedophile? More incidents of muslim migrants raping people. Many of them children. Muslim men regard women as “wild game”

LMAO "wild game", I like that. When sandniggers hunt sluts, they literally hunt sluts XD What Tommy Robinson was talking about before he was silenced.

From your source: >However she eventually 'fell' for the delivery driver when he made her feel special by visiting her "every day" after he finished his shift in the early hours of the morning. She fell pregnant with his son at the age of 14 and gave birth to him when she was 15.

No rape there. Just a dumb girl brainwashed by Jews that sex before marriage was OK -- the Jews Tommy Robinson, another Israeli asset, is paid to distract from, since Jews intentionally mass-imported Muslims in the first place.

The victim claimed sexual activity with Ali Akhtar continued throughout pregnancy. She told how and after their son was born, she 'tricked' him into meeting him when he visited her hoping for sex. She said: "I never saw him again after that."

LOL. Sandnigger straight GHOSTED on that little slut.

What you are too dim to understand is that every worthless street-rat tramp, as almost all "grooming victims" (i.e. prostitutes) are, was sadly never going to benefit our race anyway and their every additional one in the papers brings us closer to the Race War that I prefer happen SOONER rather than LATER when the average age of a white man is 55 years old while the Muslims are 20.

Every white female victimized by non-whites serves as a warning to others and their parents.

O.J. did nothing wrong.

He did what a dirty chimp nigger can be expected to naturally do. Nicole was the guilty one and she got exactly what she deserved.

Conclusion: Based on these, we can summize why Islamic culture treats women like shit and believes in punishing the victim of rape. It is projection at its finest. Projection of their own inability to control their sexual urges, as seen whenever the muslim migrants reek havoc in non muslim countries.

lol "summize" "reek" you're a fucking semi-literate and you dare to step to ME?

Punishing a rape victim is supremely logical. It's called a deterrent: girls shouldn't be drunk around strange men or invite them into their homes, period.

This is precisely the Islamic culture I want in Europe: the one like our forefathers had.


auralsects ago

Pedophilia via child marriage is a very common practice to Muslims

Define "very common." Is it 1/4 as among HISPANIC CHRISTIANS?

Dude your research skills are worse than a 3rd grader bride's.

One glance at that website's sidebar -- which tries to seem like an open-edit Wiki LOL -- tells you it's a biased source.

How biased? The guy who wrote it calls HIMSELF 'probably the biggest anti-Islam person alive.'

Sina is a board member of Stop Islamization of Nations, an organization founded by Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and Anders Gravers Pedersen.

Interesting. Spencer is famous for running another top-result site on Islam:

Pam Geller meanwhile is a Jewish professional provocateur implicated in the Breivik false-flag massacre.

Ali Sina is praised by Geert Wilders, who dyes his hair blond and covered up his Jewish heritage and who is an actual Mossad spy.

Of particular concern is the muslim practice of “forced marriage” which is acceptable under Sharia

The actual Wikipedia on Islam, which is closely moderated, being an obvious target of malicious edits, says:

An engagement may be arranged between families for their children, but Islamic requirements for a legal marriage include the requirement that both parties, bride, groom and guardian for the bride (wali), give their legal consent. A marriage without the consent of the bride or performed under coercion is illegal according to the majority of scholars.

So apparently it's not acceptable under Sharia and you totally made that up, with the same low effort you simply threw this out there: Use of physical violence against women as part of a forced marriage seems to be a standard tactic. LOL! Imagry of child brides in Islam.

lmao, that page states:

In hard times, it can save the girl from a life of poverty and hunger. But as Sinclair found in her travels through the countryside, the practice is also deeply entrenched in Afghan culture.

"in Islam" he says.

Hey, grade school sociology failure: when a practice is limited geographically and ethnically, that might indicate it is part of something called "native culture" and not religion. Same goes for Bacha Bazi with its Persian-language name, you dumbfuck.

