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darkknight111 ago Steven Spielberg has mafia ties via the Bronfman family.

Bronfmans are a known mafia family.

auralsects ago

You are so fucking stupid.

Bronfmans are KNOWN for liquor and Zionist/Jewish advocacy.

SOME know that the Jewish mafia (not just bootlegging) was far more lucrative and violent than the Italians. But most associate it exclusively with Italians due to films produced by Jews like Spielberg.

So your comment was effectively the INVERSE OF THE TRUTH.

The guy who makes hit-piece threads and calls me dumb/Nazi shill.

What a fucking clown.

shadow332 ago

He calls you a "Nazi shill" for pointing out there is a Jewish mafia? Who the fuck doesn't know this? To the others reading this: just look up "The Purple Gang".

think- ago

He is peeved because @darkknight111 did a post about his pro-Islam and pro-pedo shilling:

'Islam and auralsect's pedo problem'