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ASolo ago

Yes, Interesting, they are definitely trying to distort and bend the language into something less harmful. It may seem innocuous but the long term desensitizing effect eventually slides The Overton Window on your morality that much more ever so slowly year after year toward that licentiousness. Language is magick and words are spells.

It's time we get Heather Marsh back in here with her epic piece on how the Pedophile Information Exchange and the cultist child molesters around the world are using language to justify their actions and slowly turn the perception of the crime into an acceptable form of expression.

The propaganda arm of this international ring of torturers which attempted to normalize abuse of children and babies as ‘sex’ is still very apparent in the corporate media coverage of the CSA inquiry which depicts the torture and murder of children as “sex attacks on kids”, “child sex” or a “sex scandal”. Sex is not an attack. This is not sex. The fact that these people tortured and murdered children in their recreational hours does not make them simply pedosadists, or what corporate media still likes to call pedophiles in acquiescence to PIE’s demands that they be depicted as ‘child-lovers’. Their recreation may have revolved around torturing children, but their office hours as UK media and government establishment revolved around torture and mass murder of people from all demographics. It is not sufficient to call them psychopaths or sociopaths since very few of those seriously harm others and almost none to this extent. These people who want to be known as child lovers are death eaters. They feed on the agony of others. They torture and murder not because they have to, but because it feeds something in them. The only reason they are attracted to children is the increase in pain, horror, power, and taboo. They are no less attracted to mass slaughter than they are to the torture of children.

The UK media depiction of the subjects of the so-called Child Sexual Abuse inquiry as paedophiles is a very deliberate propaganda exercise and attempt to manipulate public opinion. People who rape, torture and murder are not child lovers. The victims of these people were not only children. The phrase ‘paedophile’ brings the focus from the vicim to their assailant, and the pseudo-medical op-eds claim a right for understanding for death eaters, not the children. The use of the word paedophile individualizes the problem and is an attempt to pretend there are a ‘few bad apples’ instead of an entire ruling society complicit in the cover up and normalization of the torture and murder of others.

Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Death Eaters

Fetalpig ago

I like how they try to tacitly authorize his pedo he has to fuck kids to be an artist..and her parents were filth allowing the old chomo near their daughter..she is trying to validate,that she was just a cum dumpster for sick old pedos,and now she is useless and wants to be validated by allowing it. Ick.and liking the moral of that story is ..once a slutty piece of shit,always a piece of shit.

3141592653 ago


carmencita ago

This just disgusts me even more and deepens my feelings about him being a pedophile. She was looking for the father she never really had and he knew it. If anyone still has doubts all I can say is This is as plain as the nose on your face. She said he only valued her when he found she had left him to work for Fellini his idol. Pervert.

tehpatriarchy ago


Even if true, having sex with a 16 year old does not make you a pedophile.

One might have the view that sex with 16 year olds is a bad thing. On the other hand, most human societies historically allowed marriage (and sex therefore) at that age, so that would be a minority view.

Even now most societies allow sex with 16 year olds.

A pedophile is someone sexually attracted to girls who have not passed through puberty. Few 16 year olds would be in this category.

3141592653 ago

  1. We already have pretty good reason to believe he's a child rapist. 2.due to artificial hormones etc girls are hitting puberty earlier and earlier. That does not mean they are ready to consent to sex. Wtf

Lansing-Michigan ago

The predilection is evidence......i.e. pedophiles who marry women who are skinny and look child like. Off topic, read years ago that Gwyneth Paltro's father was best friends with Steven Speilberg. She went on to marry Brad Pitt, who , I read , came home from one of George Clooney's parties with a big black eye on the left side. Paltrow was said to belong to the sex club in hollywood. A family member who taught psychology with a sexual component at university level said women who have been abused have a high incidence of suicide, prostitution and alcohol / drug abuse. If a woman does not have to sell her body for money, she will be promiscuous. Our lives in formative years make us who we are. That is one reason the evil pedophiles like infants.This helps with the destruction of one of the most important institutions of a culture, family. I think this is very important to catholics/elites who choose our leaders.........they are satanic and destruction of the planet is their real goal. Nazis hate women and countries which are fascist are the worst on women's rights..America has been behind many other countries which are not thought to be progressive on women and children's rights.

carmencita ago

Its against the law and should continue to be. It’s wrong.

badruns ago

Wait a minute. You're telling me Woody Allen, of all people, the Woody Allen - practiced degenerate behavior?!

I am shocked. I thought he was part of God's chosen tribe?!

numina18 ago

More stories to make you puke.

Trustee99 ago

If he's not a jew pedo, no one is

Baichu ago

Wow, another one!

think- ago

working as a personal assistant to Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier later convicted for soliciting an underage girl.

Now that's interesting, isn't it?

What's made her attractive to these powerful men, both personally and professionally, she posits, is in part what Allen appreciated in the first place: "I was pretty enough, I was smart enough, I was nonconfrontational, I was non-judgmental, I was discreet, and nothing shocks me."

translate to:

She knew about Epstein's sex trafficking operations, and continued working for him nevertheless.

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall

3141592653 ago

Underage grooming


partying with Iman, jet-setting with Adnan Khashoggi, dining with Stephen King, working as a personal assistant to Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier later convicted for soliciting an underage girl.

Sorry to ant-fuck, but if she was hanging with Adnan Khashoggi, she likely partied with Trump as well.

