First off, @ESOTERICshade is @rarepeeks. This is not a joke. Yes, there are loads of archives and image backups that will never be deleted, should he disappear or delete.
Why is this a problem? Manufacturing consensus and vote manipulation. Other users never seem to push ESOTERIC's narrative, just his alts.
Here he is lying about his intentions in order to make his main username seem reasonable while his alts attack Vindicator.
How about voting on major changes to the subverse? His main username was ALL OVER that thread, and made THAT vote in some Crensched nest, but here's his alt's vote.
You know how the pedophiles we all want dead mock those around them by hinting at what they're really doing by admitting to something smaller?
Here he is admitting to being @smurfy69, innocently UPVOTING comments not because they were good, admitting to upvoting himself, where he has upvoted 422 times and downvoted 127 times on ONE account. Does anyone REALLY think he isn't brigading? Oh wait, Here's RAREPEEKS (ALSO ESOTERIC) numbers at 725 upvoted and 354 downvoted
@Puttitout, please see the above paragraph.
You'll also notice BOTH Esoteric and his smurfy69 account commenting in this concern troll thread by @ArtificalDuality -- both claiming to have suffered torture from directed energy weapons. Exactly the kind of LARPy concern troll bullshit known liar and drama queen @Jem777 was posting before Vindicator banned her - and she's also helping push it in this thread. You'll also find twistedmac11 joining in there.
@twistedmac11 seems more than a little invested in ESOTERICshade keeping his good name. And he always, always, always, always, JFC always, fuck... shows up to defend or agree with ESOTERIC. No, that's not everything. That's a very, VERY small fraction, yes, it's all archived and saved.
How much of what you see here has been shaped by him? Does any legitimate user really agree with him, or does he just groom new users into being his cheerleaders when he and his alts do their dirty work?
Here's @DeathtoMasonsASAP somehow finding a deeply-nested comment to respond to, and has that typical ESOTERIC-style Vindicator hate found on a verified alt here, here, and here.
Here's ES lying again about him thinking the rest of the mods are "cool" while attacking one. It's usually either that, or thinking all the mods are awful except one. Never really seems to commit one way or the other. Always has to pretend to be on the side of one of the mods, like this cringey shit where he tries to brown-nose kevdude.
I'm sure everyone now knows that the colloquially known "Donkey" is also @auralsects. What do you make of this where @auralsects responds where @ESOTERICshade should have? No, ES did NOT respond to that on the correct username at all, even after the fact. And who in their right mind would say this? Here he is talking about Donkey's JOB; who in their right minds would say THAT?
There are more usernames being researched, but what do you all see in these links? (notice the difference in votes, and how useless his comment really is - somebody got a new toy and wanted to play with it) (10? 17? really?) (organic?)
Feel free to ping all those users you know that are friendly to this pedophile-protecting D&C shill. I fully intend to put every single one of them under the microscope, along with anyone that attacks my mods.
This is why you have a MASSIVE asshole as an [O] mod. THIS is why I'm not nice to you. THIS is why I don't do daily mod duties here. THIS is why your mods want me where I am. THIS is the avalanche I created just by picking a fight with your loudest blowhard member that almost none of you called out. THIS IS WHAT I DO. And to all of you that even look at my goddamned mods sideways without a VERY good reason:
No more Mr. Nice Crensch.
@twistedmac11 got flustered and lied about never supporting anyone trying to destroy the subverse, prompting @Vindicator to dig this one up.
@Vindicator made the comment below about ESOTERIC's bullshit:
Here, @EsotericShade claims he's so ignorant of technology (a "retard") he had to make all these alts because passwords are too hard to remember.
But eight months ago, here he is having a conversation about how to use VPNs to game the voting system. Doesn't sound too tech ignorant here, now does he?
Incidentally, that thread shows him using multiple alts to try to take over a rule discussion, voting multiple times via different accounts and even bitching when Crensch missed votes that weren't made as top level comments that would be seen in his notifications. Lots of brigading, too. Here are three of them talking to each other, pushing the idea the mod team is run by intelligence operatives.
There are multiple comments by him in that thread as ES, rarepeeks, twistedmac11, dragonkiller and others concern trolling the idea that the rule discussion is some kind of trap created by Crensch to get people's names on a hit list -- he simultaneously votes multiple times and tries to scare other people away from letting their voice be heard. It's rather appalling how glaring it is in this thread, actually.
view the rest of the comments →
ESOTERICshade ago
Are you done accusing innocent members of Voat of being me? How many members will you alienate that will never come back and contribute to this sub again? You done yet? You already ran off all the old regulars that used to contribute here. They left because of your bullshit. You are the most destructive thing that ever happened to Voat. You are cancer. If I owned this site I would ban your IP address and run you the fuck out of here. You are a disgrace of a human being. You need to go to rehab and get your life straight. You have bombed this sub with your dumbass for too long and I wish @puttitout would nuke your stupid ass. You need a break from the internet.
