gogogogostop ago

I bet it's pretty lonely for the indicted baby eaters too. No one wants to celebrate with them.

srayzie ago

You guys, this is Donkey. He has several alts. I’ve known him since pizzagate started 2 years ago. He’s a rude paid shill. Thanks for showing us that we’re doing something right Donkey.

He is not a Q follower or a patriot. πŸ™„

Don-Keyhote ago

I'm not a paid shill and you know it, you detestable cunt.

If I were I wouldn't have posted Q's lead SIX MONTHS prior.

I wouldn't have posted dozens of real names and addresses including probable tunnel systems in 5 cities.

You just don't like my opinions or that I don't believe the president is Literally Saving the World.

Thanks for demonstrating that women lie as easy as they breathe, which makes them wholly unsuitable for this kind of activity.

MolochHunter ago

folks, if Donkey here posted about tunnel systems, its probably because he's used them

he has on multiple occasions said that 12 yr olds getting raped is their own fault for being little sluts

for real

think- ago

Don't forget that Aisha, the poor nine-year-old who was raped by pedo Muhammad, might have had a 'wide vagina'. A nine-year-old forced into marriage at age 6.

think- ago

folks, if Donkey here posted about tunnel systems, its probably because he's used them


@darkknight111 @Shizy @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

Wouldn't be surprised! He's a really sick puppy!

Don-Keyhote ago

only "sometimes"


You don't believe in personal responsibility, although it would make rape a nonexistent phenomenon, because you are a worthless faggot. It is depressing that cuck morons like you can vote, frankly.

MolochHunter ago

children can act in a fashion that seems consensual and even keen to participate in sexual activity

but children are our society's most COERCIBLE and vulnerable people. You can TEACH a child to believe it is ok or even desirable that they engage in sexual activity

the cuck is YOU that you would use their coercible nature against them, you depraved, desperate, perverted, lonely, sad, pathetic, exploitative creature

maybe spend this christmas trying to understand what is so precious and worthy of our protection about the Lamb of God

Don-Keyhote ago


the only brainwashing was teaching that premarital sex is no big deal

They get that idea from JEWISH FILMS, MUSIC, AND TV.

There are entire books written about white Christians trying to legally limit this kind of Jew-media sexualization of children

But you're too much of a pussy COWARD to acknowledge this because then you might actually be expected to DO something about it.

Then your ignorant cowardly ass has the nerve to call ME a pedo?

You are the reason your country is going to shit. You deserve worse than the kikes.

MolochHunter ago

and here you have it - for anyone who doubted my allegation that donkey is a-ok with children being sexually exploited

think- ago

Post about Donkey's pedo problem by @darkknight111:


Don-Keyhote ago

not only is a teenager not a helpless child, British pussy is nowhere near worth a pack of cigarettes. It was the Pakis who got exploited.

go cry in your cuck shed from the tongue-lashing I just gave you, you fucking shabbos-goy FAGGOT.

Traitors get the rope first. Remember that you pussy Q-tard Aussie piece of shit.

MolochHunter ago

Merry Christmas, Donkey

I love you, and I forgive you

think- ago

Now you knocked him out... ;-)

MolochHunter ago

puts him in the corner where he has to reciprocate, stay quiet, or reveal that there is not a single corner of his heart that harbors any sense of charity or Human kindness

darkknight111 ago

He won’t reply BECAUSE that would expose him as having none of those things.

He’s a psychopath. A being of inferior race biologically incapable of having kindness, charity, or anything vaguely resembling redeeming traits.

Psychopaths are good for one thing...being put in ovens after being exterminated.

think- ago


Shizy ago

Your opinions?

All I have ever seen of your opinions are that you're the smartest person who ever lived, all women are disgusting cunts who shouldn't talk, vote, work, or do anything but get raped and pop out babies.

Don-Keyhote ago

Certainly smarter than any of you fuckin clowns.

shouldn't talk,


1 Timothy 2:11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet.


shouldn't vote




^ YOU. ARE. NIGGERS. I.e. unable to acknowledge your proper place and just fucking shit up for the rest of us.

Unlike the nigger, however, deep down you crave being dominated, and that will eventually happen anyway when your refusal to birth leads to shitskins taking over. How can you not understand this, fucking retard?

Shizy ago

How cute that a niggerfaggot Muslim is quoting the bible! πŸ˜‚

Don-Keyhote ago

I have a BA in comparative religions you smelly twat.

