Kahlypso79 ago






https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2017/08/16/labour-mp-resigns-saying-pakistani-grooming-gangs-target-white-girls/ -> https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4218648/british-pakistani-men-raping-exploiting-white-girls/

Bristol - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2016/11/02/somali-muslim-rape-gang-jailed-raping-trafficking-teenage-girls/

Derby - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-11819732

Oxford - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2016/10/18/muslim-rape-gang-victim-girls-still-targeted-police-refuse-act/

Huddersfield - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2017/04/15/grooming-gang-charged-rape-child-abduction-trafficking-drug-offences/

Peterborough - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-25659042

Telford - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2016/09/01/rotherham-style-abuse-scandal/

Keighley - https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/crime/keighley-grooming-case-arrogant-asian-gang-of-12-jailed-for-130-years-1-7722032


3141592653 ago

This is huge

Mind_Games ago

Why aren't the men of England gathering in "darkness" (zero cell phones, tablets, computers etc) around for 10 /20 miles and planning on how to take out those who continue to push and uphold these rules/laws ? Have they simply become so comfortable on their knees groveling that they don't know anything else ? Or do their simply value their slave roles that they'd simply chose that over possible death ? I'm confused. Of course, I'm not a weak as fuck limey cunt whose allowed his country to be taken over, my women raped for "games" , etc.

MolochHunter ago

They have to gather under the pretence of football fandom. Look up the Football Lads Alliance. Theyre the ones organising protests against grooming gangs

Mind_Games ago

eh, organizing for protests ? like carrying signs and crying for cameras that aren't there ? My family comes first. I'd be slitting throats in the knights, kidnapping and bashing in skulls and having groups of guys gathering supplies to bound them and weigh them down in lakes or work pits. But ...I might be a little protective.

IShallNotFear ago

Good Catch! Sadly, I'm not surprised though

letsdothis2 ago

Me neither.

bungled ago

Important stuff

think- ago

Just found this little gem:

Labour MP reports Katie Hopkins to police for 'inciting racial hatred' in Rochdale scandal

She sent a series of tweets after Mr Danczuk commemorated Pakistan’s National Day by attending the raising of the nation’s flag over the town hall on March 23.

In one tweet she wrote: "Raising a Pakistani flag in Rochdale is not helping community cohesion. it is inflammatory. @SimonDanczuk you & your party disgust me."

After seeing the MP tweet a photograph of himself at the event, Hopkins sent a picture of eight men convicted of child sexual exploitation offences, asking Mr Danczuk if they were his friends too.

Labour MP Simon Danczuk, who represents the town, has emailed Greater Manchester’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd, asking him to investigate whether a crime has been committed.

He said she may have incited racial hatred by associating the Pakistani flag with the grooming of young girls - a scandal which has rocked the area.

He said former Celebrity Big Brother contestant and Sun newspaper columnist Hopkins had “incited hatred”.

Mr Danczuk added: "The letter is me asking the Police Commissioner to investigate whether a crime has been committed in relation to Katie Hopkins.

"Rochdale is a very cohesive community - people work well together.

"Of course there are tensions, like there are in other communities, but people rub together really well and we don't need outsiders like Katie Hopkins to come in and cause trouble just for the sake of causing trouble and creating Sun headlines."


MolochHunter ago

1998 rules: we arent allowed to be racist 2018 rules: we also arent allowed to even notice it when others are racist to us

think- ago

Home Secretary in 2008 was Jaqui Smith, and PM was....Gordon Brown. Yep, the same Gordon Brown whom the McCanns phoned in the night when their daughter Maddie 'disappeared'.


truthdemon ago

Was Gordon Brown their pimp minister...? Was MAdelien taken to portugal as part of a menu ordered by the podestas.. Was there communication between podestas and gordon brown in the missing emails? Did it go all wrong ...in the sense that she ended up dead.. Did the Mc Canns pimp their daughter out to the uk elite pedo scene ... All these questions need to be asked? Wasnt dunblane massacre also connected to Gordon Brown?

think- ago

@MolochHunter: I will give your post an 'Important' flair.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

I can tell you for a fact it was known about 18 years ago as a problem up and down the country from a copper. I have known about it for 20 years after witnessing a friend getting out of a car being threatened and talking about it with a social worker, who said "we (the local authority) know about it but there are social concerns", But I've heard 40 to 50 years. And like I said they knew it was happening to schoolgirls.

