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srayzie ago

You guys, this is Donkey. He has several alts. I’ve known him since pizzagate started 2 years ago. He’s a rude paid shill. Thanks for showing us that we’re doing something right Donkey.

He is not a Q follower or a patriot. 🙄

Don-Keyhote ago

I'm not a paid shill and you know it, you detestable cunt.

If I were I wouldn't have posted Q's lead SIX MONTHS prior.

I wouldn't have posted dozens of real names and addresses including probable tunnel systems in 5 cities.

You just don't like my opinions or that I don't believe the president is Literally Saving the World.

Thanks for demonstrating that women lie as easy as they breathe, which makes them wholly unsuitable for this kind of activity.

MolochHunter ago

folks, if Donkey here posted about tunnel systems, its probably because he's used them

he has on multiple occasions said that 12 yr olds getting raped is their own fault for being little sluts

for real

Don-Keyhote ago

only "sometimes"

You don't believe in personal responsibility, although it would make rape a nonexistent phenomenon, because you are a worthless faggot. It is depressing that cuck morons like you can vote, frankly.

MolochHunter ago

children can act in a fashion that seems consensual and even keen to participate in sexual activity

but children are our society's most COERCIBLE and vulnerable people. You can TEACH a child to believe it is ok or even desirable that they engage in sexual activity

the cuck is YOU that you would use their coercible nature against them, you depraved, desperate, perverted, lonely, sad, pathetic, exploitative creature

maybe spend this christmas trying to understand what is so precious and worthy of our protection about the Lamb of God

Don-Keyhote ago


the only brainwashing was teaching that premarital sex is no big deal

They get that idea from JEWISH FILMS, MUSIC, AND TV.

There are entire books written about white Christians trying to legally limit this kind of Jew-media sexualization of children

But you're too much of a pussy COWARD to acknowledge this because then you might actually be expected to DO something about it.

Then your ignorant cowardly ass has the nerve to call ME a pedo?

You are the reason your country is going to shit. You deserve worse than the kikes.

MolochHunter ago

and here you have it - for anyone who doubted my allegation that donkey is a-ok with children being sexually exploited

think- ago

Post about Donkey's pedo problem by @darkknight111: