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auralsects ago

This is a kike who married one daughter and was allegedly seen molesting his other.

Why on earth you would bring up this marginal and redundant case and muddy the waters I can't imagine, except that you're just an inept retarded bitch.

And that's why you were made a mod. How does it feel?

auralsects ago

First of all the definition of pedophilia is prepubescent, complain to Websters you silly cunt.

Second it has never been newsworthy that filthy kike movie producers get sex from actresses one way or another, usually cuz they offer. In fact its common knowledge since 100 yrs ago

Looks like a Jew wrote this article you posted too defending a known Jew pedophile, does that surprise you?

auralsects ago

LMAO I completely destroyed that faggot in that thread, which is why he couldn't respond to a single thing. Thanks for reposting it!

It's a beautiful demonstration of how you RANK AMATEURS fail as researchers because you don't know anything about the Jewish manipulation of information.

darkknight111 ago

You destroyed nothing, except maybe in that vain empty head of yours.

Nobody around here gives a shit about what subhuman sand monkeys like you have to say. That’s why I didn’t respond, faggot. That thread got made just to push your buttons. You’re useless unless you can relate a topic to your hate boner. Your emotions are so easy to manipulate. Even the women are more stoic than you.

BTW, not our fault you said that sex with 9 year old girls is justified. That makes you a pedo.

Do whites a favor, remove your inferior genes from the gene pool, jew spawn.

auralsects ago


Yea I'm the one upset here XD

That thread got made just to push your buttons.

Bullshit, and it clearly took you 10x as long to "research" it as it took me to refute every last bit -- because that's what I do, faggot: debunk counterjewhad narratives whereas you're cheerleading "regime change in Iran" JewAnon. What a dope.

Say weren't you going to dox me thru your super secret fag-brigade l33t haXorz group? What happened to that, which is probably a threat violating sub rules?

You’re useless unless you can relate a topic to your hate boner

We all hate pedos here -- unless they're Jewish cuz muh Hitler and muh HOLOHOAX oy very you're making us look like nazis, on Voat of all places!!

You're a fucking GIRLY-MAN and obivous homosexual, that's why you hate Muslims and Nazis LOL