T2Anon ago

This has got to be illegal. Conflict of interest?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

One witness, for example, told the government that, after she received a subpoena to testify before a grand jury, a lawyer for one of the defendants put her in touch with another lawyer who said Bronfman was covering his fees. This lawyer allegedly instructed the witness to invoke the Fifth Amendment, which grants a right against self-incrimination, and if she did not, he “would not feel comfortable continuing to represent” her. When the witness asked whether she could simply pay his fees herself, the lawyer said his fees were “expensive,” the letter reads. He said he could refer her to another lawyer instead.

I've been reviewing Epstein articles and this is EXACTLY the same kind of weaponized perversion of the legal system he was running with Dershowitz, Ken Starr and the gang. Disgusting.

fogdryer ago

still is in denial I guess

darkknight111 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2698113 Steven Spielberg has mafia ties via the Bronfman family.

Bronfmans are a known mafia family.

auralsects ago

You are so fucking stupid.

Bronfmans are KNOWN for liquor and Zionist/Jewish advocacy.

SOME know that the Jewish mafia (not just bootlegging) was far more lucrative and violent than the Italians. But most associate it exclusively with Italians due to films produced by Jews like Spielberg.

So your comment was effectively the INVERSE OF THE TRUTH.

The guy who makes hit-piece threads and calls me dumb/Nazi shill.

What a fucking clown.

shadow332 ago

He calls you a "Nazi shill" for pointing out there is a Jewish mafia? Who the fuck doesn't know this? To the others reading this: just look up "The Purple Gang".

think- ago

He is peeved because @darkknight111 did a post about his pro-Islam and pro-pedo shilling:

'Islam and auralsect's pedo problem'


carmencita ago

Yes Exactly. The Purple Gang


The Purple Gang originated in Detroit. Dalitz, who once lived in Detroit and had family there, had connections to the Purple Gang but his main influence was in Cleveland. Born in Boston, Dalitz moved to Cleveland and used the name Maurice Davis so he wouldn't embarrass his family, who remained in Detroit and ran a legitimate laundry business.

The Bronfman (Edgar left) family started out in the hotel business in Canada but during Prohibition they reportedly made tremendous profits by shipping liquor into the United States, reportedly shipping booze through Cleveland, Detroit and New York.

Dalitz's connection to the Bronfman family stemmed from the fact that the Bronfmans shipped most of their liquor through Cleveland because of the city's proximity to the Canadian border. However, the Bronfmans also dealt with the Purple Gang in Detroit, and with various New York bootleggers including Luciano (right), Lansky and Arnold Rothstein. The Bronfmans were always entertained lavishly and treated to the best seats at boxing matches by their underworld hosts. After Prohibition, the Bronfmans' distilleries were among the most profitable in the liquor industry.

Keep reading, this article is a real eye opener.

shadow332 ago

It's funny how so little coverage is done on this gang. People often go for the Spielberg depiction of mafia in America as "Italians".

carmencita ago

People are up on all kinds of things today, you can find out anything right? But when you talk about things like the Mafia they think it is dead. All they know about is MS 13 and Street Gangs. It's so easy to look up but they don't want to know is my take. If it leads to their precious Hollywod, look out. We can't have that. ;I don't know how anyone can think Spielberg is Italian. LOL.

auralsects ago

they just say we're trying to discredit 'the movement' to 'the public' thru anti-Semitism

I directly refuted this by finding a WaPo article literally about Alefantis, post-Pizzagate, going to Cuba just to visit Jews:


the article typically mentions her parents fleeing the Holocaust, how Jews’ eternal persecution has shaped the cuisine, etc, yet when it NAME-DROPS PIZZAGATE AND THAT GAY JEW CHEF ALEFANTIS THEY DON’T LABEL IT A “FAR-RIGHT ANTI-SEMITIC THEORY” OR ANYTHING AT ALL.

seeing it again the whole thread is fairly epic, as I was freshly red-pilled on JQ + white genocide + women's hopeless naivete about race.

a bitch sincerely engages with me and my frustration with her stupidity becomes evident

...that bitch now runs the Qtard sub which is a circle-jerk of boomer women saying shit like this in literal "STOP NAMING THE JEW!" threads just a few hours ago: https://i.imgsafe.org/a1/a185f23420.jpeg

one of the most active posters here in v/pizzagate scolded me with this, and I got banned for mocking her https://i.imgsafe.org/a1/a185102c97.jpeg

man_with_titties ago

The deflection is not just practiced on Italians. They like to talk about the Russian mafia, but its headquarters are Tel Aviv.

Nobody suffers more from organised crime than the ethnic group which it uses as a base. Nevertheless, they contribute greatly to philanthropies to buy the respect of their community. The Bronfmans are one of the biggest philanthropists in the Jewish world. Their philanthropy is their insurance policy which allows them to hide behind the whole community.

think- ago

@new4now: Have you seen this post?

shadow332 ago

Thanks to @think- for suggesting I post this here.

think- ago

Welcome, shadow, and thanks for crossposting.