Piscina ago
The problem IS the owner of this site. Voat is now owned by the pedos and their protectors. When Voat showed signs of being an independent source of research, they bought it. The mods are following orders and doing what they're told.
Vindicator ago
Try to produce one iota of evidence for anything you just claimed. You can't, because it's bullshit.
Gothamgirl ago
Neither do you.
Vindicator ago
That was my charitable explanation for your destructive behavior. We've got a number of mentally ill people on this board, including several with DID. I do my best to discern them from actual shills.
Hmmm. Where, exactly, did I "drag you into it"? You are replying to a comment I made to Piscina, who was once again making dishonest assertions she cannot defend with evidence. By inserting yourself into the conversation, you are taking a position supporting her and the proven liar and manipulator Esoteric, whom she was defending.
That seems pretty dumb for someone "smart" enough to "have enough income from royalties, investments, and annuities that I was able to retire at 32". How did you even know this conversation was going on? Is Piscina an alt that you control?
Shizy ago
She just added that when she edited her comment a few hours ago. That was not in her original comment.
I'd say it's a sign of mental illness to fixate on a comment so much that you come back and edit it to make yourself sound more awesome and definately NOT on public assistance!
Vindicator ago
Interestingly, ES also made similar claims about his wealth, as @Crensch noted here.
It's almost like they are trying to provide non-suspicious explanations for the apparently unlimited funding that allows them to run so many alts.
Gothamgirl ago
No nice try you people brought up my income I responded. Probably did the same to ES.
So your connecting patterns. Do you know that's also a huge trait of a skitzo?
Vindicator ago
No, I replied to Piscina, who was spreading lies about Voat being run by pedos. I didn't bring you up at all. You showed up out of nowhere and sperged out, then came back and edited your comment to brag about your income.
Gothamgirl ago
No you or one of the other mods have stated prior I was on welfare. I didn't brag at all, as it's not alot to brag about. You have stated I was mentally ill on this thread a few comments ago. I have every right to add or change my comments as does everyone else. If you don't want individuals to splurge out and comment maybe try to stop talking about us.
Vindicator ago
Here's the whole comment thread. I never mentioned you. You showed up when I replied to Piscina's BS claims.
Gothamgirl ago
It started here
And you link is where I decided to address it.
argosciv ago
Guess what, you dumb cunt.
I've already owned up to every suspicion I ever had about various users at various times. Suspicions which were, of course, festered and encouraged by you and your buddies in the first place, with your brigading, slander/manipulation and disinfo.
@srayzie's already well aware of anything you might think is fodder to use against me.
There's no secret that I not only once trusted you and other subversive cunts that you're aligned with, but also that I once had my suspicions about various users including mods such as her. What you appear to be unaware of, though, is that a shitload has changed and that your anti-argosciv narrative is dead in the water.
Go ahead and, by mission of action, show your undying allegiance to ESOTERICshade, TrustTheTruth and co.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt once upon a time, but, you've now confirmed every suspicion I ever had about you. That's the funny part. You'll try to use my past suspicions about others, as a weapon - little do you realize though, that my suspicions of you have always outweighed and were communicated long in advance of you pathetic moves here.
Gothamgirl ago
I don't have alligence to anyone, I am tagged in the truth and support individuals I like and who are here for the right reasons. You are nothing more then a manipulating drunkin scumbag.
Shizy ago
So it sounds like you Trust the Truth right ho?
@argosciv @srayzie
Gothamgirl ago
Your so weak lapdog, caved and didn't block me. Am I supposed to believe anything you say now?😁
Shizy ago
Oh I blocked your dumbass, but I was notified by someone else you were over here running your mouth some more so I thought I'd stop by for a quick laugh at the stupid old skank who thinks she's tough 🤣!
Gothamgirl ago
Haha no you blocked me cause you ran out of lies. I know I am tough, tough enough to take on your whole pg13 gang all at once.
Shizy ago
It's well known you enjoy taking a gang of 13 all at once you filthy hooch!
Gothamgirl ago
No it's not, it's another pathetic lie by a pathetic lapdog who isn't smart enough to think of anything original ever...
argosciv ago
Do please go ahead and repeat talking points from ES and TTT.
Gothamgirl ago
Why would I do anything you ask of me? Fuck off.
argosciv ago
D'aww. Look at you tucking tail now.
You were so keen on repeating talking points from ES and TTT when you thought they were viable ammunition. What changed?
Gothamgirl ago
You people have soured this place so badly with negativity that doesn't belong, I hardly look at pizzagate or Q anymore. Maybe that's your goal.. I don't keep up with ES or TTT I know some of the answers to the questions, and that is it, what is it your business anyways?
Are you like the fucking Voat police? Is this an investigation or a stalking?
I am free to chat and communicate with whoever the fuck I feel like.
I pretty much know all the answers to the end of time and then time. Thanks to cicada3301, so yes what they say and do sometimes makes sense to me.