Like srayzie I bet you barely graduated high school-- which is why you had no clue about the destruction your 'liberation' has wrought on this once-great white land.

Accept your own inferiority or get chained and whipped like the NIGGER you are, WOMAN.

think- ago

[–] Don-Keyhote [S] -3 points (+0|-3) 11.8 hours ago

I have a BA in comparative religions you smelly twat.

A BA, and in 'comparative religions'? I'm deeply impressed! rolls on floor

@MolochHunter @Shizy @EricKaliberhall @darkknight111

Shizy ago

I'm sure the manager at Starbucks would be really impressed πŸ˜‚! I hear they have flexible hours and a fun working environment so maybe donkey can put that degree to some good use after all!

Don-Keyhote ago

Yep that explains why you fools lose every argument on religion and depend on websites I expose as Jewish disinformation.

What did you take in college, besides miles of black cock?

think- ago

Nice try, shill.

Shizy ago

I have a master's degree you ignorant fat ass!

Your bachelors in comparative religions means nothing to me in terms of your understanding of the Bible since you're not a Christian! But since you think you're so well versed in what the Bible says about women, I'm surprised you didn't cite proverbs 31. Oh, but that would go against the woman hating narrative you have.

chained and whipped like the NIGGER you are, WOMAN

Nice! Pure class donkey!

srayzie ago


I have a BA in comparative religions you smelly twat.

Like srayzie I bet you barely graduated high school-- which is why you had no clue about the destruction your 'liberation' has wrought on this once-great white land.


I have a master's degree you ignorant fat ass!


@MolochHunter @Vindicator

@Don-Keyhote You are such a loser 😁

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL she's twice my age and I'm sure her field was "social work" or some bullshit.

Dude neither of you will convince anyone that you're actually intelligent; y'all can't even SPELL, which proves you don't even READ.

Shizy ago

My field earns me a shit ton more money than your bullshit degree will earn you homo! πŸ˜‚ I work 10 hours a week and STILL make more than you do full time so sucks for you! πŸ–•πŸ»

Don-Keyhote ago

my job has nothing to do with that. I just liked it. I doubt you make what I do, which is ~$3.5k in good months.

idk what your field is but since in 2 years you haven't been able to contribute a single thing here i'm assuming it's not related to history/economics/political science etc

in fact i'd bet money it is what 90% of dumb women do for "work": market dumb shit to other dumb women.

40 years of huge subsidies to see if you can get into more demanding fields have failed, LMAO https://i.imgsafe.org/28/28fd34731e.jpeg

I love how much it bothers you that your only use is birthing XD

fucking accept reality you pathetic wretch, jesus christ

Shizy ago

You make that little in good months? And you're proud to post that you don't make shit with your worthless degree?! Got it!

It doesn't bother me that my main priority is birthing and raising children. I love it! My children are the reason I stopped working full time and only work a few hours a week for extra money. I don't even have to work, but I like it. My family comes first though. You might understand that some day if you stop scaring away all the women who talk to you by telling them they "owe" you "pussy"! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

srayzie ago

Not! @Shizy is my age. NOT OLD. She’s damn smart. A lot more than you. πŸ™„

What are you doing for Christmas Donkey? Are you staying in the basement? I can’t imagine your family. They probably dread the holidays knowing you’ll be around. πŸ˜‚

Or are they still on their home land?
🐫 πŸͺ 🐫 πŸͺ

Don-Keyhote ago

She’s damn smart. A lot more than you. πŸ™„


no srsly


Shizy ago

Or are they still on their home land?

πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ probably!

It's ok Srayzie, it wouldn't matter if donkey was a neurosurgeon, he's still a small minded little boy who can't see straight through all the hate he clenches to. It would almost be sad, but it's donkey so whatever!

Shizy ago

Hahahaha! I'm sure that BA in comparative religions is really lucrative! At least he can use it to try and look smart online πŸ˜‚!

srayzie ago

Omg I know πŸ˜‚ His parents are still trying to pay for his failed education lol.

MolochHunter ago

Imagine studying all those religions and not coming to the realisation that Islam is an outlier belief system that actually encourages psychopathy

think- ago

I think he came to the conclusion that this was the religion that would match best with his woman hatred and self-delusions. Oh, and his stances regarding pedos....

Shizy ago

And it's the one that allows weak, small men to feel like they're really important

think- ago

Haha, indeed! Lol.

