eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I just don't understand why anyone even likes Woody Allen. What a pathetic excuse of a man. SOMEONE HELP ME UNDERSTAND.

think- ago

Sorry, I have no idea either, lol. ;-)

Lysolballs ago

Guardian of the Pedophiles

think- ago


rp5x5 ago

Woody Allen has nothing to do with pedophilia, pedophiles, child sacrificers, perverts or the Guardian

Lansing-Michigan ago

Hate the Guardian censored me a long time ago...that article needs a comment.

ASolo ago

Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Death Eaters

Posted on November 23, 2014 by Heather Marsh

It is now an undeniable fact that the UK establishment has, for decades, been run by people who tortured and killed children for entertainment, for political power, and just because they could.

The cognitive dissonance that statement produces in the majority of the population has provided the cloak of invisibility that has kept these people in power and their actions unpunished for all these years. When faced with an undeniable proof of any part of this, people’s shock was easily comforted by soothing assurances that the person was only one, that no one around him had been aware, that this would be taken care of. The idea of a society of torturing murderers, openly known to each other, controlling not just the UK but embedded in the upper echelons of many (if not all) countries was the stuff of conspiracy websites, those prolific disseminators of unbelievable truths well mixed with repellant bigotry and obvious falsehoods, presented as a whole to discredit all ingredients. Human trafficking is the largest criminal industry in the world. It is far less reasonable to believe it is conducted without the full knowledge and co-operation of those in power, but the power of deeply anti-social behaviour is how unwilling anyone is to believe another human is capable of it.

The propaganda arm of this international ring of torturers which attempted to normalize abuse of children and babies as ‘sex’ is still very apparent in the corporate media coverage of the CSA inquiry which depicts the torture and murder of children as “sex attacks on kids”, “child sex” or a “sex scandal”. Sex is not an attack. This is not sex. The fact that these people tortured and murdered children in their recreational hours does not make them simply pedosadists, or what corporate media still likes to call pedophiles in acquiescence to PIE’s demands that they be depicted as ‘child-lovers’. Their recreation may have revolved around torturing children, but their office hours as UK media and government establishment revolved around torture and mass murder of people from all demographics. It is not sufficient to call them psychopaths or sociopaths since very few of those seriously harm others and almost none to this extent. These people who want to be known as child lovers are death eaters. They feed on the agony of others. They torture and murder not because they have to, but because it feeds something in them. The only reason they are attracted to children is the increase in pain, horror, power, and taboo. They are no less attracted to mass slaughter than they are to the torture of children.

Sociopaths are attracted by what repels others. They seek filth, horror and destruction. Using the torture of children as bait to blackmail political opponents is a natural act for death eaters, as is destroying populations with ‘drug wars’ and ‘terrorism’ or using the slaughter of populations to advertise the weapons industry. People are products in the trade economy, and if death eaters are in control, people are their products to use as they wish. They are presiding over the destruction of the planet and beating back any who try to stop them because mass destruction is a compulsion for them.

The attempt to conflate torture and murder with sex is not unique to the UK establishment. “Our definition of sexy was something like Khadr.” said the man who decided to prosecute a tortured child. Militias in the DR Congo are promised magic power from raping women. Israel uses sexual imagery to promote the destruction of Palestine and rape is a constant in wars, torture, imprisonment, everywhere death eaters act. Death eaters gain power by manipulation of others. Hard coercion such as the control of military and police is theirs when they gain power, but until they have attained it they rely on seductive coercion. An insistence on hard coercion to control society is a denial of the power of seductive coercion. Conflation of torture and murder with sex is a perversion of that power. An attempt to depict deeply anti-social acts as sexual freedom is an attempt to normalize deeply anti-social behaviour.

Death eaters are not child lovers. Torture and murder are not a sex scandal. Sex is not an attack. Seductive coercion is used to create society. Its use in dissociated populations to incite acts of violence is a perversion of its power used against society.

ASolo ago

The UK media depiction of the subjects of the so-called Child Sexual Abuse inquiry as paedophiles is a very deliberate propaganda exercise and attempt to manipulate public opinion. People who rape, torture and murder are not child lovers. The victims of these people were not only children. The phrase ‘paedophile’ brings the focus from the vicim to their assailant, and the pseudo-medical op-eds claim a right for understanding for death eaters, not the children. The use of the word paedophile individualizes the problem and is an attempt to pretend there are a ‘few bad apples’ instead of an entire ruling society complicit in the cover up and normalization of the torture and murder of others.