What I don't do is read these psychotic rants, and stickies everywhere with an unlikable people's biased opinions. Not to mention all the fakes that show up to cheer this shit on. I could careless. I have all the time in the world but none for that. Especially when mods here talk about my children and make up fairytales..
argosciv ago
Fucking rofl.
You are by far the weakest link in your entire operation. Absolute garbage-level rambling and talking-point recycling from you now that your pitiful attempt at sowing discord was stopped dead in its tracks.
Oh? That's why you showed up in my thread elsewhere? Care to inform the group of whose comments you were following or who it was that called on you to stick your filthy nose in?
See above and reminds us all, why it is you felt compelled to try to have a ree about me here.
Gothamgirl ago
Ok try me bitch you will see how weak I am,.this scorpion is don't forget a fucking thing. My sting is deadly.
I rattled out my personal business so you can not lie about me anymore. If you want to keep it going I will destroy you by the end of this. I don't care how many of you show up you will fall eventually.
argosciv ago
You can't even make up your damn mind lol.
Hahahaha! For someone who wants nothing to do with this, you sure rattle out a whole lot of threats.
Spoiler alert, I already know. You've made it way too easy.
If you could destroy anything, you would have already. But you'll just be another 'debunker' crying the same talking points into the wind.
You couldn't stop it from happening, you can't stop it now.
Hahahahaha! Oh that's rich. No really, keep trying with this little tough-girl act. It's amusing as fuck.
cc: @Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy (In case you guys want a heads up on the next incoming 'attack')
Gothamgirl ago
No.. This is my last comment on pizzagate about this. Stop being selfish and get off the pizzagate forum. take it to a new subverse. I am going to be driving for awhile the next 2 days but I will get back to you soon.
argosciv ago
That sure sounds familiar...
You can't help yourself. You'll come back just to try to prove "#QManLarp!", then we'll have a good old laugh at you, like all the rest who've been directed to try their little hearts out in that same endeavor.
Nobody will listen to you. You already shot yourself in the foot there.
Shizy ago
So it's settled, if gaping anus, the dumb take it up the ass bimbo wants to keep this off pizzagate, then pizzagate is where it will stay! 😂
argosciv ago
She's a special one, that Gothamgirl.
All the bluster in the world but loses her marbles when the kitchen gets a bit hot and nobody is scared of the crap she's relying on to puff herself up xD
Shizy ago
Oh she's special alright! It's always hysterical seeing her feel the need to prove herself to strangers so she gives out WAY too much personal information! She's about as dumb as they come.
Gothamgirl ago
Actually I told Shizy the other day what I was doing renting 50 acres, now I have to get to it. What makes you think I don't believe in Q? You like to spew a bunch of garbage...
argosciv ago
Oh god, even more classic!
You're not even worth the time at this point.
Gothamgirl ago
Right haha I don't give up blood to snakes. 1 down 12 to go then? #Pg-13Gang
argosciv ago
Who says anyone is down? xD
You're just so pathetic, you're not worth the time of day.
You go ahead and keep trying, though.
Gothamgirl ago
Ran out of insults already haha I haven't even begun to fight. Glad to see you're keeping record.
argosciv ago
Oh I don't need to 'insult' you any further. You're doing it to yourself xD
You going to cry about cyberbullying like all the others pushing the same narrative?
The cute part is that you think this is a fight.
That record? Look again.
It's showing that you need to edit your comments after the fact, to make them sound tougher. Which is kind of ironic since you're talking about running out of insults, yet, need to edit your bluster in afterwards.
ESOTERICshade ago
I can type faster than most people. If I lay on my back, on the couch, and try to type without a pillow to elevate the laptop I make mistakes. Then I correct them. That ever happen to you?
MolochHunter ago
there goes another alt
toilet flushes
Vindicator ago
Heads up, folks. See parent. Esoteric just forgot he wasn't logged in as Gothamgirl. He just defended himself for comment editing to @argosciv, who was critiquing GG about editing her comments to look tougher.
@Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy
ESOTERICshade ago
Heads up, folks. See parent. Esoteric just forgot he wasn't logged in as Gothamgirl. He just defended himself for comment editing to @argosciv, who was critiquing GG about editing her comments to look tougher.
@Crensch @srayzie @MolochHunter @Shizy
Bunch of us caught on to your game. And your game is this. I"m gonna take time to explain it so that everybody can watch.
Person makes a comment. If someone ELSE replies to that comment, even though the comment was not addressed specifically to THEM, Vindicator make the accusation that "whoever replies to a comment, not specifically addressed to them, is an alt"
Nice try bro, but people respond to comments every day on this forum EVEN IF those comments were not specifically addressed to them. We all do it all the time and I can screen capture thousands of examples of you replying to comments that were not addressed specifically to YOU. You are outed, busted, stone cold, liar, deceiver.
I realize that Voat just got "sent an Angel" and i'm starting to think that paycheck might be "SWEET" reckon?
