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maxoverdrive ago

This is so fucking disgusting. Only a faggot pedophile (like most faggots are) could excuse such disgusting, degenerate, perverted behavior....

Detoxchopra ago

"Hey dave, did you hear? Being a trannie is the in-thing now. All the cool kids are doing it. So when are you going to chop your dick off and pretend to be a girl?" "Sorry chad, but i like my dick the way it is and i like real girls with vaginas." "What are you dave? A transphobe? You cis gender freak! HEY EVERYBODY LETS ALL MAKE FUN OF DAVE FOR BEING A WHITE CIS MALE! HES LITEEALLY HITLER! AND A TRANS PHOBE!" And the crowd chants "DAVE IS HITLER, DAVE IS HITLER! TRANSPHOBE! TRANSPHOBE!"

and thats when dave realized his school is retarded.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Sorry my brain is making me say this "That's a bold move Cotton, lets see how it plays out"

shawnfromnh69 ago

Yeah I'm not knowingly let you get blackmail material on me watching a minor with female genetals naked, no thank you and btw have you met my lawyer, he's jewish so he'll make you pay up big because the Jews are the best lawyers according to Archie Bunker.

RandomGoater ago

Time for a day of rope. This shit has to end.

BadGoy1488 ago

Trannies should be in a mental asylum, not a school.

Broc_Lia ago

I wish the female PE teachers in my school had had this kind of principled attitude. The girls changed in a separate building where the male PE teachers were forbidden to enter. We changed in a corridor behind the gym with doors with windows in them at either end and the female PE teachers came in whenever they liked.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

And I thought I hated regular old communists, these fucking cultural Marxist SJW lunatics make them look almost like people with normal ideas.

Broc_Lia ago

The original commies got up to a lot of the same bullshit. A bunch of British secret service staff were convinced to go over to the other side by being promised that the USSR was a haven for homsexuals.

think- ago

It appears Pasco schools adopted their transgender policies with no notice to their elected school board, parents, or voters. Instead, they were implemented after the district hired Jackie Jackson-Dean, a school psychologist, as a LGBT liason.

Her website lists her as the “primary author of the school district’s [LGBT] best practices guide,” which names her as its”lead content developer.” That guide says transgender pronouns, locker room, bathroom, dress code, and sports access are a student’s “right.”

This is madness.

@MolochHunter @gamepwn @shadow332 @Vindicator

Hand_of_Node ago

Do the trees there not have limbs?

gamepwn ago

Jesus this is sick. These people are fucking evil to the core. Sick mental Illness that this world has to take care of. Normality is becoming the new counter culture.

think- ago

Normality is becoming the new counter culture.

Epic comment, @gamepwn.


And this is only the beginning. We have now little girls getting attacked by pals who 'identify' as girls, female prisoners getting raped by male prisoners 'identifying' as women, and male teachers punished for showing non-pedo behaviour.

And the f*cking trannie advocates pushing bills that allow any male who claims to 'identify' as a woman in women's bathrooms.

It's a nightmare.


Kleemin ago

2 options, go to jail for looking at an undressed middle school girl, or get fired.

Yea I'de take the 1 that doesn't involve jail too bro

sometaters ago

I can't even imagine what that must be like, from the teacher's perspective. You either have to watch an under age girl in a state of undress (which I'm sure he would have gotten slammed for) or refuse to watch this underage girl and get slammed anyway.

Are you fucking kidding me?

squishysquid ago

(which I'm sure he would have gotten slammed for)

The word your looking for here is blackmail.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Liberal logic is all a catch 22. It's a fucked up result from a fucked up plan all from a fucked up dream. This will not be a problem for him since a real lawyer will nail the school for trying to make him do something that would put him on a sexual offender list and maybe they might make that list for ordering him to do that or the parents might if they are normal rise up and have that school staff take a permanent vacation. They are all do it for the children and now its watch the naked children, when they say when they go low we go lower and I'm sure they will go even lower like having sex with kids so they can get out of suspesion. This is one fucked up administration and that girl no matter what should not have been in that lockerroom. How about changing in the teachers lounge if she's that important instead or would YOU actually have to be imposed upon. Hell why not just have her wear a rape me shirt when walking in the locker room.

think- ago

You either have to watch an under age girl in a state of undress (which I'm sure he would have gotten slammed for) or refuse to watch this underage girl and get slammed anyway.

