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think- ago

Congrats' @argosciv, you slimed yourself up @kevdude's butt, so that he made you a mod on v/ProtectVoat? Wow. Just wow!! /s

I'm definitely not on @argosciv's side, Kev. I don't mind if u/TrustTheTruth attacks him or not. I will definitely not defend him.

I know that TTT is just testing loyalities here by spitting out user names, but it cracks me up that he lumped Donkey, Are_We_Sure and argosciv together.

And you can be sure that I will be after your boy argo the minute he starts to push Satanism again (even if it's only by posting Satanic music crap) or is going to defend pedos like Michael Aquino or the OTO. Or promotes 'sex magick' or drinking blood. This is everything I have been fighting against.

Have a nice day, Kev.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

argosciv ago

Actually, the invite totally took me by surprise. I asked @kevdude if he was sure, considering the potential shitstorm that could come from it and he said he was.

I've been helping on various fronts just for the sake of it and never sought to become a moderator of any subverse in the process - I decided to accept the invite merely because it was a gesture which I'm honored to receive, because I do actually care about the quality & culture of Voat and have been one of the most brigaded/gang-stalked users on this site since I had the guts to be honest and open about where I've come from and took my research in it's own direction, away from the party lines of TTT - which is exactly why that group of users targets me and tries to turn mods/users against me through manipulative tactics and talking points.

Despite what you may think, I absolutely do not defend proven pedophiles, nor do I promote or worship anything - especially not malicious criminal activities. What you choose to believe, is up to you.

I know that TTT is just testing loyalities here by spitting out user names

Precisely. That's why they're putting my name in their little list, but then flipped their shit at me the moment I came out and denounced them for doing it.

We're better off keeping away from each other, so that we can both work towards bettering Voat without stepping on each other's toes. I do actually appreciate that you mean well in what you do, but it does no good for either of us, to be at each others' throats - indeed it plays right into TTT/ES(et al)'s subversion, if we argue.

This is the last I hope to have to say about this publicly - if you'd like to discuss grievances in private, I'll be glad to, but otherwise understand if you're not interested. I wish you well and have no interest in causing problems for you.

cc: @Vindicator, @Crensch, @srayzie

think- ago

This is what @srayzie wrote a couple of months ago about you (please see below). It is still valid.

Yes, you claim that Michael Aquino, one of the central Pizzagate figures is innocent = the allegations against him are not 'proven'. You disgusting piece of shit.

And unlike you, @srayzie and me at least had the balls to call you out in public, while you pitched the narrative that we must be shills behind our back.

I suggest you stay away from me as far as possible.


@srayzie's comment was posted on this thread.

[–] srayzie 6 points (+8|-2) 4 months ago

Shut the fuck up for once. Stop trying to convince everyone that Satanists aren’t bad!. It is absolutely ridiculous that you would try to convince a pizzagate community with this bullshit. Scientology and Satanism are SICK.

Your wannabe dragon ass is on my last nerve. Why would anyone on pizzagate want to take advice from someone who admittedly drinks human blood and defends Satanism? Who tells us that an upside down cross isn’t evil and told ME that Jesus was eaten as a baby?! You need to lay off the shrooms BRO.

@Vindicator @Think-

I thought before, that maybe this freak was just high. He’s constantly trying to convince others, even on Twitter, that Satanism isn’t evil. Then he expects me to read his fricken series so I can know the truth. He gets pissed at anyone who doesn’t agree and expects us to take the time reading his lame shit that he writes while he’s tweeking. Maybe it’s all an act and he’s a paid shill.


Vindicator ago

It pains me greatly to see this shitstorm blow up AGAIN. To see people allowing their emotions -- which in this very thread we have proven were systematically manipulated for months and months with false information by a disgusting pack of shills posing as victims and researchers -- to run out of control and throw both logic and evidence out of the window.

It is neither fair nor wise to use a quote from srayzie -- especially from the middle of the ES gaslighting era -- as evidence of your beef with argosciv. You are claiming he tried to hurt other users. That he is here to disrupt the investigation. You need to show the actual evidence for that, or you are only continuing what ES and his minions started. ESPECIALLY if you are correct and have seen something I and Eric and Crensch have overlooked!

I pointed this out one of the previous times this blew up -- was it a coincidence it blew up my thread about Q pointing out the S8n twitter account tweet about Pizzagate? Really? You really cannot zoom out from the words people are saying in that comment thread and see how argosciv was painted with radioactive waste and then trolled into triggering a shitstorm to derail that submission?

For Christsake!

@srayzie, what do you see happening, when you read that thread now?

I think argo is off base on many of the conclusions he draws, and am not keen to write a book "defending" him. But this issue goes to the heart of the attacks against this sub and how they are carried out. So let's look at the evidence.

Yes, you claim that Michael Aquino, one of the central Pizzagate figures is innocent = the allegations against him are not 'proven'. You disgusting piece of shit.

