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MolochHunter ago

I did a comparison on this on 2 government studies to assess the prevalence / incidence between Christian Church abuse and Grooming gangs

UK Alexis Jay report 1700 girls over 16 years in Rotherham = 110 girls per year

Australian Royal Commission into church abuse 4444 victims over 35 years = 126 children per year

110: 126 ratio - reasonably comparable - but:

Rotherham is 1% of Australia's population. So stated otherwise, Rotherham's children are more likely to be raped by muslims than Australian kids are by priests by a factor of SEVENTY TWO to ONE

auralsects ago

You're comparing girls who prostituted themselves for candy to religious students being raped by trusted authority figures.

Good work, dipshit.

Shizy ago

Hey blowjob, how are you anal fissures healing up? Stop being a faggot and your ass may heal!

MolochHunter ago

you're a fucking foul cocksucking demon imp from the plane of shit-stain

these girls had no agency in their exploitation. People like you have agency in their exploitation

auralsects ago

LMAO yeah those chocolates are literally IRRESISTIBLE! what choice did they have.

It's actually YOUR fault, faggot.

I would have gassed the filthy kikes who saturate British youth in degeneracy long ago. I'd also relocate kids of single moms since it increases the risk of abuse by a whopping 900%.

I wouldn't have let kikes import shitskins into my white country either.

It's YOU and the other women here who don't have will to do anything substantive like that.

That's why I can bring facts and answers to the table here, whereas you make laughably misguided statistical analyses as if you're smart and spam Q links all day.

Because you're not smart. You are in fact very stupid and naive.

MolochHunter ago

im glad youve wasted your pathetic allotment of daily comments on pointless drivel, anal insects. Feel better?

MolochHuntersAFaggot ago

'register in seconds'

Do you feel better getting completely destroyed in this thread by a superior being?

Jews like Redstone (Rothstein) of MTV debase and sexualize our kids ON PURPOSE, dumbfuck.

That is the reason these girls WHORED THEMSELVES VOLUNTARILY before getting drunkenly passed around.

You don't care about that because you don't have the balls to identify perpetrators; then something might have to be done. You aren't even half a man.

Kill yourself, larper faggot

MolochHunter ago


MolochHuntersAFaggot ago

I thought I told you to kill yourself. how can you still be posting

DerivaUK ago

Thanks @Think.

think- ago

Welcome, Deriva. As you see, someone got triggered, lol. :-)

darkknight111 ago

He just made a new alt. MolochHuntersAFaggot. Gaming system to get around down voats. Hallmark of a shill.

DerivaUK ago

Eloquence is preferred when I’m suppressing rage. For now.

auralsects ago

This post exemplifies everything I've been saying.

A naïve, inept woman (a moderator no less!) trumpets as factual a dubious source (a YouTube polemicist) on something not even related to pizzagate.

For starters it's not pedophilia because the vast majority of girls are pubescent, which is how they are in a position to PROSTITUTE THEMSELVES IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Indeed, some had children of their own

If you can buy sex from a girl with candy and loose cigarettes, it is SHE who has decided that she is "worthless."

While these Muslims should be definitely be shot, this MORAL FAILURE of British parents in allowing a generation of single-mom latchkey-kid street-rats starved for male attention and sexualized early is THEIR FAULT.

BRITISH PARENTS tolerate a beyond-parody sexualized culture from the topless page-3 newspaper tradition to the primetime "Sex Box" show where faggots sodomize each other onstage then discuss it in a panel.

British youth have sex in the early teens anyway, to zero moral outrage.

All this popular culture is of course produced by JEWS and not Muslims, so this is a perfect example of blame-shifting.

For the same reason you will find that all anti-immigration movements are Jewish controlled opposition, although Jews boast they are responsible for immigration in the first place.

Of course, Jews also have a holy book that you can claim motivates their behavior -- yet you have never seen me do that, because I DON'T NEED TO.

Jews ARE the elite pedophile rings and we see it here every single day where rarely a gentile is posted.

Israel is also known to be the principal destination for fraud-based sexual enslavement as shown in their own media.

European Jews, situated as they were in trade-route cities along main waterways, have historically dominated "white slavery." This is also admitted on the Jewish World Encyclopedia for example.

@think- Are you starting to appreciate how utterly LOST you are in this fight compared to those of us who actually know the problem and do our research?

You hobbyist women are USEFUL IDIOTS to the real criminals. You are too naïve to be of any use, and this post is yet further proof.