ASolo ago

Free will and seductive coercion

Posted on April 22, 2014 by Heather Marsh

Language itself is highly coercive. Each word is a cognitive shortcut to a wide array of emotions and value judgements, so by a simple redefining sleight of hand people can be manipulated into agreeing with ideas they would normally reject. War is billed as peace, police states are billed as freedom, children are billed as terrorists. Few people have made the value judgements they use to assess information on their own and again, no one has the time and very few have the ability to do so all the time. Most base their judgements on emotive responses to words they have been taught to revere or revile by environmental conditioning through social circles, media or education.

People are presented with ideas, events and personalities which are calculated to trigger binary moral judgements. With the amount of judgements we all have to make every day, no one has time for continual nuance and examination of everything. Information is presented by those who have taken time and care to deliver a specific message and narrow the field of options to make the choice obvious. An overload of topics of advanced complexity, presented with ever-increasing speed, has resulted in people permitting themselves to be governed by memes and slogans.

Those not swayed solely by personalities are coerced by events, selected by media and others in power to create an emotional response which will steer public opinion in the direction they wish. For those few who look beyond personalities and events, messages can be easily co-opted by isolating certain ideas out of context.

ASolo ago

This is a powerful example of the kind of money and influence that is being used to slowly use LANGUAGE to distort and twist the truth to make it APPEAR as though the crime is much less harmful than it really is, minimization and it desensitizes the reader. Now, most of you are saying, no way, I can see through that and I know my morals",well, yes, great and good but, at the rate in which they REPEAT this language, like a madonna song from the 80's, it's going to stick with you and wear you down. Just take a consensus among men YOU think are moral and listen to what they usually have to say about statutory rape. This ain't no little house on the prairie society and you'd be surprised what most men really think.

My point is whenever you see someone trying to minimize with this kind of language they are trying to indoctrinate you into accepting pedophiia as normal.


Lansing-Michigan ago

Important point. Kudos.

think- ago

Yes. Very important text nowadays when pedos try to push the 'child-lovers' narrative even more. Twitter also comes to mind, which lets pedos talk about their attraction to children.

carmencita ago

Across the Pond it may be legal yes, but here it is not. More screwed up thinking. They need to shut up and realize that people came over here to get away from their rule. Also, MSM is sticking up for their left sided thinking and readers. NOPE. This is clearly illegal and according to NY Law, Mr. Allan Stewart Konigsberg should be arrested.

think- ago

I think this has to be seen in a wider context even - basically, she is pushing the narrative that it was 'love', so that it cannot have been a crime. Sounds familiar?

carmencita ago

Possibly she has still not realized she was groomed. Also has she become a pedo herself? This does happen to those that have been horribly abused over and over. OR she is pushing the narrative.

3141592653 ago

Most abuse survivors do not become abusers. Research also shows that most abusers were not victims.

carmencita ago

Wow. What then makes them abuse? I consider you to be very knowledgeable regarding this subject so please explain.

3141592653 ago

Thank you very much. I just know various research studies have statistically shown this to be true. I don't think anyone really has the full answer on what makes someone a pedo or child molester. I believe it's unclear whether there is something genetic going on, or brain damage or who knows what. I do know that kids who sexually abuse others are usually repeating what happened to them.

carmencita ago

The research could be skewed for a reason. Another born that way of thinking? If Children are repeating this then they are acting out in horrid anger, and are insanely angry and jealous of others that have a normal Childhood unlike them. After reading so many accounts of SRA and also those that have been abused, especially in family cults, why do they continue to repeat this over and over. Systemically carrying it on decade after decade. I truthfully believe it is the anger and rage inside, for what was done to them.

3141592653 ago

When little kids repeat it, they arent even consciously/logically processing it. They are being filled with poison, and they go act out on it.

I have considered that about the research and am still open to it, but as of yet have found this to be true.

I have known many survivors and most are not pedophiles or abusers. And i don't believe all or most abusers were abused. Still, that doesn't mean that those who go thru it don't end up perpetrating at a larger proportion than the rest of the population, yet at the same time the majoriry of survivors dont turn into pedos.

Now, the stats for those in intergenerational abusive fsmilies, cults, sra, etc, the proportions could be different, but i still believe most of these victims dont become abusers.

Its also important to think of just how many victims the average child molester has, which is tons.

I think this will be an ongoing topic that is important and that you and i have a lot in common in our views.

carmencita ago

I agree with your views as well. There is much research needed on this. I cannot even imagine what goes through a Child's mind after years of abuse, and Lord, how can they process it. After all they have not fully developed. This is what is so sad and also so perplexing. I too know some Victims and they don't abuse either. @StcharlesSeminary is from a family cult and she knows many as well and none are abusers. Something vile happens in order for someone to commit these acts. I sometimes wonder if it starts with porn. Then it slowly escalates. In the olden days and decades and centuries ago possibly pictures and reading started it and then of course it is never enough. We know that excessive porn has been talked about in leading to abuse. Yes we could go on and on. Prayers to you and to All Children +

3141592653 ago

Pornography and it's role in our society is so, so toxic

carmencita ago

I agree. Our enemies are pushing it so that it will kill our society. At this point it is getting worse not better. This world has gone done the tubes with filth and depravity since I was a Child. The way women dress and the way they let their daughters dress, it is shameful and I don't know how we can turn it all around. But the porn, that is extremely detrimental.