Trump "bought" khashoggi's boat but still let him regularly use it. To me, that seems like a money laundering op

Khashoggi is an arms dealer involved in Iran contra

Trump then sold it a year later to Al waleed

YogSoggoth ago

Only thing is Trump probably just makes deals the whole time because he doesn't drink. Somehow I think that rumors spread about people in the jet set crowd, true or not, let Trump know what they were about before meeting them. If they had something on him, it would have come out by now.

scouts ago

Yes you're on the money. Read this, it's pretty new I think, all about Trump/Khashoggi/Robert Maxwell/Ghislaine Maxwell/Jeffrey Epstein:

"The late disgraced Mossad superspy and media mogul Robert Maxwell (Jewish name: Abraham Leib Hoch, of a Chassidic Jewish Czech family), the father of Epstein’s alleged child-sex procurer Ghislaine Maxwell, held a party on his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine (named after his favourite daughter), sometime in the spring of 1989. Guess who was at that party? Donald Trump. Also on board, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch[1], were Ghislaine Maxwell, former U.S. senator John Tower (of Iran-Contra scandal infamy), and other prominents, like ex-navy secretary John Lehman. Whether Epstein was at that party is anyone’s guess, but it’s certainly plausible, as Robert Maxwell had extensive dealings with bankers and financiers, including the Rothschilds, his “trusted friends” Goldman Sachs, and Lehman brothers. You’ll remember from the first part of this series that Trump’s yacht, Trump Princess, was purchased from Mossad asset and major Iran-Contra player Adnan Khashoggi. Maxwell’s £12-million yacht, Lady Ghislaine, was purchased from one of Khashoggi’s brothers. As we will see, Maxwell himself was a significant player in the Iran-Contra affair on behalf of Israel’s Mossad and, to some extent, the Soviet Union.

Ghislaine Maxwell (right) with Abigail Klem, chief brand officer of Ivanka Trump’s clothes and accessories line, at the Felix Rey Valentine’s Day party at The Core Club in New York City, February 14, 2007.

So now we have established not only a long-standing relationship between Trump and Epstein but also between Trump and two Maxwells—Robert and his daughter Ghislaine. Trump’s late father Fred personally may have known Robert Maxwell as well, as Fred was involved in major real estate projects that would have interested characters like Maxwell and his money-laundering thug pals in the Soviet Union, who laundered much of their dirty money through New York and Florida—two places in which Donald Trump has primary residences. Donald Trump and Ghislaine could be friends, business partners, acquaintances, or perhaps something more. The trio (including Epstein) has been spotted together on multiple occasions, including when golf magazine writer Michael Corcoran sat with Trump, Ghislaine, and Epstein on Trump’s private plane in order to conduct an interview.[2] In 2007, Ghislaine Maxwell was photographed with Ivanka Trump’s future brand officer of her clothing company at the Felix Rey Valentine’s Day party in New York City in 2007. Trump and Ghislaine may have been intimately involved with each other. Whatever the case, on board Lady Ghislaine that day in 1989, Trump was in the hands of a Mossad super cell."

Part 5: Part 1 starts here:


Sorry I haven't posted. I've been going down a rocky + epst hole myself

This blog from 2011 claims trump was on the flight to Africa with Clinton, spacey, & Rock..

A lot of info regarding the Epstein and mar a lago connections.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I think the catch 22 is that if Trump is outed, there will be attention from what he was outed from. Saw Gayle King interview Woody Allen's daughter on her morning show. She treated her like she was the criminal. She also openly grieved when Charlie Rose got axed...Now she is leaving the show reportedly because of the with the CEO of Les Moonves...maybe she is really leaving because of all the names of pedophiles rapists coming out, it might not look good for another one due to association with Oprah. The picture of Oprah and the girl she was offering up to Harvey Weinstein is damning her girl's school in Africa having pedophiles working for her. Procurers are an important component.

3141592653 ago

He probably did introduce them. Sicko

scouts ago

Robert Evans basically made Roman Polanski famous. Robert Evans was/is a big-time Satanist type guy. He was also behind the murder of a huge Satanic leader from NYC/Hamptons. Look up "The Cotton Club Murder".

Evans had his co-financier murdered. They were producing "The Cotton Club" together with a big-time cocaine trafficker as well. Evans and the coke trafficker lady had him killed. And the actor who played the son on Sanford and Son was the bodyguard of the NYC Satanic producer guy who got killed.

YogSoggoth ago

Lamont? That sucks, I actually liked Sanford and son.

scouts ago

Me too, really good show. I'm not even sure he was a bad guy.

scouts ago

Yes, that's why she didn't speak up before now. And just a week ago Jeffrey Epstein's civil suit case as settled so she's more free to speak about certain things.

think- ago

Woody probably introduced them

Great find, Mad_As_Hell! @darkknight111

Her current boss Robert Evans produced some Roman Polanski films including Rosemary’s Baby

Now that's interesting....

I reckon this woman is a victim hunter, much like Ghislaine Maxwell

Entirely possible.

@MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall @letsdothis3 @Vindicator

gamepwn ago

This fucking pedo just has more and more names added to the list. Woody Allen needs to have his woody castrated off.

think- ago

The already-famous 41-year-old director, still hot off Sleeper and who'd release Annie Hall the following spring, never asked her age. But she told him she was still in high school, living with her family in rural New Jersey as she pursued her modeling ambitions in Manhattan. Within weeks, they'd become physically intimate at his place. She wouldn't turn 17, legal in New York, until that December.

Well, that's basically everything we need to know.

'And tomorrow you'll read: Woody Allen: But she looked like 25! I swear!' /s

3141592653 ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Absolutely my pleasure.