DerivaUK ago

Jump outside of your Jewellery box for a minute and see the bigger picture. No one suggested for one it was Muslims who enabled, protected, assisted, orchestrated the perpetrators; it is the higher echelons of a corrupt establishment that bestows these bastards with the mentality that they’re free to commit heinous acts upon young vulnerable girls with impunity; for if your colourful, graphic description about their background is the case, then yes, this will be exactly what rendered them vulnerable. The en masse sexual exploitation of young children by a group of men who are aided and abetted by elites is exactly what Pizzagate is. It’s an English problem, for now. Is that what triggers you? You’re obviously a Brit hater on top of all the other hatreds you harbour, you bitter, sad fuck.

DomKeyhote ago

WTF are you babbling about, cunt?

A bunch of dirty old Muslim men passed around a bunch of dirty whore white girls. There's nothing elite about it and the cover-up was precisely to provoke your outrage at perceived immigrant special treatment rather than the root cause of your girls being such dirty, dirty whores, which is JEWS.

they heat the hospitals with aborted fetuses. Average brritish girl age 21 has had 9 sexual partners.

You people deserve much worse. You're definitely going to hell lol

srayzie ago

Jump outside of your Jewellery box for a minute and see the bigger picture.

😂🙄 Let that faggot have it!

DomKeyhote ago

" I never heard of people not liking jews until this site lol"

That's you a few months ago. Nobody cares what some slag so open about her own ignorance thinks. So don't chime in, you obnoxious sagging twat.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

More Mohammed's than you can Sheik a stick at.

TheDrOfJournalism ago

I am a long time lurker here, having checked in periodically since 2016. I seen the CPP 'shooter' psyop unfold live if that lives you an idea for long how I've been reading about specifically PizzaGate, having read about systematic sexual abuse from when everything came out about Jimmy Savile. But I've never felt the need to post, until now.

Although what you say is happening, it is women's own problem. Not the children being groomed and raped who do need help, but for those who have passed the age of consent, they're on their own. For 60 years now women have screamed that they don't need men and they are equal to and even superior to men in every way. Women killed the attitude among men of wanting to give their seat up for a female and it's that same attitude that will have men turn their backs on women being harassed by anyone including migrants even if that woman is also white. Women demanded men be stripped of their status, power and authority but all the while wanted us to maintain our responsibilities and that's what I've joined to say. That apart from children, and immediate family, as far as I'm concerned, women can stick that responsibility on someone else who will risk their life to protect them as they are. And men, I encourage you all to do the same until women change their behaviours in marriage, divorce, family court, until false rape accusations are treated as harshly as rape, and a plethora of other things currently stacking the deck against us.

And as for why the women are being treated like they are worthless is because they act worthless. Don't worry though, a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. 🚲 So men are worthless too. It's so great, what we have become.

MolochHunter ago

theres some merit to the first half of your post. But to conclude that 11 year old girls who are just curious to know what its like to be kissed by a boy, who then get tricked into enfrced prostitution at pain of death threeats and rape threats against their mum if they tell - to suggest they are responsible for that outcome?

you're a fucked up piece of shit

auralsects ago

"tricked into prostitution"

"groomed with gifts"

lmao. If it's pedo child rape why the need to euphemize like some KIKE?

Why don't you refute my sourced comment, tough guy?

Shizy ago

Mohammed was a pedo and he's now being ass raped in hell by a filthy Jew!!!!

MolochHunter ago

because i like watching you spin your wheels hanging on responses that will never come from people who think you're a link stuck on the colon of a flea

auralsects ago

LOL meaning you can't refute it because you're a fuckin moron with zero critical thinking skills.

You're exactly the type of "truther" that the kikes play like a fiddle, and it is embarrassing. You should probably kill yourself.

MolochHunter ago

and blocked

go project your existential self loathing on someone else

think- ago

theres some merit to the first half of your post


MolochHunter ago

2nd wave feminists turned on chivalry, they argued it was patronising and denied them agency

this was a terrible mistake

what redemptive feature does masculinity have if not to soften the path of those more vulnerable ?

darkknight111 ago

I take pride in my chivarly...because I'm a gentleman

think- ago

Please stick to it. Chivalry is great. :-)


MolochHunter ago

I'll just lay my cloak across the puddle of @auralsects verbal diahorrea for you, then, shall I?

think- ago

Awww.....that would be lovely, @MolochHunter, you are a true gentleman! :-) ;-)

Shizy ago

I see you two are flirting again 💜! How cute, but don't let @srayzie see!!!

think- ago

But that's in which way related to rapes...?

MolochHunter ago

not at all

the OP had departed from the context of rape and into his grievances against women in general, which is probably the most stupid and counterproductive avenue of pursuing gender politics grievances

think- ago

the OP had departed from the context of rape and into his grievances against women in general, which is probably the most stupid and counterproductive avenue of pursuing gender politics grievances


DerivaUK ago

Woah! Someone’s a little emasculated methinks.

auralsects ago

More white women OPPOSE a border wall in the US than HISPANICS do.