3141592653 ago

Spread this important message

carmencita ago

Thank You. I have been. hoping some of it resonates. Two years and still doing it.

3141592653 ago

yes, I will keep up the battle, too.

carmencita ago

Will be off here and commenoeill be few. I lost the love 💕 of my life a week ago today. Getting lots of help. +

3141592653 ago

I am so sorry carmencita

carmencita ago

Thank you. Totally unexpected. Massive heart attack. He was joking with the nurses the next thing we knew he was gone. We are all devastated.

3141592653 ago

Bless your heart Carmencita

carmencita ago

Thank you. ❤️

3141592653 ago


carmencita ago

The good thing is I have my loved ones. Thank God. ♥️

3141592653 ago

yes, do not stop seeking solace in them.

carmencita ago

Things are going to go topsy-turvy for awhile. I miss being able to research on here. But I have to get my life in order.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Whether she is a pedo or not, the grooming is hard for some people to recognize, esp. in her case, she thinks it is fine and love.

3141592653 ago

Yes, kids are groomed im a way that the abuse becomes normalized

carmencita ago

Evidently the grooming has not worn off and it feels good to be loved, still. No matter who gives it the Children that are abused need love badly usually. They need it and the pedos know it. He is the most miserable of scumbags. He now has his daughters at his movie set and in a pic I believe. More grooming? I hope not. But really it never ends.

auralsects ago

This is a kike who married one daughter and was allegedly seen molesting his other.

Why on earth you would bring up this marginal and redundant case and muddy the waters I can't imagine, except that you're just an inept retarded bitch.

And that's why you were made a mod. How does it feel?

auralsects ago

First of all the definition of pedophilia is prepubescent, complain to Websters you silly cunt.

Second it has never been newsworthy that filthy kike movie producers get sex from actresses one way or another, usually cuz they offer. In fact its common knowledge since 100 yrs ago

Looks like a Jew wrote this article you posted too defending a known Jew pedophile, does that surprise you?

auralsects ago

LMAO I completely destroyed that faggot in that thread, which is why he couldn't respond to a single thing. Thanks for reposting it!

It's a beautiful demonstration of how you RANK AMATEURS fail as researchers because you don't know anything about the Jewish manipulation of information.

darkknight111 ago

You destroyed nothing, except maybe in that vain empty head of yours.

Nobody around here gives a shit about what subhuman sand monkeys like you have to say. That’s why I didn’t respond, faggot. That thread got made just to push your buttons. You’re useless unless you can relate a topic to your hate boner. Your emotions are so easy to manipulate. Even the women are more stoic than you.

BTW, not our fault you said that sex with 9 year old girls is justified. That makes you a pedo.

Do whites a favor, remove your inferior genes from the gene pool, jew spawn.

auralsects ago


Yea I'm the one upset here XD

That thread got made just to push your buttons.

Bullshit, and it clearly took you 10x as long to "research" it as it took me to refute every last bit -- because that's what I do, faggot: debunk counterjewhad narratives whereas you're cheerleading "regime change in Iran" JewAnon. What a dope.

Say weren't you going to dox me thru your super secret fag-brigade l33t haXorz group? What happened to that, which is probably a threat violating sub rules?

You’re useless unless you can relate a topic to your hate boner

We all hate pedos here -- unless they're Jewish cuz muh Hitler and muh HOLOHOAX oy very you're making us look like nazis, on Voat of all places!!

You're a fucking GIRLY-MAN and obivous homosexual, that's why you hate Muslims and Nazis LOL

Yuke ago

The writer of the article is clearly an advocate for 'sexual freedom' given that she was 17 and had a boyfriend of 30 and sees nothing wrong with that. Were her parents not telling her to forget about something like that? Oh no, because her parents did virtually the same, only the ages were 17 and 27 instead of 17 and 30. Most fathers would be threatening to kick the shit out of you if you showed up at their house as the boyfriend of their 17 year old girl at the age of 30.

The author gives some shoddy examples, including young women in their 20's in literature. The difference, you flaming idiot, is that she is an adult and the girl in question in the article was a child! She even speaks of exploitation and the complexities of that adolescent period, yet still comes out in support of it. Ludicrous.

A quick search on her history shows she is descended from elites with Communist background who helped Jews in WW2. Says a lot.

think- ago

Thanks, @Podge512. Yes, and they promote Marina Abramovich, and defended the creepy producer of pedo art, Balthus.