Well, kudos to him that he refused

@MolochHunter @gamepwn @shadow332 @Vindicator

shadow332 ago

I looked a bit into this and it seems the person publicly responsible for this is Jackie Jackson-Dean.

From what it looks like she's a white (non-jewish?) SJW from Ohio:

Jackie currently works as a School Psychologist in Florida, where she also serves as an LGBTQ Liaison. She has lived and worked in Florida for over 10 years. Prior to moving to Florida, Jackie worked as a School Psychologist in Ohio. She attended The Ohio State University, earning both her bachelor's degree (in Special Education) and master's degree (in School Psychology) from OSU. Additionally, she holds a master's degree in Mental Health Counseling and is a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern in the state of Florida. Jackie's professional areas of interest include trauma-informed care, working with individuals with disabilities, the impact of poverty, crisis response & intervention, and affirmative LGBTQ therapy.


Jackie currently works as a School Psychologist in Florida, where she also serves as an LGBTQ Liaison. She has lived and worked in Florida for over 10 years. Prior to moving to Florida, Jackie worked as a School Psychologist in Ohio. She attended The Ohio State University, earning both her bachelor's degree (in Special Education) and master's degree (in School Psychology) from OSU. Additionally, she holds a master's degree in Mental Health Counseling and is a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern in the state of Florida. Jackie's professional areas of interest include trauma-informed care, working with individuals with disabilities, the impact of poverty, crisis response & intervention, and affirmative LGBTQ therapy.

So far, nothing seems suspicious about her, just an idiotic do-gooder SJW.

Jackie has been an ally and advocate for the LGBTQ community for most of her career. In 2010, she was selected to attend the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) Safe Schools Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C. While in D.C., Jackie had the opportunity to expand her knowledge of the Safe Schools Improvement Act legislation and lobbied on Capitol Hill for its sponsorship and passage.

The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) is what's pushing the political platform. So that's where the money is coming from, let's follow the money...

Who runs that? Kevin Jennings

Kevin Brett Jennings (born May 8, 1963) is an American educator, author, and administrator. He was the assistant deputy secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education from 2009 to 2011. He is currently president of the Tenement Museum.

Jennings holds degrees from Harvard University, Columbia University's Teachers College, and the Stern School of Business at New York University. He became a teacher and was named one of fifty "Terrific Teachers Making a Difference" by the Edward Calesa Foundation; he also came out as gay to his students In 1990 he founded the Gay and Lesbian Independent School Teachers Education Network (later changed to the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), which seeks to end discrimination, harassment, and bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity. In 1992 he was named co-chair of the Education Committee of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth in Massachusetts.

So he's a fag who was the son of a Southern Baptist pastor. Now he's doing all of this "I've come out" bullshit. I put 100 bucks he's one of these gays who was sexually abused by a man as a little boy.

Now here comes the important part:

Jennings is currently president of the Tenement Museum following a five-year stint as executive director of the Arcus Foundation.

What is the Arcus Foundation?

The Arcus Foundation is a charitable foundation focused on issues related to LGBT rights, social justice and conservation. The foundation's stated mission is "to ensure that LGBT people ... thrive in a world where social and environmental justice are a reality.

Arcus got an endowment of $168,714,924 in 2016. Hmmm.... who runs this thing?

Arcus Foundation was founded in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 2000 by Jon Stryker, a U.S. architect, philanthropist, social and environmental activist, billionaire stockholder...

Whoa, whoa, whoa... a billionaire stockholder?

and heir to the Stryker Corporation medical supply company fortune.

He is gay and lives with a guy and has children. Might be worth looking into this guy. He's in high places and has a lot of money and connections. I think he's definitely an importnat node in the network.

In addition, he's a rich fag whose company can only profit from butchering up mentally-ill people to be "another gender". Another reason for him in particular to promote and fund transgenderism.

OldGit ago

Thanks for the info.

think- ago

Thank you for digging into this, @shadow332. Would you consider submitting to v/pizzagate?

I think you can submit your comment as a post as is. Please feel free to get back to me if you have any questions regarding a possible submission.

@letsdothis2 @gamepwn @MolochHunter

shadow332 ago

Sure, would be happy too. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything directly incriminating yet, but I don't think it will take long, I was just scratching the surface.

think- ago

Great, thanks for considering.

