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Nefarious-Nephilim ago

I can tell you for a fact it was known about 18 years ago as a problem up and down the country from a copper. I have known about it for 20 years after witnessing a friend getting out of a car being threatened and talking about it with a social worker, who said "we (the local authority) know about it but there are social concerns", But I've heard 40 to 50 years. And like I said they knew it was happening to schoolgirls.

I didn't know about this, but it doesn't shock me.

It is not an "informed choice" to accept a ride from a paki who then picks up his friends to get driven into the middle of no-where and threatend to be abandoned if they don't do everything they want. Which is to be gang raped then threatened to have their family set on fire if they say anything. THAT IS A FUCKING CRIME.

Not getting into a car because its driven by a Paki "THATS RACIS' "

If they didn't get into their cars because they didn't want to be raped there would be a "lets not be racis' " campaign in schools to encourage it, and "concern for community cohesion" or some other bollocks.

The fucking pigs who let this happen are fucking complicit.

auralsects ago

actually it sounds like you don't know much about it at all.

near 100% are latchkey kids of single moms (by choice) who exchange very small gifts for sex and end up getting passed around. we know this because they admit to it.

pretty pathetic how UK adults take no responsibility for their degenerate alcoholic culture -- do you understand that your girls are notorious as the biggest sluts in the entire world? clearly they don't value their sexuality.

I always ask British girls when they lost their virginity, and they are not at all ashamed to say 14.

This stuff doesn't happen overnight.

Jews degenerate the culture,

bring in Pakis who must prey on white girls because Paki girls are appropriately beaten if they act like whores,

pay controlled opposition figures like Tommy Robinson to keep focus on Muslims rather than the Jews who brought them in the first place

And absolute retards like @MolochHunter are too stupid to see what's going on.

You people deserve this. For being degenerates, Zionists and Jew-lovers. Just look how traitorous and cowardly the police are ffs.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Latchkey kids from single moms (by choice) near 100% eh? Your the one who doesn't know shit.

It would happen to girls in stable families, kids in care, families working 4 jobs between 2 parents to afford to live in a nice area, who would be GROOMED, given gifts and shit to garner trust by a lad more their own age, so when they were in a car driven to a house for a "gathering" with someone they trust, they wouldn't expect it to be full of middle aged predators nor would they expect to be gang raped in an unfamiliar area, or that something like that would ever happen or that "uck parties" even existed. You stupid fuck.

If you haven't bought gifts for a girl you like, then your a fucking degenerate, If you think a girl owes you sex because you spent money then your a fucking degenerate.

What about the two fathers who were arrested outside the house their underage girls were being raped in, They were out looking for their kids?

The only thing you got right, well mostly, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, was that it didn't happen over night, mostly, that's how GROOMING works! Dumbass, Your the fucking retard. How many sexual partners can a girl have before being a slut? Is it okay to gang rape sluts now? and threaten to burn their family alive if they tell or dont meet them? This did actually happen to someone, their family house was set on fire because they wouldn't go with them

How many women has your mother fucked? by your rationale is she eligible to taken to strange place by someone she trusts because she was naive enough to believe she could trust them? And gang raped by men twice her age? and threatened with having her kid set on fire if she didn't. Would she love her idiot kid enough? Branded by coat hanger heated by a blow torch. They Threatened to rape family members as well if they didn't meet up.

I don't know shit eh? I only knew a victim 18 years ago and I can personally vouch for them threatening to burn shit down, and I still know another today. Incidentally she has just read your post and wants me to say "Fuck you".

I'm sure u/Moloch_Hunter doesn't need me to defend him. But its cunts like you who ASSume the situation into something their tiny minds can handle. Moloch_Hunter does a good fucking job, but you u/auralsects are so retarded you think you have to threaten girls who are willing to have sex. So Im assuming your a fucking degenerate incel or a paki who would rape a woman then stone them for being "sluts".

think- ago

Have you read this post?

Islam and auralsect's pedo problem.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Thankyou for that, its appreciated.

You see @auralsects here @think- just handed me your arse and all he got was a Thankyou. :)

think- ago

LOL. You're welcome.

auralsects ago

I destroyed that faggot. Thanks indeed for posting it. You people are normie-tier and should learn a thing from YOUR BOY