A person is biologically NOT an adult until puberty is FULLY COMPLETE, which happens several years AFTER 1st menstration.

lmao, you can't even SPELL "MENSTRUATION", retard!

Historically and cross-culturally, adulthood has been determined primarily by the start of puberty[citation needed] (the appearance of secondary sex characteristics such as menstruation in women, ejaculation in men, and pubic hair in both sexes).

The record for youngest birth is always broken in Hispanic countries, but you don't associate them with it because Jew media doesn't trumpet that fact to your pitifully ignorant brain.

That's because Jews WANT millions of Hispanics to replace the whites they so despise -- which you see even on Fox News (Chris Wallace for example) -- whereas they need white shabbos goys like you to fight their wars against the demonized Muslim Arabs.

You understand so little about the world I almost feel sorry for you. But you've antagonized me for Naming the Jew nonstop for 2 years so you can go fuck yourself, you smarmy faggot.

Just to play it safe and take the cautious route, 18 should be the LEGAL age of consent.

Weird how you don't show any outrage at the fact that in New York you can still get married at 14, or that the age of consent in the 1890s -- 1300 years after Mohammed -- was 7 in Delaware and 10-12 everywhere else.

Because some Zionist Jewish website didn't tell you about it, LOL.

For someone like you against controlling women's behavior, virginity til 18 seems an unrealistic goal LMAO you gotta get out more.


Rape and sex trafficking (including children) are standard policy in ISIL.

ISIS is not a fair representative of the entire religion and in any case it's not even a secret that they wouldn't exist without Jewish support

Does your cluelessness know no bounds? Pedophilia extensive in Pakistan islamic schools

Pakistan is not a fair representation of the entire religion (50% of all honor killings worldwide are there) and in any case Deobandi+Wahhabism are products of 18th century British Masonic (i.e. Jewish) intelligence operatives.

Thanks for mentioning the Gatestone Institute though, it would be odd to fall for every single Zio-front disinfo mill except them.

John Bolton, who promised regime change in Iran before this year was done, was Chairman.

The founder was a national board member of AIPAC. She is the heiress to the Sears fortune and her grandfather inaugurated the Jewish strategy of agitating American blacks through grievance organizations just as the Jew Soros does today with Black Lives Matter.

To set people against each other while they pass as "fellow whites" to dipshits like you.

She also funds the controlled opposition German nationalist party AfD. to funnel the outrage into a pro-Jewish outlet.

You see, you don't know who you are trying to fuck with. I write the Counterjewhad beat for Renegade. You are miles behind me, you Jew-loving piece of shit. Bacha Bazi “boy play” is a common practice in Afghanistan. Yet another muslim country where pedophilia is accepted and tolerated.

Dude the entire Catholic church has been exposed as NOTHING BUT a global gay pedo mafia and you got the balls to call literally one of the most poor, backward countries on earth with a gross cultural practice a representative "muslim country."

Too bad it was fundamentalist Islamist Taliban that OUTLAWED said practice because it violates sharia.

They also banned the opium trade on the same grounds until the Americans came to protect the fields and cause the deadliest drug epidemic to ever afflict white people while making billionaires of the monopolist Jewish Sackler family much like the Jewish Sassoon family in the 19th century.

darkknight111 ago

Writer for Renegade you say? Prove it. Post a link to your alleged article. Nut up or shut up.

Sounds like your usual Navy Seal Copypasta level delusions of granduer.

dundundunnnnn ago

I know what American Muslims think of pedophiles... they think pedophilia i's moral perfection.

Their "morally perfect" pedophile prophet was also into using infants like a Fleshlight - they refer to this as "thighing".

We should never tolerate the world's largest child rape terrorist cult that also promotes Christian genocide.