Here is the source for that claim, since you didn't provide it: Argo says

'Prove Aquino is a pedo, like, actually prove it(not necessarily you personally, but, anyone with evidence of such). I've read what he's had to say on the matter and he seems credible.'

I don't see Argo saying Aquino is innocent. He is asking for evidence of the claim Aquino is a pedo. I don't know much about Aquino or the Temple of Set, but I do know that the claim made against him by the three year old daughter of a Christian pastor turned out to be impossible, if police reports are to be believed (i.e. Aquino's innocence of that charge would be "credible"). Argosciv is only stating what his research showed. If there is evidence that research is wrong, it ought to be presented against Aquino.

What I've read about Aquino sounds like a psyop very similar to the Comet shooter -- desensitize the public with a big media event that causes them to dismiss ALL similar reports to cover up what's really going on. It wouldn't surprise me if Aquino himself paid the pastor to bring the baseless charges forward so he could debunk them and gain victim status, as well as a lot of free publicity for his "church."

I'm not clear on argo's full position on Aquino, but from what I've gathered, he believes all of the Satanic Panic stuff was orchestrated hogwash to cover for Scientologists.

You also have said repeatedly that argo is dangerous and harmful to women because he "promotes" sex magic and blood drinking. I spent over a week researching this. You'll need to find that for me, because all I ever saw was him being baited into admitting he'd engaged in it. I never saw him advocating it. I DID see a LOT of people joining the proven shill brigade SAYING he pushed it and was a pedo.

It took me three days of digging to find, but I did manage to dig up the original source of that jpg (Cropped jpg. Hello? Red flair!) that dragonkiller and Cc1914 were posting about him in that link and many other places. Here it is:

First of all, he didn't volunteer the information. "Finska" drew it out of him by feigning interest and baiting him about vampires (a topic you yourself expressed interest in his research on, before the gaslighing began). The post is in v/pizzagatewhatever, and the comment is quite deep in the tree. And it was totally taken out of context, he wasn't advocating for people to make satanic blood sacrifices. He was admitting he had been involved in non-violent blood drinking and therefore could credibly talk about those who might be doing it violently. Further down the thread, argo replies to Finska:

Finksa: Also you may know that this week Harvey Weinstein was accused of forcefully performing oral sex on a woman who had her period. Do you think he was consuming starfire?

Argo: Forceful(ie: without consent) = rape

Is she a dragon? Dunno... maybe Harvey just wanted blood? I won't make too many presumptions about him other than he is VERY sick and not worthy of forgiveness for a very long time - personal opinion.

The overall message of his comments within his post are right in line with the rest of us: "these people are sick." Now, clearly, he believes in "magic". But he has explained his motivation for posting here and for discussing his theories about disinfo regarding Satanism. This is from the private messages he sent to Crensch, which Crensch posted in this thread:

“You lot pretend to care about the victims but consistently shit on the work of someone who broke free with just enough critical discernment in-tact, to dedicate their "fucked-up brain" to bringing down the corruption rather than contribute to it as was originally planned for me(as in, they were hoping to turn me into a shill and/or worse, but instead, I'm here doing everything I can to help - doesn't at all occur to you pricks why my brain is so "fucked-up", does it?).

Y'all only care about the victims who parrot the anti-Satanist rubbish that was drilled into them by their abusers - far-be-it that you might take notice of the one person who's putting together some of the hardest-to-understand connections...

…I spend all fucking day every day(on borrowed fucking time, no less - not a shred of income, certainly not a shill, paid or otherwise) researching and trying to get to the bottom of this god-forsaken mess which I've been stuck in since birth, if you want to shit all over that, go riiiight ahead.”

I should not be surprised by anything anymore, given the fact that the disinfo pushers have manipulated the entire world. But I am surprised. I'm surprised and disappointed after all we've been through together, all of us, that any serious person on Voat would believe anything claimed without evidence, and persist in believing it in spite of evidence they are being played.

Why do we even have the submission rules to prevent manipulation if we are just going to throw them out the window when we start making comments? What's the point?

think- ago

Ok, Vin, that did it for me. I will step back as a mod, immediately.

That the allegations against Michael Aquino are 'not proven' is ridiculous. Maybe you would like to read the post @HugoWeaving did some time ago as a starter.

I cited @srayzie's comment, because she summed it up very nicely. You chose at the time to not take @srayzie's and my statements seriously.

You actually have the nerve to quote this:

Y'all only care about the victims who parrot the anti-Satanist rubbish that was drilled into them by their abusers - far-be-it that you might take notice of the one person who's putting together some of the hardest-to-understand connections...

I won't add anything more, I don't want to turn this into a shitshow. I am writing this in public, because of your comment above, which you choose to put on a public thread, instead of PMing me.

I can't even express what I feel. Congrats to @argosciv.

I will stay on board as a normal user, and will post more research. At least I have more time now for doing new submissions. /sad smile

@srayzie @Crensch @MolochHunter

youllrememberme ago

Now, you finally see the truth. Just know they will brigade me for commenting out of anon. It's worth it to me.