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triple0 ago

This is your chance. Demand that the Quaran be banned because it says that Muhammad is a pedophile who married a 6 year old.

Complete, unadulterated horse shit. This piece of idiotic far right bullshit about Muhammad being a paedophile has been debunked by numerous religious scholars. It was not legal to marry children and hence Mohammad did not marry a child. I'm an atheist and it is very clear that these smear attacks against Islam are coming from radicalised Jews and Christian hypocrites. They cheat the voting system to get their lies to the top of the page.

MolochHunter ago

It hasn't been debunked by anyone but liars

It's in Islamic scripture, and Sharia law says menstruation is the legal age for marriage with sexual obligations as property of the husband. This is not in any doubt. This is championed and defended by millions of muslims. Criticising this is punishable by Sharia Law. The only times muslims deny this are the Taqqiya pedallers who want western civilization to sleep walk into their own subjugation for the global caliphate which is and has always been the aspiration of the Islamic patriarchy

SchlongKeyhote ago

lmao listen to yourself you hysterical faggot. 'global caliphate'? yeah im super fuckin worried about that. not the kikes who start the Mideast wars and parasitically feed off us through usury and brainwash our kids to be nigger-lovers and trannies.

no wonder you love Q; youre a complete dipshit with no sense of reality. do you really think menstruation wasn't the normal marriage age worldwide for millennia? why the fuck wouldn't it be you RETARD LMAOOOOO

MolochHunter ago


do you have a single friend?

I mean, in the world, let alone here on voat ?

SchlongKeyhote ago

who needs friends when I can fuck your pubescent daughter so she can fulfill her sole function as a baby-maker, you kike-loving lickspittle NIGGER?

we've tried handling sluts your way, CUCK! and look what you've done.

MolochHunter ago

what a sad, sad little moribund existence you must live.

so saturated in lustful contempt for the most vulnerable people amongst us, our children

SchlongKeyhote ago

omfg do u even know what the words u type mean?

moribund is your faggot cuckold country as I just showed you -- because your women (after UK the sluttiest and ugliest ive encountered) don't get pregnant early ENOUGH and abort whenever they do.

now your worthless degenerate country is gonna die out while my nubile wives make babies and cupcakes all fuckin day.


MolochHunter ago

So let me get this absolutely clear. You regard the sexual slavery of children as a matter of competition between civilizations?

Into the 🎤, please

auralsects ago

no. the sexual slavery of WOMEN is literally a matter of competition between civilizations and that's undeniable.

everywhere women are allowed to be things besides stay-at-home mothers during their fertile years you will find an utterly collapsed birth rate and civilizational decline.

you are a clueless, brainwashed boomerfag whose white-knighting is causing the physical annihilation of your people. and you think Jewanon arresting a few individuals will do the slightest thing to reverse this process.

what a sad figure you are.

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