Shizy ago

He picked a useless degree, but he's smarter than all of us πŸ˜‚!

srayzie ago

Oh wow, you were dropping leads 6 months before Q? That’s hilarious. πŸ˜‚

@Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

Get fucked donkey!

And happy kwanza!

Vindicator ago

Lol. Do you suppose he will get some new bling...maybe a DNC medallion with a big gold donkey?

Shizy ago

Ahahahaha! I love the pizza boy shirt.

Vindicator ago

Yeah. Did a google image search for "DNC rapper medallion" and that popped up. Probably bears further investigation!

srayzie ago

See parent @Vindicator πŸ˜‚

srayzie ago

CockHunter πŸ˜‚


MolochHunter ago

anal insects is clearly scrambling to get me back for calling him epileptic spade

argosciv ago

Oh god lol, I love your nicknames for him/them.

Vindicator ago

Hilarious our little brown brother here has to ping us.

Names alts after various dick references + pathetic baiting attempts + trolls girls = Dude under 5'7".


Shizy ago

Under 5'7", but over 250! Homeboy be faaatt!

srayzie ago

@Shizy, if you were chocolate, I’d rip that weave right off yo damn head. Sheeeeit.

πŸ‘±πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ @MolochHunter @Vindicator

Shizy ago

Oh no you di'ent!

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Brown brother πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ‘ŠπŸΏ

Donkey, wassup Boo? πŸ‘±πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Bopper

MolochHunter ago

he's told us even - he's only had the social skills to ever have one girl be a friend. then he told her she owed him sex bc theyd been friends long enough that it had become her obligation

and the funniest thing is, he told that story like it wasnt something he should be catastrophically embarrased by

Don-Keyhote ago

says the guy who's cool with his wife hanging out with dudes who want to fuck her XD


what a cuck faggot.

Vindicator ago

Some of those black grandmas are scary. Probably got the crap beat out of him for being a punk. Stunted with women, now. Sad.

srayzie ago

It would be a nightmare Vindicator, if you ever woke up to Donkey telling you how he really felt about you. πŸ˜‚

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Bopper @Vindicator

MolochHunter ago


merry xmas to you, bro

Vindicator ago

You, too, MH!

srayzie ago

You come up with the best names lol

argosciv ago

This ^

WanderingTaurus ago

Eh, not sure wtf they are talking about. Have several huge family and friend get togethers to attend. Sure some of us may be on different political spectrums but like most NORMAL grown adults, we are able to set aside our differences, agree to disagree, or even have great adult discussions without name calling and temper tantrum throwing.

Sexybuttcheeks ago

I hope it’s not like this forever. At some point, Q either has to make his move or be exposed, right?

the_art_collector ago

Yeah this was not a good article to read while super high.

Q-sent-me ago

I find it difficult to read when only mildly high, so, more power to you!

Boomshakaa ago

I don't think it's possible to be lonely and to logically think at the same time. You have more than you know

Q-sent-me ago

I am lonely, surrounded by family, and thinking logically unlike several of them; but, still didn't downvote.

Boomshakaa ago

It's impossible to be lonely if your logical thinking. Give it a try.

Q-sent-me ago

In fact I had a discussion with a cousin yesterday who is also following Q, and we were basically "holding court" -- other family members were listening to us comparing notes, it was really special. God bless.

digital_minuteman321 ago

I'm proud to be the black sheep of my family. They chose to stay left behind, not me.

301854 ago

If you ain't gettin no MSM attention, You aint't causing no nothin to be exposed.

BulletMagnet879 ago

Nice triple negative there, genius. Actually a double AND a triple.

grace8 ago

Funny thing is, I have ppl who call me to ask whats really going on. America is waking up. Sorry Daily Beast, I'm not lonely!!!!

1Barefooter ago

Lonely is, is what Lonely does. Like religion, never force it upon People. Q doesn't promote its followers to convert or awake sleeping sheep. Q simply suggests you educate YOURSELF. Enjoy the Q community and ignore the Shills. I don't Q-thump my family or friends, not necessary.... I have you for that! Merry Xmas.

NosebergShekelman ago

Yes, us jews always feel lonely on Christmas while eating alone at Chinese restaurant on Christmas day. Shalom WWG1WGAMIGA

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I mean- You guys do make it extremely easy for them.

