rp5x5 ago

Whatever happened to diligent research? I haven't read here in months and it's no wonder real researchers are ridiculed Virtually ever comment on this thread is stupid. It's like deepstate tells you Woody Allen is bad. And you believe it..
It's really annoying to have to defend Woody Allen, when there are REAL pedos out there.

Haven't you figured out Mia is nuts and a liar?

Didn't you read the statements by this "16 year old?"

Haven't you figured out Allen has never been a Hollywood fan? Always an outsider. The guy is a genius but completly introverted and a little boy himself. He wasn't ccused of rape by this girl. She loves him. She was probably more emotionally mature than Woody Allen when she was 16.

Haven't you figured out Allen wasn't married to Mia? Never adopted his wife as a teen, was never intimate with her till she was 20. Figure it out! They smear him because he is a closet Republican.

Amazing keep falling for this. Woody Allen didn't join their evil pedo clubs. He is independant. Try watchng his movies. He is the most transparent person there is. He doesn't have an evil bone in his body.

Gimme a break people you are being duped again...by the same people who are the real bad people.

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Baichu ago

Why is "Woody" (note hollywood's play on words) so protected and exalted? I do not get it at all.

carmencita ago


A trove of Woody Allen's personal archives, which have been stored at Princeton University since 1980, have been fully read for the first time, and it is filled with musings about men falling for teenage girls.

According to the Washington Post, the archive is 56 boxes of 57 years of Allen's scrawlings, drafts and screenplays, and, according to Princeton, no one has ever read the Allen files in full until now.

One of the more lurid drafts is a script written by Allen, in which the eponymous lead male is a part-time porn director, titled 'The Filmmaker.'

The script, written in the 60s or 70s has the Allen character becoming obsessed with a much younger, schizophrenic woman named Jennifer. He ultimately leaves his wife for her.

The freelance author, Richard Morgan, who digested the full work of scrawlings by Allen says: 'From the very beginning to the very end, Allen, quite simply, drips with repetitious misogyny.'

The freelance author, Richard Morgan, who digested the full work of scrawlings by Allen says: 'From the very beginning to the very end, Allen, quite simply, drips with repetitious misogyny.'

Allen writes: 'Of all the famous men who ever lived, the one I would most like to have been was Socrates. Not just because he was a great thinker, because I have been known to have some reasonably profound insights myself, although mine invariably revolve around two eighteen year old cocktail waitresses and some rope handcuffs.'

And in yet another draft, titled 'My Speech to the Graduates,' he bemoans that 'science has failed us. True, it has conquered many diseases, broken the genetic code, and even placed human beings on the Moon. And yet when a man of eighty is left in a room with two eighteen year old cocktail waitresses, nothing happens.'

Nothing happens? It seems he never has enough.

Geo_synchronous ago

Cut his nads off and make him eat them live on CNN

Geo_synchronous ago

Cut his balls off and make him eat them live on CNN

Kekalicious ago

Not mentioning the tales of attic play fun with a seven year old. Oh wait, I found it. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dylan-farrow-interview-today-gayle-king-full-transcript-woody-allen-me-too/

i_scream_trucks ago

You know he is married to his own stepdaughter right?

Who was underage when they hooked up?

Theres nothing not wrong about woody allen.

3141592653 ago

I never heard anything about her saying Mia Farrow abused her

carmencita ago

I don't know if that is true of not either, but the girl that just came out with the story (the 16 yr old) said that he brought in Mia Farrow as a 3rd partner when they had sex, so could be getting it confused. But at this point almost nothing would surprise me anymore. This 16 yr. old still needs more deep therapy.

i_scream_trucks ago

Nope. Mia caught him having an affair with her underaged step daughter and separated. Soon yi accused Mia of abuse in about 1995 iirc.

The other allegation against woody is brand new.

carmencita ago

Soon Yi is not of normal mind. Woody Allen parades her around as though she is and she is not. Degrees can be bought especially with his connections. I don't believe for one minute that Mia abused her. Not one. I know the 16 yr old is a new case. And I also know that Wood-y A**en is a pedophile

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

fellowshipoftheminds - https://archive.is/3ZT7h

Whoremaster2000 ago

He's always been a creepy twerp of a mother fucker, even when I was a kid and new nothing about the abuse, he always freaked me out.