I think that a school would force a teacher to watch a girl naked is already incriminating, and the public should be made aware of it. I hope that many people are going to spread this via Social Media.

If @Vindicator agrees, we could maybe give your post a 'Share' flair.

Vindicator ago

Hmm. Maybe I missed something. I saw this post on v/pizzagate before seeing this ping and flaired it for editing per Rules 1 and 2. Here's the edit comment I left:

MolochHunter ago

I can't even...

think- ago

Yes, better don't read the article. It's terrible. :-(

Michael111 ago

If he'd watch her, he would have been accused of watching wrong and locked up for being a perv.

1ArmedTRex ago

Close, actually they would then be able to hold it above him affecting his culpability. Hence allowing his superiors to allow him to bend him like a tree in the wind for their needs. This is the way that the rich and powerful keep their henchmen and women in line, put them in situation that are questionable under the inference that is s.o.p and then latter when the lower tries to stand up for what is "right" later they can go, "hey 'member when you did X well that would be terrible if people found out."

They want you under their thumb, not necessarily out of their way, just under enough pressure to do their will.

speedisavirus ago

Yeah, there was no way for him to win on this. Either accept and permit then get called a pedophile or do what he did and get called transphobic. Fucking leftists are destroying this country.

benjitsu ago

I think that is the point. If he had obeyed his job orders it would have made him a literal criminal, and then he REALLY wouldn't have any footing to disobey again. I didn't know LGBT friendly school boards operated like the mob and satanic global cabals

Nietzsche__ ago

The problem isn't that he'd be called a pedophile. It's the likely lawsuits that could come for multiple reasons. Playing with a bear trap...

Chimaira92 ago

Either accept and permit then get called a pedophile or do what he did and get called transphobic

Why is being called transphobic negative?

Peacethroughpower ago

Because him losing his job doesnt help him

squishysquid ago

he didn't, he was transfered they couldn't even put transphobia in his employment record just some vague shit about not doing his job because they're sackless shitsticks.

Chimaira92 ago

It helps him more then pandering and promoting leftist ideology. Either he gets fired or he assimilates with their curriculum.

speedisavirus ago

I being phobic of mentally ill fagots is sort of negative. Not calling these faggots mentally ill however is a problem.

Michael111 ago

Sick fucks are running this world

HenryCabotLodge ago

Go up to 50,000 feet and look at this from a larger perspective. They want you to see and fight on their level. What is going on in the greater world is that the dark forces are winning over the forces of light. This stuff is Luciferian and, at present, he is winning.

Seventh_Jim ago

If you believe that mythos, he's supposed to until the return. Thats why all the churches that focus on solving the worlds problems are apostate. Not my fight, but clean out your churches and burn your witches if you want them to contribute to a healthy society.

As for me and my house, we will honor Odin.

talmoridor-x ago

Good. He's a faggot.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

not wanting to look at a underaged girl is wrong

Talmoridor-x is a pedophile confirmed.

talmoridor-x ago

Assuming it was in 7th grade or higher, no. Nature doesn't know what "underage" is apart from age of puberty.

a100167 ago

The girl is question is a tranny. Read the story shitdick

talmoridor-x ago

I read the same news story from another source a few weeks ago, in which that wasn't mentioned. Good to know.

However, you're still gay/brainwashed to refuse to look at girls during their biological prime in their natural form.

Ashra ago

...and in MIDDLE school, aka between 11-14 years old....

newoldwave ago

Do you think the boys were watching her?

IGiveZeroFucks ago

No. I'm sure she's ugly.

Gorillion ago

This. Contrary to popular narrative, white western school boys don't think just any old naked female body is hot stuff.
I bet most wished their first experience of a naked female peer was with someone actually desirable and not a crazy meat fridge.

Now if they were muslims, then sure. They would have been licking their chops. But they think livestock is hot.

Seventh_Jim ago

Are horses considered livestock?

Fuck_SRS ago

More than likely yeah

AmazingFlightLizard ago

What the actual fuck? My kids are in Pasco County School District. My teenage daughters.

Yup. Congressman is being called tomorrow.

Sgt_Boomer ago

How many years have you been letting kikes raise your kids for you?

QXQ ago

Call your elected school board.

Those fuckers barely get any phonecalls. They'll probably be excited that someone acknowledges their existence.

a100167 ago

It's just more tranny bullshit.