I didn't know about this, but it doesn't shock me.

It is not an "informed choice" to accept a ride from a paki who then picks up his friends to get driven into the middle of no-where and threatend to be abandoned if they don't do everything they want. Which is to be gang raped then threatened to have their family set on fire if they say anything. THAT IS A FUCKING CRIME.

Not getting into a car because its driven by a Paki "THATS RACIS' "

If they didn't get into their cars because they didn't want to be raped there would be a "lets not be racis' " campaign in schools to encourage it, and "concern for community cohesion" or some other bollocks.

The fucking pigs who let this happen are fucking complicit.

auralsects ago

actually it sounds like you don't know much about it at all.

near 100% are latchkey kids of single moms (by choice) who exchange very small gifts for sex and end up getting passed around. we know this because they admit to it.

pretty pathetic how UK adults take no responsibility for their degenerate alcoholic culture -- do you understand that your girls are notorious as the biggest sluts in the entire world? clearly they don't value their sexuality.

I always ask British girls when they lost their virginity, and they are not at all ashamed to say 14.

This stuff doesn't happen overnight. https://i.imgsafe.org/86/86d14ed301.png

Jews degenerate the culture,

bring in Pakis who must prey on white girls because Paki girls are appropriately beaten if they act like whores,

pay controlled opposition figures like Tommy Robinson to keep focus on Muslims rather than the Jews who brought them in the first place

And absolute retards like @MolochHunter are too stupid to see what's going on.

You people deserve this. For being degenerates, Zionists and Jew-lovers. Just look how traitorous and cowardly the police are ffs.

3141592653 ago


Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Latchkey kids from single moms (by choice) near 100% eh? Your the one who doesn't know shit.

It would happen to girls in stable families, kids in care, families working 4 jobs between 2 parents to afford to live in a nice area, who would be GROOMED, given gifts and shit to garner trust by a lad more their own age, so when they were in a car driven to a house for a "gathering" with someone they trust, they wouldn't expect it to be full of middle aged predators nor would they expect to be gang raped in an unfamiliar area, or that something like that would ever happen or that "uck parties" even existed. You stupid fuck.

If you haven't bought gifts for a girl you like, then your a fucking degenerate, If you think a girl owes you sex because you spent money then your a fucking degenerate.

What about the two fathers who were arrested outside the house their underage girls were being raped in, They were out looking for their kids?

The only thing you got right, well mostly, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, was that it didn't happen over night, mostly, that's how GROOMING works! Dumbass, Your the fucking retard. How many sexual partners can a girl have before being a slut? Is it okay to gang rape sluts now? and threaten to burn their family alive if they tell or dont meet them? This did actually happen to someone, their family house was set on fire because they wouldn't go with them

How many women has your mother fucked? by your rationale is she eligible to taken to strange place by someone she trusts because she was naive enough to believe she could trust them? And gang raped by men twice her age? and threatened with having her kid set on fire if she didn't. Would she love her idiot kid enough? Branded by coat hanger heated by a blow torch. They Threatened to rape family members as well if they didn't meet up.

I don't know shit eh? I only knew a victim 18 years ago and I can personally vouch for them threatening to burn shit down, and I still know another today. Incidentally she has just read your post and wants me to say "Fuck you".

I'm sure u/Moloch_Hunter doesn't need me to defend him. But its cunts like you who ASSume the situation into something their tiny minds can handle. Moloch_Hunter does a good fucking job, but you u/auralsects are so retarded you think you have to threaten girls who are willing to have sex. So Im assuming your a fucking degenerate incel or a paki who would rape a woman then stone them for being "sluts".

3141592653 ago

Rock on

darkknight111 ago

I see you’ve had an encounter with our resident “white sharia” faggot. He’s a big time shill who defends muslims whenever anyone makes a topic about them.

As the comments below show, he’s a psychopath, like all white sharia types are. Also a pedophile.