You shouldn't be spreading anything about Q...You should be spreading the information he talks about. You're supposed to be able to think for yourself....That's literally the whole point

There is a vocal minority that have been doing anything BUT thinking for themselves. "Q" is not the thing you should be trying to prove or disprove. Admittedly, I'm sure many of the vocal Q supporters, are actually shills. Because Why wouldn't they infiltrate, and attempt to Discredit?

I'm pretty sure you guys are doing it wrong...Again.

qanon1776 ago

We only have control over ourselves and how we react to their lies and accusations. They are the desperate masses, not us. Let them just keep poking the bear. Enjoy Christmas, celebrate the birth of Jesus and the love of YOUR people, your President and your fellow Patriots.

calfag ago

Just leave the Q part out. Argue for the benefits of peace, and the benefits of removing corruption. Everything the Q conversation has brought out is healthy for everyone except demons. If you can't re-frame that into good works, maybe you shouldn't talk about anything real at family occasions anyway, you'll make the rest of us look bad. Also: Alone is pretty great.

Drunkenst ago

That Megan Kelly quotes in her article, such a schmarty, betcha she watches a lot of cable tv. She knows what cooks.

Lauraingalls ago

Whenever I see NEGATIVE reports about us I think of the BIBLE. I know not everyone is a Christian, BUT I AM, and so is Q, and President Trump, so I look at our situation and I think of a similar situation in the Bible. In Matthew Jesus ran up against what everyone GOOD runs into, OPPOSITION and UNBELIEF. It does just come with the territory. Evil doesn't give up easily. Here is the Scripture. Matthew 9:35-38 The Message (MSG)

35-38 "Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. β€œWhat a huge harvest!” he said to his disciples. β€œHow FEW WORKERS! On your knees and pray for harvest hands!” WE are "HARVEST HANDS" but there are still lots of unbelievers out there. Christianity was ILLEGAL for about 300 years after it started. We have a similar situation in getting people to see the TRUTH. I don't care about the NEGATIVE STORIES. We can't do anything about what the ENEMY THINKS.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

You can do something about what the enemy thinks..Do you think your comment Hurts "The enemy?"

I wonder how many people have been converted to Christianity, Or at least Found a higher power, Based on something a random person said... Vs How many People are turned off from religion.

Meaning If the same person, says the exact same thing, How many people would that person convert, And how many people would be turned off completely.

I'd have to imagine that the overwhelming majority, Would Be turned of from, Or continue to ignore, Religion.

I mean, I guess technically the religious person could say; "Well that's on them....I tried to help."

But is that really on them? Did you find god because of someone else's personal beliefs? What if you're actually having the exact opposite effect? Is it on the other person for not taking you seriously?

I'm not saying Hide your beliefs...I'm just questioning what your end goal is? If it's to wake people up- Then it's about that person you're waking up, It's not about you Your Religious Beliefs will not help wake them up.

Admittedly, I'm projecting... I grew up as Catholic- But from ages 16-26, I was certain that there is no god...When People made comments similar to yours, It reinforced I was justified in considering Religion to be bullshit.

Thankfully now, I'm just as certain there is a god... There LITERALLY has to be.(IMO)

But People Find god/God Finds you...Very rarely is it found through a random persons pure Devotion and all encompassing relationship with god.

Vindicator ago

Well, Christians don't really have a choice. Jesus commanded his disciples "go forth and proclaim the Good News". He also said those who were lukewarm he would spit out of his mouth, salt that lost it's saltiness, or leaven that could no longer raise dough would be thrown out. Jesus taught quite a few ways to do so.

St. Francis of Assissi summarized them: "Proclaim the Gospel always. If you have to, use words."

It's not optional, though, for those who have known the Lord.

Lauraingalls ago

I was ONLY talking about the NEGATIVE STORIES in the media. I have no more control of what that "ENEMY" thinks than Q does. They criticize Q ALL THE TIME and President Trump too. NOBODY CAN STOP THEM. MAYBE SOMEDAY.

amarQ144 ago

yup...and the reverse of it is equally as true...

isalod_2298 ago

I prefer to be alone. Leas stupidity to listen to, less REEEEEE from triggered snowflakes. Peace and quiet 🀫

Lauraingalls ago

That is FUNNY. I do understand. I deal with KOOKINESS all week at work. I do need a BREAK. LOL.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/nQncx :

Christmas Is the Loneliest Time for Qanon Fans

This has been an automated message.

wikipiques ago

they say lonely like its a bad thing

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Just globalist extroverts projecting their own insecurities again.