bdmthrfkr ago

I don't buy it simply because if you are a (((Fed))) asset you don't get sued and then run off of the internets. He was pilloried by the kikes. I don't agree with everything that he says but I am going to stop at him being a plant.

QXQ ago

Yeah no way they put him through that much shit if he's one of them.

Redcobra ago

Thanks OP ,I had a question concerning this on ask voat the other day this helps confirm my suspicions.

shadow332 ago

No problem. I'll post more on this as it unfolds. I've been watching them for a while now.

Redcobra ago

Thanks shadow! Well done!

Atomized_Individual ago

This is where all the keyboard nazi edgelord incels come from. They're professional assholes to keep a cohesive movement from forming.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

And it only takes one or two because the right by its individualistic nature has a hard time coalescing into a movement. Heinbach is a good recent example of a guy who, by all rights was legit and could have done something with a real movement, but instead got wrapped up in stupid domestic bullshit and everything collapsed around him.

We have some good examples on Voat of people who are just a little too vehement in their hatred and seem to lack any common sense. "Gas the kikes, race war now" is a funny meme, but the reality is far more boring and intricate.

PatrioticEagleMan ago

Heinbach? You mean the guy living in a trailer park?

You truly have some amazing intellectuals of high accomplishment in your movement

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

St. Anthony of the Desert lived in a cave. One's place of residence does not preclude intelligence, nor is it indicative of accomplishment.

Second, there is no "movement" which is allowed to exist by the powers that be because they desperately fear that the people will quickly see through the charade that is our current system of oligarchy disguised as a democratic republic.

shadow332 ago

This is the main problem. There are people who are angry and finally realizing shit isn't right. Then you get gatekeepers like Juden Peterson or these guys to keep them misled. Q rounds ups the boomers, and these guys for the more extreme". Look, I'm glad people are waking up to this, I don't want to discourage them from seeing this stuff, but just about everything you see on the net that is larger and more well-organized is kiked from top to bottom.

Atomized_Individual ago

The only group that's anti everything are the stormer edgelords. Complete assholes to everyone, but no one ever calls them out. Their tactic is to call everyone a Jew who isn't keyboard nazi edgelording hard enough. Just a few loud assholes can ruin everything.

shadow332 ago

They use that to soften the impact of calling out jews. Making an exaggerated mockery of it is meant to thwart newly red-pilled people from making that connection. The JQ is the last piece of the puzzle they don't want them to find.

Atomized_Individual ago

But ultimately, the good people have to stand up against the bad, and that isn't happening.

shadow332 ago

True, that goes for us. But I think the general NPC public doesn't actually give a fuck or care to have an understanding. They are lulled with their cars, house payments, cheap-ass chinese clothes and bugman gadgets, like smartphones. They are mostly fat, lazy and glued to a screen. You need to take their toys away from them to want to notice anything.

Atomized_Individual ago

I prefer normie NPCs to anti-social stormfag NPCs. I would fight a stormfag edgelord as easily as I would a black or muzzie. They're cancer on the earth.

shadow332 ago

Yes, but I think there are very few of them as compared to NPCs. And does anyone really take a stormfag seriously?

Atomized_Individual ago

Yes, they do. What I've learned in life is that most people want to avoid conflict, so they let the loudest assholes around take power. The nazi edgelords go around here just kicking down everyone's sandcastles, and no one says shit. So fuck having these assholes in an IRL movement. They are the enemies of myself and any sane person.