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Runwithscissors ago

And i like how you blame others and not parents who don’t give a shit about their kids cause they’ve been manipulated to believe in diversity and propaganda. I’m tired of people blaming everything instead of looking at themselves as horrible parents.

shadow332 ago

You're missing the point that the marxist bullshit propaganda is designed to break apart nuclear families.These parents are a symptom of the (((problem))).

Why don't they give a shit about their kids? What kind of environment are they growing up in?

Who pushes feminisism, pro faggotry and liberalism... Things which ineviteably lead to pro tranny shit and then pedophiles?

There will always be bad parents, but normalizing this shit will only make this stuff go unpunished because of MUH DIVERSITY.

auralsects ago

i bet you wouldn't give the same defense to niggers whose neighborhoods were intentionally flooded with cocaine by the CIA.

The investigation showed that the nonwhites first groom the girls to be their sexual partners, and then film themselves having sex with the girls. The videos are then used as blackmail – if the girl doesn’t agree to become a prostitute, then the video of the girl having sex is released on social media.

lmao if you actually believe that. so embarrassed about fucking one darkie that she agrees to fuck dozens of darkies for money. more likely they hook them on the hard drugs famously permitted by Dutch law and society.

you have to face the fact that historically white women had a reputation for a much higher sex drive and were prized as concubines for partly that reason. White women have spread legs for every invader AND occupying ally in history. Indian women killed themselves to avoid rape in similar circumstances.

and Dutch girls are known to be the sluttiest in Europe, except of course for British, whose parents typically reward them with an all-alcohol-included graduation trip to the club-resorts of Ibiza or Mallorca just because they're cheap.

Europeans deserve this for their hedonism, selfishness, substance abuse, and complacency. Why did you even include the birth rates? Are you outraged that the immigrants don't break up their families too? The Muslim birth rate in Europe is not very high; the problem is WHITE girls having basically ZERO because we allow them to.

You're also wasting your time trying to red-pill people in this boomer/woman-infested subverse whose mods literally express pro-Jewish views.

There will always be bad parents,

You just said it: these girls are ghetto trash of SINGLE-MOTHERS (+900% risk to children for sexual abuse)who CHOOSE that lifestyle because they are subsidized by the state to do so.

the common denominator to all these problems INCLUDING immigration is that women are weak and stupid. They make stupid decisions because their brains aren't designed for responsibility of any kind. Do you think any woman would support confiscating bastard-children from these sluts to place them in foster care? Of course not, poor lady, don't judge, blah blah

shadow332 ago

i bet you wouldn't give the same defense to niggers whose neighborhoods

I don't care about niggers.

The Muslim birth rate in Europe is not very high; the problem is WHITE girls having basically ZERO because we allow them to.

Correct. We need to turn this around.

who CHOOSE that lifestyle because they are subsidized by the state to do so.

Exactly. The complecency, hedonism, inidfference, etc., that all that you said, has been pushed by communists. It's time to out them and their kike overlords.

auralsects ago

Correct. We need to turn this around.

then stop with the Islam-is-cancer counterjewhad bullshit. Shitskins rape whites, we all get it.

But THEIR WOMEN don't slut around and get raped, they shut the fuck up and pop out babies because the Quran tells them to. So they win.

If you won't advocate literally kidnapping these 'liberated' white sluts off the street and throwing them in a dungeon to take white seed until they've birthed 3-4 kids, you will after watching this

and if you still won't, then your people deserve to die off like 99% of all species ever who were too weak to survive. SIMPLE AS THAT.

shadow332 ago

your people deserve to die off

Not my people. The jews first, then we'll see how it pans out.

auralsects ago

the orthodox jews in Israel and Jew York have sharia patrols for jewesses dressed like sluts or dating non-jews, gender segregation to prevent premarital sex and cheating, homemakers, and a high birth rate.

then they gaslight hapless goys like you with muh 'creeping sharia' as if it's a bad/shitskin thing to keep your women controlled.

and cucks like you swallow it up, totally ignorant of our own authentic culture

shadow332 ago

I don't care about that. I don't care about shitskins. Jews need to be eliminated before anything else can happen. Don't stray from the most important aspect.

auralsects ago

i respect your posts. but use your fucking brain.

muslims are cleansing france of jews. 40% of UK jews said they'd consider emigrating to Israel if the muslim-backed Corbyn became PM. and muslims are only like 6% of UK.

ALL the nationalist parties of Europe are co-opted by Jews because of muh Muslims.

every muslim child and toothless peasant knows about Jewish manipulation, treachery, 9/11, and even their human sacrifice and Satanism.

they're already here so you might as well make use of them.

if UK patriots were smart they'd be using the grooming scandals to publicize the degenerate Jewish role in debasing your girls to the point of regarding their sexuality as worth only candy, booze, and loose cigarettes. The average 21 y-o UK girl has had 9 partners. two more than avg boy of same age

but UK patriots are not smart. they are in fact extremely stupid, enough to fight in the streets for an obvious kike shill like Tommy Robinson just because he's anti-Islam. Oi, hes a foighta! 'E's a regular working-class bruv, 'e likes 'is football and noights at the pub!

Complete fucking morons even after Nick Griffin warned them.

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