The_Savant ago
Because God forbid donkeyhote having an alt account.
Gothamgirl ago
Why are you making things up ?
I am gothamgirl only, a female and you are liar.
SearchVoatBot ago
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ESOTERICshade ago
You just outed yourself as a liar. Everybody that reads this forum KNOWS that I am not @gothamgirl
I wanted to believe that you have good intentions. I wanted to believe that you were just gullible and naive. Now I know different. Your intentions are not good. You are a lying bastard and you just proved it.
I understand the game now. The new people that come here will never know the truth because they won't know the past. My opinion of you, from a score of 1 thru 10 used to be a 7. Now it just went to a 2. You are a bad player.
MolochHunter ago
you know what, punk? The biggest threat to the integrity of this site is sock puppeteers
the SECOND biggest are users that know this but still ally with you
so it doesnt matter if GothamGirl is or isnt strictly your alt - she's a liability, and you are still a cunt
Gothamgirl ago
Do you realize all this bullshit started because Vindicator stated I was mentally ill, and then used a shitty opinion piece on me that only shows part if the story, to further push his fake narrative? Then immediately sock puppets came out to attack me, my body, my children, and anything else they could make up, the minute I addressed it?
I am allowed to defend myself and fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.
MolochHunter ago
so go elsewhere
Vindicator is a trusted moderator, and us other moderators have to form a defensive block around trusted moderators
I see you think he erred in judgement. Good. Great. So what?
The same dynamic remains your reality: you kick the hornets nest to get 1 wasp called Vindicator, dont be surprised when the entire contents of the wasp nest empty out on you
are you a masochist of some kind ?
Gothamgirl ago
I have my own sub here, and I am fine alone. How about leave me the fuck out of the drama, my analytics will find it everytime. Don't slander me. End of problem. If it bothers you so badly, go back to reddit.
MolochHunter ago
never been on reddit
never will
im not the one who gets all pissy when ganged up on, so why are you still here needling moderators when you know its their DUTY to act as a team/pack in defense ?
thats what's so thick-headed about your response. If it were ordinary users who hunt for drama in a pack, you'd have a point. But you slander moderators, who have no choice but to lock into a scrum
then you get all sooky when the scrum tramples you
stop coming here. You've clearly got such a scintillating life on other websites. Or so you claim, i mean if you really did you'd just give up on voat , you wouldnt need us
but youre still here
must still need us
argosciv ago
GG says:
"Own sub", "alone"
"Oopsssssssie" indeed.
I wonder if this one can be explained...
Look at the author's comment and the subverse configuration.
Here's the comment by @Vindicator, that the submission links to:
@Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @Shizy
Edit: Ping error, dropped extra ping for Vindicator, repinging Shizy below.
Gothamgirl ago
Yes it was made by Cicada and then turned over to me. Q was made by cicada too...
Vindicator ago
Ha! NICE find, argo. No wonder they wanted to shut you up. LMAO. Gothamgirl is so insane, she'd talking to herself about her plans in this sub. What a nutter.
So is she a basket case that ES has manipulated into even worse crazydom and he's lurking her comments and "accidentally" commenting to make us attack her as his alt? Or is "she" actually just a LARP sock puppet? Intriguing question.
argosciv ago
Bruh, I found this way back when I put up a list in v/pizzagatemods.
GG just gave me the PERFECT excuse to post explicitly why I added her to said list.
Vindicator ago
I never got her ping from that post in her subverse, btw. Not sure why.
argosciv ago
Honestly not sure either.
You may have missed it at the time? */shrug*
I have another theory but I'll shoot that to you in private.
MolochHunter ago
argo, not helpful right now. Im brokering an agreement with GG that she desist from coming to pizzagate if we stop posting shit about her
argosciv ago
Yeah I see that, still though.
Worth keeping a note of the above.
I'll get back to catching up on what else I missed while sleeping.
argosciv ago
See parent, @Shizy.
Had to redo your ping.
Gothamgirl ago
I can't even put a number on how many times I defended the mods and pizzagaters over the last 2 years.
I am still on this sub because I am still responding to a gang who is slandering me and my children with lies. What is so hard to get and why the fuck is that ok?
MolochHunter ago
no one knows who you are IRL
so what the fuck does it matter ?
are you achieving anything constructive, anymore, here on v/pizzagate ? not even the good mods are achieving much good here on v/pizzagate, bc they are constantly whack-a-mole-ing sock puppet shills
align with the sock puppeteers
so i'll ask again - what constructive good are you doing here?
There's only one purpose in you staying here. Your ego-complex is injured
well, that's a sad and silly excuse
go do something purposeful. for real.
Gothamgirl ago
No I don't align with anyone. Stop trying to slander me further, that's sad and silly, and you sound like the typical CONCERNFAG.
But I will take your advice and stay off this sub from this point on.