Don’t worry, white sharia people are LOATHED even by other white nationalists because they consider them to be “disgusting psychopaths who ALL need to be hunted down and impaled Vlad the Impaler style”.

http://archive.fo/qyUFe Donkey threatening to rape soneone’s prepubescent daughter (thus being a pedophile) along with another Sharia shill defending Mohammad.

https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2813747/14730183/10#14730183 Donkey saying sex slavery (aka another form of rape) is morally acceptable.

https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2813747/14700963/10#14700963 Donkey defending child marriage and having sex with 9 year old girls because “she had a wideset vagina”.

https://voat.co/v/news/2825978/14787906/10#14787906 Donkey saying that violent rape is the right thing to do, praising muslims for doing it.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2843632/14938956/10#14938956 Here he is talking about how women should be kidnapped, locked in a dungeon and repeaditly raped.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Thanks for the heads up man.

What a piece of shit though, This one looks like a psycho too, at least he understands jewry but whats that ultimately worth when hes such a piece of shit?

You cant polish a turd. But I suppose there is some short term catharsis to be found in verbally literately abusing one of them. lol.

If he starts again, give us a shout and we can take it in shifts. hehe.

auralsects ago

Latchkey kids from single moms (by choice) near 100% eh?

this is where youre supposed to link some stats to debunk my statement. not just bluster, boomer cuck.

GROOMED, given gifts and shit to garner trust by a lad more their own age

LOL. theres no such thing as a free lunch (some 'grooming victims' were literally prostituting themselves for a free lunch of takeaway). if your girls are naive enough to believe a guy giving them gifts wants nothing in return, that's an argument for MY position to restrict their behavior (i.e. "parenting").

but again these girls don't often have fathers to teach them common sense because you allow your slut women to opt for lucrative benefits instead =/

that it didn't happen over night, mostly, that's how GROOMING works

your girls being known as the worst, dirtiest sluts on the entire planet is what didn't happen overnight. Jews did it and you tolerated it. You'll stab a fellow white man in the throat because he supports a different niggerball team but have not a word for the filthy kike pornographers pushing MTV on your daughters.

Again, you deserve it for falling for the drama of admitted Zionist Jew-shill Tommy Robinstein. Wise up, white man. At least support Nick Griffin ffs.

YOU pay for your daughers to Magaluf and Ibiza.


How many sexual partners can a girl have before being a slut?

any before marriage. This was the traditional European view for thousands of years -- before the advent of Jewish TV shows.

Incidentally she has just read your post and wants me to say "Fuck you".

lol we used to punish rape victims like the Muslims do. it's called a deterrent; she's not supposed to be alone with strange men, period, for precisely this reason. Indeed she should be under her fathers protection before passed to her loving husband, as was also our custom. Rape was ALWAYS CONSIDERED A PROPERTY CRIME AGAINST THE HUSBAND.

For that matter our women wore headscarves too, to remind them that above all else they are SEXUAL OBJECTS OF DESIRE FOR MEN in every daily interaction, and need to behave accordingly.

You're clearly too emotional to sensibly deal with social problems.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

"this is where you're supposed to bring some evidence to debunk my statement"

It would be a waste of time. It would be as productive as gathering a group of inbred retards and asking them to integrate into civility.

All Ive got for you is this You are a piece of shit. I'm sure you already know and have been told before.

"No such thing as a free lunch"

Maybe not where you are from. Even where I was raised, Ive met a shit ton of arseholes just like yourself. But if you help the people who aren't arseholes then they'll help you back, its called reciprocity and was practiced from the time of Hammurabi, which even a barbarian like yourself should understand means that if you give a girl a kebab she owes you a meal, not a lifetime of trauma from a filthy cunt, and if you give a kebab you shouldnt expect what should only be given in marriage by your own fucking standards you stupid cunt.

I know in some parts of the world like where you, your dad and his sister that birthed you are obviously from, generosity and charity might be a foreign concept, but believe it or not there are times when people in a civilized society give things without expecting anything in return. They may imply hope for something, but the acceptance of a gift is not and has never been an explicit invitation for gang rape, and until reading the bullshit that you have typed I never would have believed that even an inbred cross eyed piece of shit could use a kebab as justification for rape.

punish rape victims like the Muslims do. it's called a deterrent; she's not supposed to be alone with strange men

Well that's the thing you see we are what you would the modern world calls civilized and aren't used having what you call "strange men" around' like the type who wash their arse with their bare hands or the type to target and rape children en masse (that means as group) or people who lack the civility to know that preying on the vulnerable makes you a piece of shit. Driving round in your fucking Subaru looking for women to victimize makes you a predatory rapist. Handing out kebabs and demanding sex from schoolgirls makes you a pedophile.

