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Vindicator ago

@shadow332, per Rule 1, we need a clear statement about how you think this is related to the abuse of kids by the global elite. You need to lay out the evidence for a connection between the push for transgenderism and pizzagate. I agree with your hunch that this guy might be an "important node in the network", but that's not enough by itself for v/pizzagate. It's more suitable for v/pizzagatewhatever.

Also, we need a link per Rule 2 to support your statement that his "company can only profit from butchering up mentally-ill people to be "another gender". I saw no evidence of that presented.

I'll give this the 24 Hour Grace flair in case you want to edit. You can post it as is in v/pizzagatewhatever.

anotherhero ago

@shadow332 is a propagandist so naturally, they think all the evidence anyone needs to know someone is a pedophile is that they are homosexual, transexual, black, mexican, get the picture.

Need Proof?

Just read their top posts from their profile: "nigger" this, "fag" that, this guy is a propagandist on here to do nothing more than push their hatred of homosexuals, transexuals, etc.

Not exactly someone who should be allowed such a massive voicepiece on voat and 3 moderated subverses...but what do I know, I've only been on here 3 days and so far this guy is my first impression of voat.

Hopefully, the rest of the community here actually posts facts and unbiased information.

think- ago

@shadow332: My suggestion would be that you actually put the headline of the linked article in the OP, like this:

School Punishes Male Teacher For Refusing To Watch A Naked Girl In The Boys’ Locker Room

at the top of your post, then add a sentence like:

'The school (which constitutes an elite entity in our definition of Pizzagate), tried to force a teacher into pedophile behaviour (watching a girl naked), and even punished him when he refused. This is part of pushing pedophile behaviour in schools, in this case in the context and under the pretext of LGBT issues.'

This should suffice regarding Rule 1. Yes, @Vindicator?

I will look into the sentence in question that made @Vindicator flair the post per Rule 2, and will edit this comment later.

Vindicator ago

Yep, that would totally suffice for Rule 1. :-)

shadow332 ago

Hi Vindicator, I made the edits, is this ok?

Vindicator ago

Yep. Excellent, shadow. Thank you.

think- ago

Regarding the Rule 2 thing: @shadow332, I would just delete the sentence in question that @Vindicator criticized. Then we could remove the flair, once my edit suggestions above will have been edited in.

Thank you!

shadow332 ago

Thanks for helping out, @think-. I like the suggestions you made and I've made the appropriate edits.

think- ago

Welcome, @shadow332. Thanks for editing. I have removed the 'Grace' flair, and gave you a 'Share!' flair.

Please keep up the good work.

think- ago

Thanks, Vin.