MolochHunter ago
ok then, cool.
here's the agreement: you stay off this sub to facilitate greater harmony and productivity, and I'll agree that you can call me a concernfag as many times and as often as you need to
if you agree to that, I'll ping all the mods to tell them not to @ you and drag you back into anything. Cool ?
ESOTERICshade ago
I am a male. I am not a "cunt" I am a "dick." I could put your I.Q. and common knowledge into a grape seed. I realize that @gothamgirl has said some things that are controversial but lemme tell you something, bro, she has more real world intelligence in her little toe than you will ever squeeze out of your entire life.
MolochHunter ago
real world intelligence'
thats so funny. thats a line she uses herself. almost like ... its coming from the same voice
and I reeeeeally love it when you try on your Faux Indignation. Please use it again, just for me.
its so LAUGHABLE when we know what a nasty piece of work you are
when we know how you have tried a million different ways to upend and compromise and disrupt the important research going on here
its so LAUGHABLE because it makes you look weak and wet, like a discarded vaginal wipe that dogs sniff at in a dumpster
so go on. Use your Faux Indignation again. I'll give you a tip - its more convincing when you press the back of your hand against your dainty forehead and make this face 😩
ESOTERICshade ago
Those of us that sitting backstage, that can see beyond the curtain, are not laughing. Please continue.
MolochHunter ago
you know what evil is ?
sitting behind the curtain and NOT ripping it open for everyone to see
fuck you and your cryptics, VanityFag
ESOTERICshade ago
you know what evil is ?
sitting behind the curtain and NOT ripping it open for everyone to see
fuck you and your cryptics, VanityFag
I'm pretty sure that I am at least 30 years older than you. Remember that term "VanityFag" because when you get my age, and you finally learn some shit, you're gonna wish you had known some shit TODAY
MolochHunter ago
well, while you're Ego-tripping about your oh-so-exclusive red pilling esoterica, normies are staying normie and kids are being raped and murdered
if you really had the goods, and you're withholding it, then you may as well be raping the kids yourself with your tranny hormone-shrivelled dick
and if you are 30 years older than me then you will be much closer to that day where you stand before God and account for why your ego was more important than the kids
ESOTERICshade ago
I ain't withholding nothing bro. For the last thirty years I teach. I have learned that some of things I taught 20 years ago were not accurate. My point is that we have to be careful what we teach because it only takes ONE sentence of wrong teaching to send someone on a lifetime of wrong actions, which can cause a lifetime of failure, misery, and mishap. Copy?
MolochHunter ago
patronise much ? wow you have such a inflated vision of your 'knowledge'
fuck you
we're not 12 year olds, we're seasoned and hardened pizzagate researchers
and yet all you give us is cryptic bullshit, withholding your 'secrets'
UNLESS of course you are talking to some new user who seems a little mentally unstable and damaged - THEN you regurgitate all kinds of info
say, why is that? what kind of modus operandi is that ? Sadist
Crensch ago
What I like is that nobody can trust you; thanks to you everyone that is remotely trying to spread the same narrative and Chaos as you is suspected of being you.
Or at the very least being a part of the group you are involved with. Doesn't make a whole lot of difference on this end.
ESOTERICshade ago
Well no shit Sherlock. You have outed yourself to the max.
Gothamgirl ago
No I was upset last time I am over it. Your gang is weak, and you are bullies otherwise it wouldn't take all of you to attack one person.
MolochHunter ago
you do understand that a team of Moderators have to work ..... in a TEAM ?
Gothamgirl ago
No they turn into a gang and start attacking when addressed about there slanderous comments, very uncivilized ghetto trash.
MolochHunter ago
I dont think ive ever interacted with your user account in this dispute
but I'll tell you a little secret you seem to have trouble comprehending
Moderators work in a TEAM
moderators HAVE TO work in a team
this means Moderators have similar if not identical views on what constitutes a Threat to the subverse
If someone exhibits those threatening behaviors or messages , IT WOULD BE SURPRISING if they did not collectively form a unit to Remedy or mitigate the threat
You have been arguing with Mods and accusing them of horrendous things
WHY WOULD YOU NOT EXPECT all the hornets to fly out of the nest you kicked?
Your behavior is totally illogical - you attack Moderators, then complain that you have been 'ganged up on' ? What ELSE would you expect ?
Gothamgirl ago
So mods claim someone is mentally I'll, using half the truth and you think someone just let that shit ride and say nothing...I have only stated facts and you are on the website that has the answers...
It's not a team its a gang who turned on the team, and I don't fear any of you. Keep the attacks coming and I will keep defending. There isn't much more you people can say now. The fat, drug addict, slandering my children, is getting old and is very untrue.
I don't give a fuck what you feel you have to do, I am exposing the disgusting garbage you have all become.
srayzie ago
What about your gang that came after me and @Vindicator after Jem died? You guys stooped so low that some even accused us of being responsible. YOU accused me of planting child porn on your phone, and threatened to kidnap your kid. I’ve never even met you. You even went to the police and made a report.