You should be gagged, muzzled, gagged again, and chained to/in an oven for your flippant attitude towards having destroyed a prosperous and happy society.

Dude gave his honest take but you instinctively get defensive and attack him personally.

Because women are fatuous, not serious beings, and deep down you know this, but as a brainwashed post-modern woman, the inferiority bothers you instead of being appreciated as natural.

Thus you are not even a real person; you are living a lie, with no self-awareness. Can you comprehend, woman?

Shizy ago

Hey oral, I just had some delicious ribs! You like pork ribs right? Soooo good!!!

And Mohamed is a dirty pedophile 🖕🏻

DerivaUK ago

One certainty; I could never be inferior In your presence, fool.

TheDrOfJournalism ago

Insulted, yes, emasculated, no. I as a man define what being a man means and in a time like we live I cannot be a man and accept women as they are.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

post about em on the internet, that'll show those damn women

DerivaUK ago

much as I might enjoy a general debate on gender roles and the apparent historical demasculinisation to which you allude, it does not fall within the context of this post. The topic is the sexual exploitation of young, predominantly white females by older predominantly Muslim men and the socio political constraints preventing the phenomenon being adequately and appropriately addressed. In fact, I’d go as far as to warn that your little anti-feminist diatribe is sailing perilously close to implying that these young girls invited their subjugation purely upon the basis of their being female. Tread carefully when you attempt to use that brush and tar. Maybe best you go back to lurking in the shadows, because those kinds of views you express are inflammatory and the only ones being insulted here are female

TheDrOfJournalism ago

Can't address what I have said, so instead think of what I've said might possibly could be twisted into so that something easier address might possibly could be implied although not directly stated. Yeah, that's dismantled my beliefs.

DerivaUK ago

English please?

TheDrOfJournalism ago

It's already in English. What I am saying is that you're not replying to something I've actually said, you're replying to what something I didn't say could have meant. I am in no way suggesting anything untoward about 'young girls' in the sense that they bring any sexual attacks on themselves. Nor do I believe women can do anything which equates to 'asking for rape'. My lack of desire to help any women in need isn't low because of their sexually promiscuous behaviour. They may not even have been promiscuous but they will have qualities that removes any interest I may have had risking my own life to save their life and I encourage all other men to do the same. It's not about abusing women, it's about not drowning in the sea because you value yourself above any random women who in times gone past, would have lived as men would have sacraficed themselves.

DomKeyhote ago

"In fact, I’d go as far as to warn that your little anti-feminist diatribe is sailing perilously close to implying that these young girls invited their subjugation purely upon the basis of their being female."


DerivaUK ago

Sure you’re not one of them? You certainly sound like you might be....

think- ago

Interesting thought Deriva....why hasn't that occured to me before? He certainly has the mindset of a child rape gang member.

@srayzie @Shizy @Vindicator @bopper

srayzie ago

I wouldn’t doubt it. He’s said shocking things. He has extreme hate for females. He told me that women should be raped and thrown in a dungeon starting at the age of 12.

think- ago

Yes, I remember that. What he doesn't realize is that he only proved my point by leaving comments with his various alts here on the thread. LOL.

DerivaUK ago


auralsects ago

Jews did this.

Women here protect the Jew because they believe that evil whites magically gassed and cremated six MILLION Jews in only 18 months.

Pizzagate could very well be the only chance in our lifetimes to Expose the Nose, and here you have a woman warning us about Muslims, who, if they held power instead of Jews, would have our women virgins until becoming happy housewives

TheDrOfJournalism ago

I don't think of it like that. It's too simplistic. Yes women are failing but so are men. Yes there's corrupt Jews but not all Jews are corrupt. Then there's the same types among Catholics and Muslims and secular groups, businesses, charities, royal dynasties and far more groups who are responsible for things being as they are, down to me and you.

And Holocaust denial? I don't know what to say to that.

DomKeyhote ago

Don't be a fucking moron.

All the original feminists were Jews except de Bouvoir, whose lover was such a philosemite he wrote a book about it.

Holocaust is a ridiculous lie and it is embarrassing that a "truther" believes something that childs arithmetic disproves. SIX MILLION CORPSES DONT DISAPPEAR AND YOU CANT BURN THEM ALL IN A MATTER OF MONTHS.


Kekmet-Peperoni ago

It largely underage girls its happening to. They need the mental advantage they have over an inebriated child.

backthefuckup ago

Muslim is not a nationality....

derram ago :

Sacrificing Our Daughters: On the Psychology of Islamic Rape-Gangs - YouTube

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

answeringmuslims -

quilliaminternational -