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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

A while back I saw a Satanist on Facebook posting a link to an article about someone getting busted for child porn or rape. There was an intermediary link to some Satanic blog that linked to the Daily Mail that showed that the dude who got busted was the high priest in some local group of Satanists. I lost the link and can no longer find the guy but the Daily Mail article made no mention of the convict being a Satanist. If you look a little deeper you might find out that all these pedos are secretly Satanists but the news never seems to report on it.

That's one of the big things they don't want you to know about, Satanists infiltrating the government / local churches, posing as Christians, what have you.

disclaimer: not a Q anon follower

argosciv ago

Cram it, Scientologist shill.

That's one of the big things they don't want you to know about, Satanists infiltrating the government / local churches, posing as Christians, what have you.

Indeed, you just described Scientologists to a T.

Moreover, your self-advertising is disgusting.

srayzie ago

Shut the fuck up for once. Stop trying to convince everyone that Satanists aren’t bad!. It is absolutely ridiculous that you would try to convince a pizzagate community with this bullshit. Scientology and Satanism are SICK.

Your wannabe dragon ass is on my last nerve. Why would anyone on pizzagate want to take advice from someone who admittedly drinks human blood and defends Satanism? Who tells us that an upside down cross isn’t evil and told ME that Jesus was eaten as a baby?! You need to lay off the shrooms BRO.

@Vindicator @Think-

I thought before, that maybe this freak was just high. He’s constantly trying to convince others, even on Twitter, that Satanism isn’t evil. Then he expects me to read his fricken series so I can know the truth. He gets pissed at anyone who doesn’t agree and expects us to take the time reading his lame shit that he writes while he’s tweeking. Maybe it’s all an act and he’s a paid shill.

think- ago

Funny, srayz, I just wrote a PM to Vin a couple of minutes ago that I'm totally fed up now with @argosciv pushing Satanism here, and won't be silent any longer.

@argosciv: You realize that 99,99% of people here are anti-Satanism? So how come you attack a legit user here (@EffYouJohnPodesta), insinuating that she's a Scientologist, only because she doesn't like satanists? That's just ridiculous.

And how come you are trying to promote Freemasons and the OTO? Even trying to convince everybody that Michael Aquino is a totally innocent person? What exactly are you doing here on v/pizzagate, and why?

Don't you think it rings a bell when someone - you - who admitted having 'consensual' sex magick sessions with female teenagers, drinking their blood - pushes satanism, defends pedos like Michael Aquino, and attacks innocent users?

This is definitely not the right place where you are welcome with this shit.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @EffYouJohnPodesta

argosciv ago

LOL! For fuck's sake you lot.

You realize that 99,99% of people here are anti-Satanism?

I sure do, but, I don't accuse each and every one of shilling for Scientology. I keep an eye out for patterns that suggest an ulterior motive behind the anti-Satanist rhetoric.

And how come you are trying to promote Freemasons and the OTO? Even trying to convince everybody that Michael Aquino is a totally innocent person?

Because I actually took the time to read into what they're about(inc. Satanism), rather than freaking out over stolen and misused symbolism & a few bad apples(corrupt) in the bunch. I'm not promoting them any more than pointing out where bias, hysteria and disinfo/misinfo lead people to dead-ends and otherwise feed the Scientologist agenda.

What exactly are you doing here on v/pizzagate, and why?

Giving you everything you need, piece by piece, if you would only take the time to read.

Don't you think it rings a bell when someone - you - who admitted having 'consensual' sex magick sessions with female teenagers, drinking their blood, pushes satanism, defends pedos like Michael Aquino, and attacks innocent users?

I never once said I engaged in such an act with anyone underage - this has been assumed by those caught in a state of hysteria.

Prove Aquino is a pedo, like, actually prove it(not necessarily you personally, but, anyone with evidence of such). I've read what he's had to say on the matter and he seems credible.

This is definitely not the right place where you are welcome with this shit.

Go ahead and jump on the bandwagon then, what I'm working on at the moment will actually help all of you to see many missed connections - again, if you actually take the time to read.

Pinging @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock, seeing as how they would have missed the notifs(only the first 5 pings of a post send out notifications)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It's ridiculous to call me a Scientologist, when everyone knows I am openly against Scientology. you're attempting to gaslight me but it's just stupid, I'm CORRECTING YOUR FAKE RECORD for lying about me. As far as I'm concerned you'd have to be a really good spy willing to spend your life pretending to be a retard, to sign up for that non-cult Intelligence front.

argosciv ago

If you are against Scientology, that's great, seriously.

However, what a lot of people don't realize(largely because they refuse to read my work), is that anti-Satanist rhetoric helps Scientologists & other even-more nefarious parties.

If you are not trying to help them, then I implore you to take the time to look deeper - the chances of you doing so, are slim, though. If I'm wrong about your intentions, great, it's one less person I have to worry about.

You don't have to like Satanism at all, that's not even remotely my angle here, the point being that there is more to the picture than just, as you put it, gaslighting Satanists - I do not even myself, profess to be a Satanist.

Crensch ago

anti-Satanist rhetoric helps Scientologists & other even-more nefarious parties.

Prove this without making me shovel your shit. I don't take well to that, and just like Cheeseboogersghost and SoberSecondThought, I will pick apart your words and destroy you if you can't.

I'm always suspicious about the overly-long-winded posts you and others make, and I more or less let them slide because I refuse to waste my time on someone's horseshit.