You guys took my posts about Jem and Sarah and twisted my words, even tho I’ve laid all the proof out there. Once again, feel free to read...
You guys ignore all the facts and spread lies. We’ve been called pedophiles. You want to talk about bullies? YOUR GANG BULLIED US. You all need to stop acting like victims. Vindicator busts his ass here. Hours and hours spent here and all you guys ever do is shit on him. He’s had his name slung thru the mud. I’ve had my name slung thru the mud. Him and I both went thru hell after Jem died, for weeks! People were posting lies about us on other platforms. We STILL have people ganging up on us.
If it’s not Jem you guys use to slander us, it’s going after @Crensch. He stood up to the swarm of lying haters that were attacking his mods. Then you all gang up on him. If it’s not that, we’re accused of being deep state. If it’s not that, let’s blame it on people making Q posts! God for-fucking-bid if anyone brings up Q, even tho Q is what took pizzagate mainstream and WOKE UP a ton more people. How horrible of Q to have us go do our own research and use our own critical thinking skills to expose the deep state, and then meme the evidence all over social media!
There’s a coordinated effort to shut the Q community up. It’s ironic that the ones trying to shut us up the most on Voat, are the pizzagaters. Isn’t that interesting? That’s suspicious as fuck. It’s like you are all working to make people leave pizzagate. It’s pathetic.
You’re getting mean again. You’re talking shit about me without actually saying my name. Same thing. I suggest you back off before we end up having another shit show.
@kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter
Crensch ago
The bitch is off her meds. She needs to mix some rat poison in there.
Shizy ago
It was pretty pathetic when @Gothamgirl accused you of trying to kidnap her kid. She uses her children to garner sympathy and attention when it's convenient for her, but then other times she makes claims like this:
How does that work? At what age could a child no longer be molested?
When they are adults!
Pretty manipulative that she accused you of trying to "kidnap" her kid, when her kids are not actually children!
She's a sick person.
Gothamgirl ago
2 of my children are adults I have 3.
I didn't accuse anyone of shit I asked her a question, which means I was looking for the answer. Don't you know how to read?
srayzie ago
If you were just asking a question, why did you go make a police statement? How would I put child open on your phone if I’ve never even met you?
Are you trying to say that you were afraid I wanted to kidnap your adult children? Holy shit lady.
I’ve seen you chummy with that crazy freak TrustTheTruth. I heard that you moved to Poal. Good, stay there.
Gothamgirl ago
Police statement was made based on what I saw in my phone, and it can be done very be easily by taking over someone's Google account.
No that's not what I am insinuating. I asked a question.
So what! Trustthetruth is not different from Q asking questions, making you think and dig. Do I agree with it all? No
Poal? No not me. I think I went to website when Voat was down once, maybe, not sure.
srayzie ago
TrustTheTruth straight up lies. Even if given proof.
Gothamgirl ago
Yes but you are taking it up with the wrong person. i am not that person, and outside of 1 or 2 comments I posted here, which are my own personal thoughts, I have nothing to do with that. I just read like everyone else and honestly, while most of that was going on I was moving I missed most of it.
Hand_of_Node ago
I've just skimmed the above thread, but I understand you're 5' 3" with a small vagina? Penises are generally measured with a ruler. What do you use to measure vagina size?
Gothamgirl ago
I am pointing out I am small for both.
I have had Myelographs yearly, so I have measurements of everything inside my body. I almost died in a car wreck, and then surgery and I have physical issues. Plus I have been told...
Hand_of_Node ago
I didn't see much of it, but the story about kidnapping, and all the very personal details you've dropped in this thread seem an unlikely move for someone who believes people on voat are out to get them in real life.
Gothamgirl ago
You don't know the whole story. I did suspect that, and asked about it, also figured out I was wrong, about 1 of the individuals, and I apologized.
I didn't know then, that FB turned everyone's profile to public for a week.
If they were going to get me in real life they would've already, plus I am really really far from where I used to live.
If I put out so many personal details tell me something said that would lead you to find me?
Hand_of_Node ago
This is the first time I've seen you and this topic, and don't really want to know more, but your height would obviously be a clue when sorting through an assortment of probables. Your vagina size probably wouldn't be as much of a factor... At least for the identification part.
Shizy ago
The illiterate high school drop out who doesn't understand a third of the big words she tries to use is asking me if I know how to read!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for the laugh gaping anus!
Gothamgirl ago
I didn't drop out of high school I already told you my education.
Gaping anus? only a faggot tranny would say something like that 😀😂😁😅🤣
Shizy ago
Only a faggot tranny would love being FISTED! Sicko!
Gothamgirl ago
Fisted? Are you stupid? Hell no. My vagina is little like me. Who even talks like that?
srayzie ago
@Gabara and @Clamhurt_Legbeard want pictures as proof.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
choose one
Shizy ago
Nice try
srayzie ago
I’m glad that she was able to clear up her vagina size on the pizzagate sub. 😂
Shizy ago
She's single again so she's putting that out there hoping somebody, anybody, will take an interest 😂
srayzie ago
Plus she’s a runner 😂
Shizy ago
And men at the gym always tell her how stunning she is 🤣
Crensch ago
Stunning with every step she takes.
