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think- ago

Never forget that Sarah Champion, MP for Rotherham, had to step down from James Corbyn's shadow cabinet, because she dared to say that most perps were Muslims:

Left-Wing UK Parliament Member Slammed, Forced to Resign After Warning Of Pakistani Rape Gangs in Britain

Labour MP Sarah Champion has resigned from the shadow cabinet after she was criticised for penning an article in The Sun acknowledging the fact Pakistani Muslim men target white girls for sexual grooming.

The article, headlined, “British Pakistani men ARE raping and exploiting white girls – and it’s time we faced up to it”, read:

“Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls. There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is.”

MolochHunter ago

And who got promoted into her post? Naz "those girls should keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversity" Shah

the absolute state of Britain . Like Anne Marie Waters said, theyve imported 'Hell on earth'

SchlongKeyhote ago

Like Anne Marie Waters said, theyve imported 'Hell on earth'

you mean (((they))) you clueless boomer RETARD.

Waters is a lesbian uber-Zionist. Is there any kike-shill you DONT fall for??LMAO

think- ago

you mean (((they)))

Oh, you can be sure that your average straight white non-Zionist Brit totally shares her views. :-)

@darkknight111: Donkey got triggered again! ;-)

@Shizy @srayzie

SearchVoatBot ago

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SchlongKeyhote ago

btw link me to yalls explanation of the (((+))) thing a few days ago.

Jewtube was kind enough to recommend a video on it (whereas yesterday they shoahed several Zionist/Jew-critic channels outright) and dumb cunts like you in the comments were like "i think its hugs!"

then someone linked them to the explanation that it means 'kike' and she said "well i prefer to think it means hugs."

LOL that's you dumb whores and the entire Q Jewvment in a nutshell


think- ago

btw link me to yalls explanation of the (((+))) thing a few days ago.

Now you are even talking to the wrong person.

You really need some fresh air. Did you already finish your mum's laundry?

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @darkknight111

auralsects ago

No im aware that as a vag-nigger you can't commit to a hard position even on something as vital as whether the ostensibly most powerful man alive is on our side.

Your instinct is to avoid conflict and support your fellow vag-niggers

What a stupid bitch.