women are responsible for our barbaric actions

Take responsibility for your own depravity, I understand there is some mitigation. You were too stupid due to the inbreeding the jews forced upon you, so you could be their golems, a mudman weapon a scapegoat and too fucking stupid to realize it. you and your women are so dumb that none of you realized that the simplest solution to females being raped was Male muslims should be kept in chains and a chastity belt

I had more planned but I going to eat. But dont worry Ill save some room for you (my dessert), I fancy chocolate mousse, oh wait no your just a pile of shit.

auralsects ago

It would be a waste of time.

what a pathetic fuck. You dispute my stats, I call your bluff, and you got NOTHING. LOL

but the acceptance of a gift is not and has never been an explicit invitation for gang rape

lol I hope you don't have kids cuz youre a terrible father. my girl would never accept gifts from strange men. holy shit it is the most basic common sense LMAO

preying on the vulnerable makes you a piece of shit


your women are so dumb

all women are dumb and naïve. the muslims are smart enough to accept that and not let them make dumb decisions.

you want to feel morally superior so you let them have the "freedom" to make dumb decisions, then get pissed about the result, and now your women dont reproduce and your entire society is overrun by shitskins who will replace you.

and you deserve every bit of it. For being a cuck faggot little bitch. An embarrassment to the white race like your whore women. Grow some fucking balls We Americans bombed abortion clinics and shot kike pornographers and lynched pedophiles and protested at fag soldiers' funerals.

you get drunk and watch soccer, exclusively.

the muslims execute rapists and pedophiles.

If you learn some balls from them you may still have a chance, which again you don't deserve

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

you said 100% were latch key kids - show me your stats, oh wait never mind, I wouldnt want you to get the wrong idea think it means I owe you a sexual favour.


you are one backwards cunt, we dont let them do anything they do as they please because as Ive repeatedly said before we live in a civil society where rape and pedophilia isnt excused by "well muh muhammed had sex with 9 y/o an' as long as you can corner and grab em with your right hand its all good"

Your the dumb fuck, the only result were pissed about is letting serial rapists into the country. Who are too mentally ill to see they are sick.

Your the one who sounds like a cuck. Anyone Im off to bed, im not dealing with one of satans minions at 3am when they are strongest and i'm tired, ill finish you off in the daytime.

think- ago

Have you read this post?

Islam and auralsect's pedo problem.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Thankyou for that, its appreciated.

You see @auralsects here @think- just handed me your arse and all he got was a Thankyou. :)

think- ago

LOL. You're welcome.

auralsects ago

I destroyed that faggot. Thanks indeed for posting it. You people are normie-tier and should learn a thing from YOUR BOY

think- ago

@darkknight111: please see parent. Epic comment.

MolochHunter ago

the Rotherham scandal period of investigation started 1997, but the Telford gang was known to authorities for FOUR DECADES

and yes there is a connection between the muslim rape gangs and the UK pizzagate pedostocracy - in fact one day when Tommy Robinson did a video alluding to exposing just that link, n the very next day he was arrested outside a courthouse

truthdemon ago

Pakistan is an mi6 created state..the two nation theory proponent was a freemason. The operational agent for the creation of pakistan was mi6 agent aga khan.. .. When u r talking criminal elements of pakistan in uk , u r talking deep state actors... There is then no suprise that there is a coverup

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

When I was in care I heard one of the stories he mentions from one of the staff, the Melanie Shaw one, although I didnt remember her name, but the boys being brutally buggered by a politician in Freddy Krueger is the kind of detail thats hard to forget.

Im sending you a PM with a massive list of the pedocracy hopefully it helps with your research, and if youv'e already got it then it cant hurt.

Gorillion ago

UK. First time they've been ahead of the curve in 70 years. Even Sweden wasn't that cucked 10 years ago.
They must be so proud.

NoRoyalty ago

Oh my God. I want Russia to blow London off the map.

BeTidy ago

While Russia under Putin has done some very good things on the world stage, including getting a UN resolution passed protecting the "traditional family values of nation states" (or words to that effect, which "western" nations opposed but passed anyway). Russia has very similar elites running it to the US/UK etc. Cold War 1 was completely fake (see Anthony Sutton's book on who funded the Bolsheviks to power - he also lists the names of directors of the companies doing the funding, which makes it very clear.). Solzhenitsyn points out exactly who the Bolsheviks were. It wasn't a "Russian" revolution, which was why the Jewish Bolsheviks were happy to slaughter the entire Russian leadership, all funded from the west, particularly the US.

