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maggiethatcher ago

It's not the same as paedophilia. It's rape jihad, a specific form.

Committed by muslim males against white and sikh girls because they are "dirty kuffar".

If you don't understand this you need to learn about Islam and why it promotes hatred of all other people and religions

truthdemon ago

How do u explain the pedo rings in parliament ... I admit islam is a problem..just read the koran ..its a joka and a half that people who read that book ..arr even allowed to be taken seriously...a comedy of errors ... But the error is being used to program a populace ..and the gang culture that exisst in any society is readymade in islamic societies especiallly in pakistan ... If u understand that pakistan is an mi6 construct created by british agent and fteemason amjad ali khan for the british ...and the operations are carried out by aga khan ..whi i strongly believe is running these rings... One also has to understand the mechanics of the debt currency system to know that we are physically funding these mongrels... If we reduce debt at the teewsury it will be the begininng of the end of this system..we then dont have to delegate respinsibility to the govt ..we can under commonlaw and universal jurisdiction form military tribunals...and charge the culprtits... People and institutions are run by the deep state to generate more debt currency and deposits for bank.. If u look at how aga khan launders his money via international bank is the bug banks who requite deposits from outusde that creates the pressure inside an econimy to run criminal rings that generate the paper cash required to shift and money launder depisots into the banking system ..if u kook at the bigger picture is the banking debt system that is the force behind criminality ..and use of children as a commodity...a child can generate way.more money than a woman proatitute.. ..banks were built off feeding opium to the chinese ....niw instead of feeding opium to the masses to generate bank deposits..they r feeding chilsren..for rape rings, organ trafficking and snuff child porn ..that generates huge amoints of cash in a short time..that provides short term liquidity to support the banks long term debt system...

UN repirt on thr 2008 mortgage crisis points out that the entire financial system was propped up by laundered offshore funds providing liquidity to the troubled big banks...

Any surprise that pakistan the mi6 opium state is also farming children ...

maggiethatcher ago

I am sure a lot of this is true

truthdemon ago

It is true...i always get negative votes when i reveal the truth.. This forum is rigged and is a counter intelligence operation to stop the peagasus museum invrstigation...itnhas done its job of veering the crowd away from the kill room and thr cinnecticut avenue child logistic operation...any business that requires supply of high profit value commodity for the elite requires a logistic network from procurement , transport , distribution, resource allocation for rape rings , abuse and snuff movies and its retail , waste managemnt and disposal via high end restaurents and orgwn trafficking offering tender or dark child meat for cannibals.. At every stage , profits are extracted and maximised ...lime how one would set up a chicken supply network.. In india black chickens arr used for medic8ne and are a rarity .. I have heard from someone who works innshipping that there are giant ships off dubai run as offwhore companies ...skinning human flesh...maybe for high.end Human leathrr products

Therr is only one way out ..and its not staying inside the debt system

SchlongKeyhote ago

Anti-human trafficking advocates on this forum are likely all familiar with the UK Grooming Gang phenomenon, of which there is a certain level of overlap with the Human Trafficking Network of the Global Elite which is the target of the Pizzagate community.

^ zero source given for any connection btwn elite and horny pervert shit-skins. zero of the "thousands" (or even potentially "ONE MILLION" <--LMAO) victims have even alleged this afaik.

but you didn't even ask for a source because you WANT to believe it, and because you're a terrible moderator.

Both Sara and Sammy believe the only way to stem the flow of grooming gangs is to teach boys about consent and respect for women.

LOL! this is obviously about women not respecting THEMSELVES.

All these victims are daughters of BY CHOICE single-mothers (+900% chance of being molested) who witness a stream of men sleeping with their mothers and naturally get the idea that their bodies are mere bargaining chips and their virginities not important.

UK 2010: Half of single mothers never live with partner after being enticed by benefits 'lifestyle choice'

This is why we used to relocate single-mother kids to foster homes and throw the slut in a convent. Because illegitimacy is an assault on society.

It is also why we didn't sexualize our children by exposing them to pornographic pop culture and primary-school sex ed.

Women have ONE JOB: to not have sex/get pregnant until they're married.

UK deserves this for allowing Jews to debase their kids and import millions of shit-skins.

Vindicator ago

This is obscene. Is it me, or do we seem to be picking up momentum with the exposure of this sick shit?

truthdemon ago

Its the same old ...laughing in our faces..that is the job of media.. U will.find no.remedy inside the debt system...where we use our remedy to fund the banks that launder.moeny for these mongrels.. And this is not as sick as the connecticut avenue logistics operatiin and its side business the pegasus kill room operations ..that this forum makes sure it avoids

Vindicator ago

that this forum makes sure it avoids

Debt slavery is a very real issue, truthdemon -- the most widely perpetrated form of slavery in this world. It's not that we avoid it here, it's that our subverse has a limited focus on elite abuse of kids. You'd need to focus on evidence that pizzagate blackmail has been used to prevent the financial crisis banksters from being prosecuted, for example.

