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The_Savant ago

If you need a hand srayzie, you know you can count on me. I shouted down ES, I shouted down donkey and AWS, I shouted down RIPJem and I fucked those cunts up with empirical posts as well as many other people here. If you want a cunt shown their place it'll be done. No deliberation.

Joe10jo ago

Lol “Donkey”!!! Forgot about that one!

The_Savant ago

Are you telling me donkey has fucked off for good? Well, I know he hasn't but he doesn't use that alias any more? That surprises me, but we fuckin' got 'em good.

I'm not entirely sure what Muslimkeyhotay's primary objective was when he spammed his alts here, but he rarely won a single exchange with anyone. He knew it was curtains when we proved he was EsotericSHILL. It took a lot of persuading and proving to everyone on the site that ES couldn't be trusted, but when we had he knew he had to switch tactics. No one was going to believe his narrative when he was clearly sliding and lying. Yeah, it makes sense that he's give up.

Vindicator ago

Just today he fucked up and forgot he wasn't logged into his Gothamgirl account. Check it out:

He's been posting most of his shit in the trap thread we've got stickied in v/pizzagate. It's been going on for months now.

The_Savant ago

Hey Vin, good to be talking again.

Check it out:

You know what, I didn't make that connection in my head. That kind of proof of his alts is incredibly useful because, if you remember, Gothamgirl was one of the main accounts giving RIPJem praise and "verifying" that they were a legitimate user/insider to listen to. I knew that both Gothamgirl and ES were bad, but I guess those were dots that I was yet to connect.

This also shows that donkey can really shift in personalities when he feels like it, which is somewhat alarming considering how contrasting many of his characters are.

More than that, I'm now wondering how many accounts that were pushing Gothamgirl and RIPJem's narrative are actually donkey...? How about Dressage2? Gothamgirl and Dressage were essentially reading the same script when it can to the showdown and the anti-mod shilling.

Also, I know that this link is a bit of a mess, but this chain of comments from 5 months ago between me and Carmencita shows Carmen openly praise RIPJem despite me warning her how different Jem777's views and personality were to RIPJem's. If you want to ignore all the BS and get straight to the evidence, here is Carmen directly approving RIPJem's agenda:

This small slip opens a lot of avenues for suspicion and the truth to arise. They're almost making it too easy...

Vindicator ago

Heh. ES did not like me catching him. He's MAD now! :-)

The_Savant ago

He's always mad. Keiser Wilhelm the second was always mad and he is now suspected of being mentally retarded, which is exactly how I feel about donkey. He frequently contradicts his own "moral code", showing that he has none and likely lives by the Crowley lifestyle "Do as thou wilt."

One second donkey claims that Islam and Islamic countries are the only civilised and safe places to live on the earth and makes them out to be sophisticated people (depsite the fact that wherever Muslims go, violence, pedophilia and rape follow.) He pretends that he believes Islam has superior morals to western society because it prohibits the act of fornication, and the next second he proudly brags about how the west should have no rights for women and how he would be a serial fucking rapist and stone gay people. He has no standards. If you want proof of this, I'll go digging back in my conversations with him because fortunately I often take time off commenting and they won't take too long to give to you, but in the meantime I'm going to bed. I'll do my best to help out.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for these links, which I had not seen (I often miss things that happen after a thread has been up for a while, unless I go back to see who has been tussling, which I typically only do if I'm doing a deep dive into a username).

I tend to lean toward the idea that carm is a legit user who was (and still is) duped and manipulated by the psyop. GG I have always thought was a shill, since her days working over Psychanaut, who was a legit user doing excellent work until she was targeted by the shills.

RIPJem has a number of alts: Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt (original), speaksoft, and lately TrustTheTruth. It is interesting to peruse them chronologically and watch the evolution. They all push George Webb and specialize in concern trolling. They target people who are mentally unstable, survivors and otherwise vulnerable. They are all obsessed with mod-bashing. None of them ever give any evidence of what they claim. I've come to believe they ARE Webb, or someone working with him.

I think part of the agenda is to target the more vulnerable pizzagate researchers to dissuade them from believing QAnon is legit. You will note a shift in style to one deliberately mimicking Q (while bashing Q) starts right around the time Q starts to gain popularity in v/pizzagate. I believe that happened right around the same time that Esotericshade and his sock puppets started trying to destroy any thread about Q, claiming it should be deleted as off topic, bullying users who posted on it, etc, before srayzie got fed up and made her own subverse.

The_Savant ago

I tend to lean toward the idea that carm is a legit user who was (and still is) duped and manipulated by the psyop.

So did I until I made that comment, at which point my suspicion grew. A lot.

RIPJem has a number of alts: Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

That actually makes a lot of sense now that you mention it. I only ever encountered WIC when I was very new to the site, but looking back on it I remember Eshade giving them a lot of credit for the "quality of their comments" (which, as you know, were essentially copy & paste jobs.)

I've come to believe they ARE Webb

I accused RIPJem of being George directly and got no response. I called it the day after Jenny's death. I'm not sure, nor do I have the proof, but I would be far from surprised.

I believe that happened right around the same time that Esotericshade and his sock puppets started trying to destroy any thread about Q,

And I remember it was the first time I noticed you getting genuinely pissed off by any user LOL. I remember talking with Think in a DM about Eshade and how well you were handling it - and to your credit, you've come up with a lot of really efficient and well thought out ways to make the sub run as smoothly as possible. I just wish you didn't appease them as much as you had in hindsight, although it may have been your only option.

Vindicator ago

I just wish you didn't appease them as much as you had in hindsight, although it may have been your only option.

I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this. I am but one person, and it's a marathon we're running. Few mods have had the stomach or been canny enough to withstand the machinations. It is much harder than you think to discern the wheat from the chaff...especially as a mod who has been smeared daily for two years. Few are willing to join the mod team and take the heat. I am always open to feedback.