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think- ago

Today, four men of the Huddersfield Muslim child rape gang got sentenced:

Judge Phillips told the court (...): "It is likely that all of these girls will never recover from the abuse they suffered."

The gang was spearheaded by ringleader Amere Singh Dhaliwal, 36, of Huddersfield, who received a life sentence in June with a minimum term of 18 years, for 22 rapes involving 11 girls.

Akram was jailed for 17 years for trafficking for sexual exploitation and rape and Ahmed received five years for sexual assault and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

Ibrar received three years for trafficking for sexual exploitation and actual bodily harm and Bashir was sentenced to 11 years for rape and attempted rape.

It remains to be seen how much time they will actually have to spend in prison. I don't hold my breath.

MolochHunter ago

parole eligibility starts halfway through a sentance as a general rule

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Kahlypso79 ago

Catholics !! Anglicans : Mormons : Jews : Even at home they cant play with each other without raping children.. Muslims : Well.. Rotherham / Telford but just because everyone is crying out about Rotherham, please.. dont forget about Rochdale.. but.. dont worry.. dont think that they dont do it to their own as well.. Totally rampant! Buddhists?? not Buddhists too... and in Cambodia?

Does anyone feel left out?

These child raping Muslims in UK, they each and everyone of them, need to be castrated and have their fingers and toes cut off and their tongues pullled out (it hurts more) and their noses cut off as well (lets make sure they cant do anything to anynoe ever again.. and let them live long years of souffrance in that state, they deserve as much damage done to them as they did to their victims.)
However.. all of the othe pedophiles need to get the same treatement. The Catholic ones, the jewish the buddidsts, the new age religions.. holy crap those ones even promote pedophilia as a life choice for fucks sake!! All of them.. tongueless, fingerless, dick or vagina less. (yes..there are female pedophiles as well, just cut it all out from the cocsis to the naval, make sure they feel nothing ever again as relating to sexual satisfaction in their lifetime again, and may it be a long and miserable life)

MolochHunter ago

Am I correct though in observing that most cultures pedophiles predate upon their own most easily available children, whereas the 'diversity ' offered by these Sunni muslims is that they deliberately target children of other creeds as ' unbelievers'and therefore deserving of their fates?

Kahlypso79 ago

Hey Moloch - Pedophiles ALWAYS prey on the most easily available children. ALWAYS. What needs to be addressed in this case is WHY THE FUCK did these guys HAVE ACCESS to so many victims? Why didnt anybody say something and why did the police do nothing? Who is complicit in the local councils and mosques and schools? Otherwise its just going to be turned into "boo them" propoganda.. (and the victims get forgotten in a flurry of internet shitcalling). It's not as if Rotherhalm is an unique case or anything.. (you really have to ask yourself, WHY isnt anyone sdaying anything? Where are the feminists? (all scared of being called racists?) If you refer to Mohammed Shafiq's statements, you'll see that most of the grooming groups (and there are many) in UK targeet white girls because their OWN SOCIAL LAWS refuse that they have extra marital sex with Pakistani girls in their own close knit secular communities. In this particulier case of those muslim guys preying on those english girls, you'd be correct in associating the fact that the girls were non muslim that the rapists felt authoried to rape the girls. However.. that's just a basic tenant of zionism, you're the best, everyone else is your slave/product/cum dumpster if you so desire it. It isnt a concept (me great, you shit) that's unique to Sunnism (for the record Im not muslim, Im not championning anything, nor anyone, Im roman catholic and disgusted to be so) Throughout history all religious creeds boiled down to us right, them wrong.
But you musnt generalise that particular case to Muslims wanting to rape non muslim children all the time... Muslims abuse muslim children as well. And it's legal. Its called child brides.. You'll have heard of Bacha Bazi : It's their culture... Now.. once again... what the fuck are those people doing having access to those kids..

Lansing-Michigan ago

Remember the the video of the policeman who was from Minnesota and worked with NY police on pedophelia .........he said kids were picked up at juice bars and schools etc., the parents never said anything. I found that odd.

Kahlypso79 ago

hey friend - no I havent seen that - link? I'm not currently following Minnesota. What happened there?

Kahlypso79 ago

You may remember the story of Nujood Ali, married at 10 and raped by her husband until she escaped and got a divorce...She wrote a book about it and became rich. Happy ending?

think- ago

It's worthwhile following this guy on Twitter:

He is one of the Quillam researchers IIRC who found that 84% of convicted child rape gang members have a Muslim, mostly Pakistani background.