This is a topic that would be totally appropriate for v/GreatAwakening, though, since Q has mentioned the nefarious rise of the Federal Reserve. If you make a thread about it, please ping me.

Have you seen any of the work by David Ramsey, who helps families become debt free?

truthdemon ago

Everyone is a voluntary debt slave..u r under statute law becasue one uses the banking also givee licence to the one we delegatr authority and power to rape kids and get away with it..all becassue we r too lazy to understand the bigger picture that we r all inside a game set up by the papal bull of dum diverrsas..of 1452...the basis if i ternational law.. ..ur only silution to solving the continued rape and killing of children is to activate universal taking part in reducing debt at the treasury ..instead of increasing debt at the banking asystem This is why the elite laygh at us ..they have completely brainwashed us into us avoiding the use of our own piwer to activate universal jurisdiction ..with the power to control the US and its statutory powers and war powers... Trump is just a figure head..we t the one in co trol..but lend it to the debt game and hence ha ve to be under its policy.. .. Sad that people cant even find half an hour to research the birth trust that is ur name and collateral tp the debt system...and tge remedy it offers... Anyway this place does not offer the only solution...i am sorry to say u r wasting ur time if u dont address activating universal jurisdiction...

truthdemon ago

In plces like the third world it is out in the open...but people are so brainwashed they stick their heads in the sand... Money laundering from child rape rings , kidnapping organ trafficking is rife and literally running the medical and film industry..

..there is no other way but to create a breakaway civilsation based in reducing debt at the treasury... ...and have the treasury directly hold all property and set off bills of the return they will have to aknowledge our power of them , their statutues and i stitutions and agents that run them... Its called universal jurisdiction...which only we can hold... As trump reading from the teleprompter admits ..even the UN has no right to hold even near universal jurisdiction over the people of this planet ...only individials can hold it..not statutary institutions

think- ago

Is it me, or do we seem to be picking up momentum with the exposure of this sick shit?

Yes, we are making progress, thanks to people like Sarah Champion, and many others. Like @MolochHunter has said in a comment on his thread about Rotherham.

But we have to keep up the pressure - there are still not enough police investigators and CPS investigators dealing with the rape gangs.

Really the only thing that has helped is pressure from victims, victims coming forward, and people taking sides of victims/survivors.

think- ago

Ty! :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are welcome.

think- ago

New child abuse cases 'not pursued' says MP for Huddersfield

West Yorkshire MP Barry Sheerman said new child abuse cases were not being taken on by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

In the Commons he cited "senior police sources" as saying the CPS did not have the capacity to take on new cases.

Mr Sheerman is the Labour MP for Huddersfield where 20 members of a grooming gang who sexually abused vulnerable girls were recently convicted of more than 120 offences against 15 girls.

"...So that men that they know have dreadful offences against children, these cases are not being pursued because the Crown Prosecution Service does not have the resources."

Nick Smith, Labour MP for Blaenau Gwent, had earlier warned: "The CPS has lost more than 400 prosecutors due to cuts since 2010.

think- ago

List of British towns with Muslim child rape gangs (to be continued):

Accrington, Aylesbury, Banbury, Blackburn, Bradford, Bristol, Burton on Trent, Canterbury, Chelmsford, Coventry, Derby, Dewsbury, Halifax, Huddersfield, Keightly, Leeds, Newcastle, Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford.

Pablolove ago

And the legal system makes it almost impossible to get a conviction.

truthdemon ago

Thats why i said to reduce debt at the US treasury ..and turn the US into ur debtor..

think- ago

'An MP has expressed concern the number of people receiving custodial sentences for child sexual abuse (CSA) has fallen despite such crimes continuing to happen on a "massive scale".

Rotherham MP Sarah Champion (pictured) said fewer cases are being passed on to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and police "cannot cope" with the volume of offences.

Ms Champion said figures she obtained from the Ministry of Justice show the number of CSA offenders receiving a custodial sentence at crown court dropped 4.7% in 2017 - the first decline since 2013.'

watchers ago

makes me want to remake Deathwish in the UK.

MolochHunter ago

I think it was a girl from Rochdale who said she'd been raped by over 300 men by her 14th birthday

jesus wept

truthdemon ago

He weeps because we fund this behaviour by worshipping and depending on the debt system and banks... We have to take responisbiluty n..not shift it onto our debtor the govt

Who is the debtor.. Is her majesty the debtor to u .... Or

Are u the debtor to her majesty...?