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auralsects ago

I've come across the Tenement Museum in research -- it's a Jewish operation.

Some rich shyster kike called Schloss, Treasurer of Freedom House, funded it.

You may have vaguely heard or seen Freedom House, now a neocon (i.e. Jew) think tank tricking us into fighting wars for Jews.

Which is exactly why it was originally founded.

The effects of this Jew propaganda were far worse than the millions of dead Europeans: for the first time mass numbers of women entered the workforce and never left, necessarily dooming our birth rates and the living-wage blue-collar breadwinner.

Freedom House, incidentally, shares its Lucifer-the-Lightbringer logo with the propaganda mill responsible: the WWW

Now a quiz for truthers: how many Jewish names can you spot on the Freedom House -- "America's oldest human rights group" -- Board of Trustees? Hint: it's roughly half.

Naturally, in the post-9/11 (((War on Terror))) years they did quite a lot of kvetching about "extremist" Saudi textbooks.

What dangerous lies are being taught to Saudi schoolkids to warrant such concern?

Not only that the Masonic conspiracy is real and is a Zionist front, but that Jews control the publishing industry to propagandize and spread vice and effected the French, Ottoman, and Bolshevik revolutions.

This is stuff middle-aged Voaters get "red-pilled" about but which Arabs learn as SMALL CHILDREN.

Arabs publish books and have made entire TV series about pizzagate.

But for defending them as on our side, I am labeled a shill "Muslim pedo" and threatened with doxing or worse in multiple hit-piece threads made by idiots who couldn't research their way out of a wet paper bag and get destroyed in actual debates with me.

@gamepwn you can suck my cock, @darkknight111 wheres the cyber-stalker geek-fag-squad you were supposed to sic on me months ago just because I believe women should be pregnant at home in their fertile years and because I post about Jews?

Come at me, faggots. I've left so many false trails even the kikes haven't got to me, and they just doxed the former #2 at the Daily Stormer.

gamepwn ago

UMAD BRO? Don't jihad me :o haha dumb faggot who advocates for pedophiles and raping women. No one here takes you seriously.

darkknight111 ago

Even the White Nationalist crowd LOATHE the “White Sharia” group (heavily active on Daily Stormer and TRS). Refer to White Sharia followers as “vile psychopaths who ALL need to be hunted down and impaled Vlad the Impailer Style” for their views that women need to be locked in dungeons and raped.

Sounds like a good idea.

shadow332 ago

DS is shit and Anglin is a fed cunt. White Sharia is bullshit. @auralsects, you should know this stuff.

auralsects ago

I do know it. I am the biggest Trump-hater on this site.

That doesn't make it a bad meme. White Sharia literally built this country. The Puritan founding stock went from a few hundred to 700k in a few generations. It is exactly what we need.

You're a shitty white nationalist; I'm not surprised UK is totally fucked and Scotland just put in mandatory all-age LGBT curriculum.

shadow332 ago

White Sharia literally built this country

Yea, no. Did White Sharia build Germany?

auralsects ago

holy shit how ignorant could you be about our European history?

we controlled our women WAY MORE than the muslims. they couldn't own property, start a business, or do anything without their male guardian's signed approval. They had to pay a dowry to the man. Even the Germanic blood money for a murdered woman was half a man's. In islam it's FOUR TIMES a man's.

It is beyond embarrassing how kiked you white knights are. I bet your boomer ass thinks "a real man would never hit a woman" and "society is built by women AND men" or some shit.

Women are the entire crux of our existential threat. We pogromed and expelled kikes periodically precisely until women got "freedom" and influenced public policy.

shadow332 ago

I'll ask again since you dodged the question the first time:

Did White Sharia build Germany?

You're too busy making retarded, completely unfounded personal attacks to be taken seriously.

We pogromed and expelled kikes periodically precisely until women got "freedom" and influenced public policy.

What does that even mean? They were expelled over and over again, sometimes decades between the events. The last major noted one was 70 years ago.

Women are the entire crux of our existential threat

No, jews and greedy kike followers are. Women at the end of the day don't have a say in shit.

holy shit how ignorant could you be about our European history?

Since you're so much more well-read than me on the subject:

Did White Sharia build Germany?

auralsects ago

I'll ask again since you dodged the question the first time:

LOL I literally gave you examples with explicit reference to native Germanic culture.

What does that even mean? They were expelled over and over again, sometimes decades between the events. The last major noted one was 70 years ago.

And we've observed a clear and proportional-to-women's-empowerment decline in Jew-awareness and racial solidarity and increase in cuck policies like welfare, immigration, multiculturalism, faggotry, and promiscuity. Women are the ultimate NPC golem army and if you're even disputing that you are beyond worthless to any movement.

Women at the end of the day don't have a say in shit.

Women are the majority of VOTERS, teachers, civil servants, college graduates, and consumers, meaning our popular culture exclusively accommodates their sensibilities.

Their have THE final say. Is the weather also always nice in the alternative reality you inhabit?

Since you're so much more well-read than me on the subject:

Women were not considered equal to men in any way.

No society that pretends they are will be great or even successful.

They are MEANS to an END:


There is no such concept as "oppressing women." It would be like "oppressing" your own kids or farm animals: it would cause YOU problems and reduce YOUR return on the investment of feeding and living with them.

shadow332 ago

You're too much of a sarcastic cunt to deal with.

native Germanic culture.

I'm talking Germany, faggot. How many times do I have to repeat the quesiton? You're very smarmy for a fucking idiot who can't answer a simple question.

SchlongKeyhote ago

lmao what a triggered little boomer BITCH. you're obviously embarrassed about your abject ignorance to a huge part of the problem despite posting on voat every single day.

exactly where the kikes want you: compromising on women's rights because of its association with dirty foreign Moooozlims oy vey.

In reality Muslims made up the single largest Waffen SS unit, all muslim countries sided with Hitler, and Muslim Bosnia is the only place in Europe with legal Nazi parties today.

I'm talking Germany, faggot.

  1. theres no reason to specify Germanic Whites in discussing how Europeans historically treated women and its decline, so this is some sort of red herring

  2. Germany is Germanic and now led by women, Sweden was the 2nd country on earth to let women vote, after Finland, and will be the first white country to be entirely replaced due to feminism. Holland is a degenerate shit-hole.

I don't know what kind of point you even think youre making lmao

shadow332 ago

Don't use alts, faggot.

SchlongKeyhote ago

I have to because they get brigaded and limited to ten comments.

Because I am the ONLY Jew-namer on this sub, diligently red-pilling since the beginning. So show some motherfucking respect before dragging your weak-ass shit in here at the 11th hour, nigger

shadow332 ago

Sad. Using alts, I'm not taking you seriously anymore.


SchlongKeyhote ago

Yea go find someone else's coattails to ride, bitch.

shadow332 ago

You're boring me now. Blocked.

SchlongKeyhote ago

the boomer cries he strikes you LOL

auralsects ago

locked in the rape dungeon is only until the birth rate stabilizes

in normal circumstances theyd be locked in the kitchen or on RIDING MY DICK LIKE YOUR SLUT MOTHER