Shizy ago
This sounds more accurate 😂
Gothamgirl ago
You are really grasping at bullshit. I don't need to try and I don't need to lie. I had c sections. Either i am small or my ex was rather large. Honestly I think both, but go ahead and fool yourself...
srayzie ago
Besides GothamGirl, your height doesn’t determine if you’re loose. Only depth. 🙄
Hand_of_Node ago
Wtf am I seeing in here?
srayzie ago
Which part are you asking about?
srayzie ago
She thought I was after her man and all kinds of stuff. She even went to the police and reported it. She’s been talking g shit about me. But especially my mod Shizy and Shizy doesn’t hold back.. 😂
srayzie ago
This is the chick that accused me of planting child porn on her phone and attempting to kidnap her child. I’ve never even met her
Hand_of_Node ago
That's pretty wild.
Crensch ago
Fucking well spotted.
Shizy ago
@crensch @vindicator
Vindicator ago
Yes, their narrative is starting to look like swiss cheese.
Gothamgirl ago
I do not have a gang . I am friendly to everyone except people who are not friendly to me, you were more connected to Jem then I, although I wish I would have given more of my time to her, I stood up for Vindicator when she came to me about getting kicked off.
The people leading Q more specifically on YouTube, the biggest voices of all, are scammers and ex convicts. Your biggest hurdle is a troll from SBBH that hates you, Q, and Trump.
These posts attacking pizzagaters is what's making others leave.
srayzie ago
Who is that?
It’s always our fault. How would you react?
Gothamgirl ago
I would do exactly what I am doing now! It is happening to me, right now, by the most disgusting foul mouthed people I ever encountered.
srayzie ago
Poor thing. You should leave and never come back.
Crensch ago
She's already shown how she would react:
Gothamgirl ago
From what I understand rumor is you were the one who went to fat camp and had surgery.
Really you can't think of anything besides fat and black? Your not even close to correct. My trolling skills were far better when I was in elementary school.
Shizy ago
Your kids are Hispanic, but you're obese so he's partically correct.
Crensch ago
The rumor you made up in your head and told yourself over and over again so you wouldn't feel bad about being a fat sack of shit?
Seems to me, based on your writing, that elementary school was the last time you saw the inside of an educational building. You certainly didn't read any books in your life that weren't Harry Potter or Fifty Shades of Grey
Gothamgirl ago
No I surely didn't it was definitely a rumor I heard here.
I don't give a fuck what you think of me, according to Voat you are a fat faggot.I believe it.
Crensch ago
(Edited 1.4 hours ago), posted 1.5 hours ago.
Nobody tells you that, because you don't go to the gym. You're a fat slob that got dicked by a nigger, and now you have nothing left to be proud of. You exist to eat, and find some beta faggot to provide for your niglets, because you can't even get a nigger to come close enough to you to get between your legs.
Gothamgirl ago
Haha not even close to true. Any of it. I have been to the gym for the last 6 week's straight thanks to the constant Harrassment here on Voat. When I go this is no shortage of decent men flirting with me what so ever. I have excellent boxing skills since a child and I run a few times a week. The reason I am not going tomorrow is I left that area. I will be going hunting.
Never touched anyone in the race you claim. Leave my children out if it. Eat dick and die.
You keep repeating yourself faggot.
Crensch ago
You go to the gym to take wear spandex and take selfies, you fat pig. Nobody is buying your lie of a story.
Keep choking on that aids-filled nigger dick, coalburner. I'm sure your "children" won't grow up to act just like their nigger daddies.
Gothamgirl ago
Already proved my kids are lighter then I. All have same dad. I never take pics of myself. I don't give a flying fuck what you say or do or think of me. Of course I wear spandex to the gym, and I am told many times, I have a cute butt 🤣🤣
You know what I think: I think you caught something from a n***** and you are scorned and projecting on to others..
@shizy another comment editor, sick him bitch.
Shizy ago
Please learn the difference between than and then.
While you're at it please learn how to correctly use your and you're.
I think you missed this due to dropping out of high school so early.
Gothamgirl ago
Actually it's done intentionally to set off Grammar nazis such as yourself. You must really have issues with SBBH
Shizy ago
Not really. Typos and writing bad on purpose for lulz is no biggie.
Continual misuse of the same words indicates a person with limited education or intelligence. It's just reinforcing my conclusion that high school wasn't that important to you.
Gothamgirl ago
I finished high school just fine. I have more knowledge then most females and a very high iq. So what's next flea?
Clitorissa ago
You didn’t prove you’re lighter. You just said you don’t take pictures. Only desperate whores wear spandex!