Angelis_Solaris ago

I did not know this. This is alarming and outrageous behavior for this subverse, because we here stand for the truth that child-sex is intrinsically evil and that children must be protected above all other members of society. The Muslim cult truly is an evil institution, "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

You must not have been around for very long then. I was here since the first Reddit migration and he's been an a piece of human excrement this entire time. At first I brushed him off as a pubescent troll, the kind that hangs around on 4-chan, watches my little pony friendship is magic to be "ironic", and dreams that one day he might have sex. But you'd think a kid that age would have gotten bored at this point, or had his trolling interrupted by mommy insisting that THIS will be the year he gets a job, at least bagging groceries or SOMETHING, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CONTRIBUTE. But no. I think the truth is probably a lot more sinister. Thanks for the post, OP. Good work.

auralsects ago

lol who are you to even utter my name, faggot. you have zero subs here. I have dozens. 'contribute' he says. fuck off, kike-lover

Angelis_Solaris ago

I haven't been around that long, I've been following Pizzagate for about 8 months or so now. My first exposure to Pizzagate was that it was most likely fake, and so I researched into it and discovered the opposite. Also, I don't really think MLP is a bad thing, just most of the fans of the show who've been brainwashed by "inclusivity" and LGBT propaganda, which is where the show is now slightly heading (which is very sad and disgusting). Like any show, the fans are by far the most disturbing part and I wish they didn't exist, or at least wouldn't turn the best parts of these pieces of art into sexual themes or worse. It's quite evil.

I don't think it's right to attack young males who's mothers can let go of them and babied them their whole life (like my mother), it's usually the fault of the mother that these males are down in those basements to begin with. The boys never were made to work. It's quite debilitating let me tell you.

I think the people who are pro-child-sex have either evil intentions or have undergone extensive leftist brainwashing. I think this guy could also be on the (CIA) payroll to "troll" these forums, it's easy enough to do and wastes time.

Shizy ago

Auralsects is a real piece of shit. Read in his own words how he justifies Mohammed the pedophile raping Aisha because she probably had a wide set vagina:

YogSoggoth ago

Not Classy! Handled by men, and mature, competent women.I am still the same un-popular person .Donkey claims to be white yet wants white culture replaced by muslim culture. No one can beat the racial challenge with Yog, because they would have to be transported off the Rez. I am from The USA, and you are not. Let that ring in your bell you stupid ***'s.

srayzie ago

He has told me several times that women should be thrown in a dungeon and raped, as young as 12 years old.

He hates white American women the most. He told me he would marry a Muslim woman, they are much more decent. He doesn’t think that it’s pedophilia to have sex with a girl once she starts puberty.

He said that it’s better for a kid to be in foster care, even if molested, than to be raised by a single mother.

That’s just some of the awful things that he has said. The only group of people he defends are Muslims. He hates Jews and whites. The list goes on...

SchlongKeyhote ago

pe·​do·​phil·​ia | \ˌpe-də-ˈfi-lē-ə,

Definition of pedophilia
sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object specifically : a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child

you dumb bitch. learn words.

darkknight111 ago

Note in his rebuttal he does NOT deny being a pedophile.

SchlongKeyhote ago


so pathetic. you embarrass yourself so hard; how can you still be here? you even revealed yourself as a fucking semi-literate.

Vet your sources next time, you dumb faggot.

darkknight111 ago

Well hello liar.

Guess you never wrote that article for Renegade after all.

Thought so. After all, Muslims are known liars with such low IQs that they think “anyone who disagrees with me is a kike shill”. LMAO you dumb cunt. Improve the gene pool, remove yours from it,

SchlongKeyhote ago

I just showed the world how you rely EXCLUSIVELY on obvious kike shills for your entire worldview.

Your lashing out only makes it funnier. I bet you cried tho.

darkknight111 ago

Nope. Not a crybaby pussy like you who cries and bitches whenever your beloved sand niggers get criticized for having zero impulse control and for being a bunch of worthless kiddy diddlers, just like you.

Unlike you, I’m not a liar either. Go on, prove me wrong. Post that link to that alleged Renegade article. That is if you’re not a liar with ZERO balls. Coward.

auralsects ago

LOL lets see if you can find it. doesn't take much research, which is obviously your strong point right. or can you not even find your own stretched asshole without a Jew pointing you to it