YogSoggoth ago

Unfortunately for the decent Muslims there, the culture followed. Nothing different from any other migrating culture, except for who let the bad ones in. Jews kill other jews all the time. Mexicans too. It is tribal folks.

think- ago

Some background info from a Wikipedia article about the Rotherham child rape gangs:

Evidence of the abuse was first noted in the early 1990s, when care home managers investigated reports that children in their care were being picked up by taxi drivers.

From at least 2001, multiple reports passed names of alleged perpetrators, several from one family, to the police and Rotherham Council. The first group conviction took place in 2010, when five British-Pakistani men were convicted of sexual offences against girls aged 12–16.

From January 2011 Andrew Norfolk of The Times pressed the issue, reporting in 2012 that the abuse in the town was widespread, and that the police and council had known about it for over ten years.

The Times articles, along with the 2012 trial of the Rochdale child sex abuse ring, prompted the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee to conduct hearings. Following this and further articles from Norfolk, Rotherham Council commissioned an independent inquiry led by Professor Alexis Jay. In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white girls,had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men. [But recent reports said that the number is 1,500+ victims.]

Trigger warning

The abuse included gang rape, forcing children to watch rape, dousing them with petrol and threatening to set them on fire, threatening to rape their mothers and younger sisters, and trafficking them to other towns.

The failure to address the abuse was attributed to a combination of factors revolving around race, class and gender—contemptuous and sexist attitudes toward the mostly working-class victims; fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism and damage community relations; the Labour council's reluctance to challenge a Labour-voting ethnic minority; lack of a child-centred focus; a desire to protect the town's reputation; and lack of training and resources.

And, as @MolochHunter has pointed out, victims were also abused by police and councillors.

Rotherham Council's chief executive, its director of children's services, and the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire Police all resigned.[25] The Independent Police Complaints Commission and the National Crime Agency both opened inquiries, the latter expected to last eight years.[26][27] The government appointed Louise Casey to conduct an inspection of Rotherham Council.[28] Published in January 2015, the Casey report concluded that the council had a bullying, sexist culture of covering up information and silencing whistleblowers, and was "not fit for purpose".

Continue reading here.

think- ago

Never forget that Sarah Champion, MP for Rotherham, had to step down from James Corbyn's shadow cabinet, because she dared to say that most perps were Muslims:

Left-Wing UK Parliament Member Slammed, Forced to Resign After Warning Of Pakistani Rape Gangs in Britain

Labour MP Sarah Champion has resigned from the shadow cabinet after she was criticised for penning an article in The Sun acknowledging the fact Pakistani Muslim men target white girls for sexual grooming.

The article, headlined, “British Pakistani men ARE raping and exploiting white girls – and it’s time we faced up to it”, read:

“Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls. There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is.”

MolochHunter ago

And who got promoted into her post? Naz "those girls should keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversity" Shah

the absolute state of Britain . Like Anne Marie Waters said, theyve imported 'Hell on earth'

SchlongKeyhote ago

Like Anne Marie Waters said, theyve imported 'Hell on earth'

you mean (((they))) you clueless boomer RETARD.

Waters is a lesbian uber-Zionist. Is there any kike-shill you DONT fall for??LMAO

think- ago

you mean (((they)))

Oh, you can be sure that your average straight white non-Zionist Brit totally shares her views. :-)

@darkknight111: Donkey got triggered again! ;-)

@Shizy @srayzie

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SchlongKeyhote ago

btw link me to yalls explanation of the (((+))) thing a few days ago.

Jewtube was kind enough to recommend a video on it (whereas yesterday they shoahed several Zionist/Jew-critic channels outright) and dumb cunts like you in the comments were like "i think its hugs!"

then someone linked them to the explanation that it means 'kike' and she said "well i prefer to think it means hugs."

LOL that's you dumb whores and the entire Q Jewvment in a nutshell


think- ago

btw link me to yalls explanation of the (((+))) thing a few days ago.

Now you are even talking to the wrong person.

You really need some fresh air. Did you already finish your mum's laundry?

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @darkknight111

auralsects ago

No im aware that as a vag-nigger you can't commit to a hard position even on something as vital as whether the ostensibly most powerful man alive is on our side.

Your instinct is to avoid conflict and support your fellow vag-niggers

What a stupid bitch.

MolochHunter ago

Shlong, stop typing, ur moms calling. She wants you to put the bins out

think- ago

.....after he will have finished the laundry....