Gothamgirl ago
Says who? you? Let me get this right, when you or others, wear a certain type clothing you become a desperate whore? Well that's a first a bitch, your blaming clothing, and not your nasty self, wow! 😆😂 Fuck off I got to go..
Clitorissa ago
Harassed why? For being a fat, ugly, mentally ill nigger lover? You run? Sure! Take a video.
You never fucked a nigger? Are you claiming that your kids aren’t part Nigger?
Shizy ago
I'm dying!!!!!!
Gothamgirl ago
Why do you want to see video of me?
That's an odd request. Are you a dyke?
Nope never touched any black person psycho.
Clitorissa ago
Because I don’t believe you.
No. I have your ex’s dick.
You adopted niggers?
Shizy ago
Her kids are south of the border nigger. Still nigger, just not quite as dark. Please see photo for evidence of the browness!
Gothamgirl ago
Why would I give a fuck what you believe ever?
So what I could careless.
Clitorissa ago
Half and half. You wish I was a dyke since you like being fisted by lesbo’s. Why would you choose to stretch yourself?!
Shizy ago
Oh my God she's now resorted to taking pictures of her kid to prove strangers on the internet wrong??!!😂😂😂
Gothamgirl ago
Haha no I am not into degenerate shit and definitely never touched a female. Your the one wanting to see video of me you said it yourself. 😄
Clitorissa ago
Fucking lmao @Zyklon_b
Gothamgirl ago
Lol he told me too bitch 😃😁😄 why are tagging him anyways?
Gyna ago
You both are lying! I'm seeing zkylon. We have webcam sex all the time!
Fuck off @cliforissa! I already told You this and you still run your mouth saying you're seein him.
Clitorissa ago
Because me and @Zyklon_b are seeing each other.
Gyna ago
No you ain't! I'm seeing him!
zyklon_b ago
lets work this out together ladies.
zyklon_b ago
hey beautiful. good morning,
Clitorissa ago
Hey ;)
zyklon_b ago
I sent you some pics to email, :)
Gothamgirl ago
That's amazing good for you ❤
Clitorissa ago
Fucking lmao @Zklon_b
Crensch ago
According to your fat, stupid little mind, I'm a bigger loser than you. Well done.
srayzie ago
@UK_Bloke_Awoke @Madworld @Kestrel9 @The_Savant
argosciv ago
Aww you got one in while I was looking away.
You didn't disappoint in terms of crying about bullying, though.
Good work ignoring the gangstalking and bullshit from those you're defending, too.
I actually feel kinda bad for you now. Not because you're crying about bullying, but because you genuinely seem to be short a few screws.
Gothamgirl ago
I don't get involved with any of that shit. I stay to myself. What did I tell you everytime you emailed me, talking about everyone?
You forget it was Vindicator who started it up this time by mentioning me in his statements. The sad part is I respect him more than anyone else and I stood up for him the most as well.
I am not mentally ill at all, just tired of being spoken to and about like trash. If I have to stoop to your level then so fucking be it. Your not going to continue dragging me through the mud without a fight.
I don't have the slightest clue as to what is going on with the you or the people you name. I just know they're part of the pizzagate family, and no matter what you believe or say, they have put in work just by being here. The only thing I see by you Agosciv is negativity and hugely overbearing CONCERNFAG. So I am not interested in anything you think or say.
srayzie ago
Wasn’t it your “ex-fiancé” that you stalk, the one that made a comment that you were a diagnosed schizophrenic and stopped taking your meds?
Crensch ago
Her being mentally ill is about the nicest thing you can say. If she's really not, she's frightfully stupid.
Shizy ago
She's both!!!
Bad combination!
argosciv ago
Eyy you managed to think a comment through in full, by the look of it this time.
HAHAHAHAAHAHA! Oh do pull the other one.
I've never emailed you. I've sent you personal messages via Voat.
We've already been through this one, though.
But you are, and you are.
LOL! Yes I see you've got your precious ES on the case, downvotes and all. Again, cute that you think this is anything worth calling a fight xD
D'aww. This is just adorable now. What happened to all that bluster?
Gothamgirl ago
Dude you are an admitted blood drinker calling someone else mentally ill, I have never laughed so hard in my life. You are a SHILL who freaks out if Pizzagate and the word satanic are used together.
You use weaponized words with no value, like a antifa your just a wacky individual, probably sent here directly from tavistock.
srayzie ago
Wasn’t it your “ex fiancé” that said you did drugs around your kids?
Gothamgirl ago
Don't know don't care it's not fact, neither was us getting married.
srayzie ago
Worry about your sins instead of someone else’s.
Crensch ago
I bet she's one of those fatasses that watches The Biggest Loser to feel better about her life, but then something brings her back to reality and she looks around and realizes that they have better lives than she does.
Gothamgirl ago
You and the other mods should do exactly that.
srayzie ago
Gothamgirl, everyone sins. In fact, it’s a sin that you’re lying right now. It’s a sin that you are judging others.