Cromwell's revolution was very much along a simliar line, just not as bloody. Check out Jan Irwin's channel Logos Media on Youtube for some recent videos on who the Puritans were (key to the English revolution, and not Christian as it turns out, easy to verify for yourself).

Essentially, you have three empires with the same ethnic group running the show in the end. British, American and Soviet. They weren't the only ones either. There is a very interesting book on who the Young Turks and Attaturk were. Again, a crypto Jewish revolution. Similar to our colour revolutions run by the US and EU today.

Note that the Oligarchs of Russia today, were the commisars of the past. The first 5 year plan for the Soviets was created by a unit of Harvard Uni. That same unit was the architect of Perestroika and Russia's asset sales to insiders. That same unit also was involved in the asset sales fraud in NZ (American academic Michael Porter was part of that unit) which perhaps was a trial run for the Soviet Union's asset sales program. The same propaganda was used in both countries with regard to selling off "sunset industries" like oil, gas, coal, telecommunications, rail, steel, basically anything of value that could be stolen.

The point is. Russia is run by the same group that runs the US and UK. Has the Russian branch had a change of heart? I hope so. It would be wonderful if Putin had a genuine love of his people, and they certainly love him for taking the boot off their throats. He has done great things for Russia. But is it genuine? It's actually hard to know. Is Cold War 2 genuine? Again, it's hard to know. I hope so... but Russia's leadership put another nation ahead of the one they control.

NoRoyalty ago

Damned if you do and damned if you don't. You are one heck of a historian. I stand firm in my conviction that all royalty should be exterminated. And we the people must fight fight fight.

IShallNotFear ago

Archive.is versions of the archive.org links:

altnewsmedia - http://archive.is/ndVw0

jihadwatch - http://archive.is/iKypS

@shewhomustbeobeyed I know you post a lot of archive links and I just want to say a big THANK YOU for all of your work. It may seem like a boring task, but keeping info backed up is a very important part of pizzagate.

awakenaware ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Jacinda Adern (NZ current Prime Minister) had a hand in that because she worked for the UK police back in 2008 and was involved in covering up and excusing police activities involving sexual crimes against children.

think- ago

and was involved in covering up and excusing police activities involving sexual crimes against children

Do you have any details maybe?

BeTidy ago

I've attached a quote from Wikipedia, and offer my interpretation of that. Ardern was once made leader of an international communist group (International Union of Socialist Youth) that trains people to be politicians in "democracies" and one of that group's key goals was open borders (suicidal immigration for the formerly Christian nations). She came to power here in New Zealand in part on a platform to actually control our suicidal immigration. The following snippet indicates she was groomed to be PM from very early on (similar to John Key in my view). It says that for at least part of 2008 she was some part of an 80 person policy advisor unit to Blair. It's possible she knew of, or was involved in the policy of allowing the systematic abuse of British girls, since she was involved in that policy unit in some way. But obviously, she was simply involved in a policy advice unit, and not staying there long term. Ultimately the blame must lie with Blair and others more senior than her for that particular crime. It think its also fair to say though, she is of the same mind set.

Ardern joined the Labour Party at a young age, and became a senior figure in the Young Labour sector of the party. After graduating from university, she spent time working in the offices of Phil Goff and of Helen Clark as a researcher. After a period of time volunteering at a soup kitchen in New York City,[20] Ardern moved to London to work as a senior policy adviser in an 80-person policy unit of then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair.[4] (She never met Blair in London, but did question him about the invasion of Iraq at an event in New Zealand in 2011.[21]) Ardern was also seconded to the Home Office to help with a review of policing in England and Wales.[18]

In early 2008, Ardern was elected as the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth,[5] a role which saw her spend time in several countries, including Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China.[18]

think- ago


MolochHunter ago

is thaaaaat so ..... hmm

awakenaware ago

Her career is in public relations and she has a nice smile so she knows exactly how to bullshit a nation which makes her a very good liar sadly.

Moe_Szyslak_111 ago

European s need to wake up a lot faster.


DOTR. I'm glad the brits are waking up and forming their own militias to fight the shitskins.