@srayzie @Shizy

think- ago

Naz "those girls should keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversity" Shah

Yep. :-/

Also 'priceless': Pop singer Lily Allen, who said 'Grooming Gang Victims Would Have Been Raped ‘By Somebody Else’ if Muslim Abusers Were Absent'.

think- ago

making it distinctly, unequivocally, incontrovertibly a function of Pakistani Sunni Muslim CULTURE, as opposed to individuals acting in contravention of their culture

Yes. See Sacrificing Our Daughters: On The Psychology Of Islamic Rape-Gangs -

'A new report by Quilliam International has found an alarming level of over-representation of (South) Asian men in group-based child sexual exploitation crimes, otherwise known as ‘grooming gangs’.

'Both authors, CEO Haras Rafiq and Researcher Muna Adil, are of British Pakistani heritage and, in light of recent events, deemed it necessary for a strong voice from within the community to add a balanced and evidence-based view to the discussion surrounding grooming gangs.

Haras Rafiq said:

''We didn’t want there to be a pattern of people from our ethnic demographic carrying out these attacks. But unfortunately, we were proven wrong.

Muna Adil said:

“There are elements from within the British Pakistani community that still subscribe to outdated and sexist views of women embedded within their jaded interpretations of Islam.

These backward views are passed down from generation to generation.

The report consists of a comprehensive data analysis of grooming gang cases identified in the UK since 2005. Ten case studies from 2010-2017 are also analysed in depth to help determine any similarities and identify any patterns that exist across the cases.

Most of these men are of Pakistani (Muslim) origin, and the majority of their victims are young, white girls. The report suggests that the background of these men has influenced their actions.

The report found that 84% of ‘grooming gang’ offenders were (South) Asian, while they only make up 7% of total UK population and that the majority of these offenders are of Pakistani origin with Muslim heritage.

The report later goes on to discuss and analyse these cultural and religious contexts in order to explain why this demographic features so prominently in this specific crime. The report concludes with a number of recommendations that we hope will begin the process of working towards resolutions.

It is the hope of the authors that this report sparks much-needed dialogue that is nuanced and evidence-based, and replaces the reactionary attitudes that currently plague the public sphere regarding any issues that directly or indirectly involve minorities'.

SchlongKeyhote ago

“There are elements from within the British Pakistani community that still subscribe to outdated and sexist views of women embedded within their jaded interpretations of Islam.

you mean the view that a girl on a street corner offering sex for money is a worthless whore? yea that's not a "backward Pakistani Islamic" view.

and the majority of their victims are young, white girls.

yea because the shit-skins don't let their daughters hang out with strangers offering sex for money

how outdated and sexist XD

MolochHunter ago

they need a tweak on their stats, there. 84% of offenders, but 7% is the overall Asian population - halve that for men, weed out the Sihks and Hindus, exlude those under 15 and over, say 60, and you probably have a 84% / 2% comparison

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

Please read my post 'Child Rape Gangs Are Littered Across The UK - 'The UK Is A Paedophile's Paradise' with more info about police investigations throughout the UK, and how vicims perceive police efforts.

think- ago

The article is really nice. I read another one two or three days ago where it said that they only talked to a tiny faction of survivors. Will try to find it, and edit the comment.

think- ago

Oh boy. I never heard about the Sandwell cases before. :-/

MolochHunter ago

well if that Bradford case is reporting over 1000 in 1 year it pretty much is on par with sandwells 6000 in 5 years

think- ago

Well, that would make sense - both cities have about 300,000 inhabitants.

MolochHunter ago

i think theres some encouraging signs the British establishment is pulling its finger out and prosecuting more perps

think- ago

At the same time, Sarah Champion, the MP for Rotherham, has voiced her concern that the number of of perps receiving custodial sentences has dropped:

[She] has expressed concern the number of people receiving custodial sentences for child sexual abuse (CSA) has fallen despite such crimes continuing to happen on a "massive scale".

Rotherham MP Sarah Champion (pictured) said fewer cases are being passed on to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and police "cannot cope" with the volume of offences.

Ms Champion said figures she obtained from the Ministry of Justice show the number of CSA offenders receiving a custodial sentence at crown court dropped 4.7% in 2017 - the first decline since 2013.

think- ago

Thanks for the link. Please see my edited comment above. I will submit it as a seperate post now, so users will be able to read it together with your post.

Yes, I think that public pressure has led to some results. Sadly, we will need to keep the pressure up. I was actually shocked when I read the number of 'sexual exploitation cases' in Bradford, Yorkshire - Bradford is a rather small town, like Telford, and they had more than 1,000 in a short period of time. :-/

Btw, @MolochHunter, was it you who did a post some months ago where all convictions of child rape gang members were listed? Looking for that post, thought I'd ask you before searching your submission history. ;-)


MolochHunter ago

Methodical Verification of 73 UK Grooming Gangs with Cultural Marxism as a contributing factor to perpetuating the abuse

think- ago

Thank you! :-)