@Vindicator @srayzie @think-

argosciv ago

Shortest possible explanation, backed up by my research(currently published & still to come):

The propaganda which I speak of, started in it's earliest forms thousands of years ago and has evolved over time, to become what can be called anti-Satanist propaganda. How this was achieved is through storytelling and many crimes & inter-connected religious/territorial wars(including assassinations and the theft/suppression/destruction of historical artifacts and knowledge in the form of tablets, tomes and books, etc - massive trauma from these conflicts also causes immense psychological distress resulting in forgetfulness) in which propaganda is consistently used as a means to persuade populations to attack their neighbors, with some of the most damning and relevant examples being related to the conflicts in which we see Joan of Arc, Vlad II Dracul & Vlad III Dracula and the Báthory family - these 'iconic' persons/families have been portrayed as heretics/'monsters' or otherwise had their stories exploited in a way which distorts perceptions of the past, creating a weapon of sorts which we see utilized by particular persons of interest in Hollywood today - in particular, we see a lot of vampire movies with various manipulative undertones, along with many movies that use symbolism and storytelling to seed very morbid themes regarding "Satanists".

This weaponized propaganda has profound effects when combined with real-life situations allegedly involving Satanists - some indeed do involve people who have committed horrendous acts 'in the name of Satan', a perfect example there being Richard 'The Nightstalker' Ramirez(yet another RR) who did some seriously fucked up shit which the mainstream media of the time capitalized on as part of their pushing 'Satanic Panic'. Another example being the West Memphis 3, however, in that case, we see young Satanists taking the fall for a crime they did not commit. Yet another example being the McMartin Preschool incident, which never proved Satanist involvement beyond reasonable doubt. Then there's the MacDonald incident, another which never proved Satanist involvement. Just to name a few.

Note: Ted Gunderson's death and many other relevant deaths mirror the black and blue hands Erzsébet Báthory experienced the night before she died; arsenic/heavy-metal poisoning.

See also: New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Program; Scientology.

In following this trail of weaponized anti-Satanist propaganda in Hollywood and mainstream media/real life, I am led consistently to Scientologists and corrupted(blackmailed and/or malicious) persons in a variety of positions, but, this is not conducive enough to blame everything on "Satanists" or even all Freemasons(et al) as a whole, indeed, the more I look, the more I see a very different source of this propaganda, from 10's of thousands of years ago, up to today.

Part of weaponizing anti-Satanist propaganda is to time particular events such as assassinations and other global corruption, with 'the satanic calendar' - notably events in February, August and October, so as to enforce the idea that Satanists are to blame. Elements from many other religions are also utilized, so as to ramp up the morbidity and manipulation; Syncretism gone horribly wrong(intentionally).

The truly corrupt persons/entities want you to get hysterical over "Satanism"/Freemasons/OTO(et al) as a generalized group - rather than on a case-by-case basis, then blame everything on "Satan/Satanists", because until rather recently, it has served their agenda perfectly - ironically, those who were commissioned to pervert ancient knowledge, did so in a way that eventually people would start to connect the dots and see through the charade. For a way to put it, the Clintons(et al), walked right into a trap.

One more example of 'the media' drumming up anti-Satanist propaganda which I have not yet brought up, is the arson of churches over in Norway(between 1992 - 1993), involving Varg Vikernes and several others - which the media deliberately misconstrued and capitalized on, turning it into 'Satanic Panic' rather than addressing the reality of why the churches were burned and who actually set the fires.

wiki: Varg Vikernes: Arson of churches:

On 6 June 1992, the Fantoft Stave Church, dating from the 12th century and considered architecturally significant, was burned to the ground by arson. By January 1993, arson attacks had occurred on at least seven other major stave churches, including one on Christmas Eve of 1992.[6] Vikernes was found guilty of several of these cases: the arson and attempted arson of Åsane Church and Storetveit Church, respectively, in Bergen, the arson of Skjold Church in Vindafjord, and the arson of Holmenkollen Chapel in Oslo. He was also charged with the arson of Fantoft Stave Church, although the jurors found him not guilty. The judges called this an error but did not overthrow the whole case.[32]

At the time, claims were made by media outlets that Vikernes was associated with theistic Satanism.[33] However, in an interview with Michael Moynihan, Vikernes made a statement about the church burnings that hints at a heathen rather than a Satanist motivation:

I am not going to say that I burnt any churches. But let me put it this way: There was one person who started it. I was not found guilty of burning the Fantoft stave church, but anyway, that was what triggered the whole thing. That was the 6th of June and everyone linked it to Satanism ... What everyone overlooked was that on the 6th June, 793, in Lindesfarne in Britain was the site of the first known Viking raid in history, with Vikings from Hordaland, which is my county ... They [the Christians] desecrated our graves, our burial mounds, so it's revenge.[34]

Echoing this sentiment, he writes in Vargsmål: "For each devastated graveyard, one heathen grave is avenged, for each ten churches burnt to ashes, one heathen hof is avenged, for each ten priests or freemasons assassinated, one heathen is avenged."[35]

When asked whether the church burnings were linked to Odinism or Germanic neopaganism he replied: "The point is that all these churches [i.e. church burnings] are linked to one person ... who was not Øystein obviously. All the church burnings, with the exception of Stavanger, because that was another group—who, by the way, have also turned into nationalistic pagans."[36]

I sincerely recommend getting your hands on the documentary titled "Until the Light Takes Us"(NSFW warning), which includes several interviews with the people involved & a trove of other footage/material relevant to the situation. I have just sat here transcribing the following, as best I could.

Noteworthy from an interview with Varg:

VV: starting at 0hr:56min:23sec

"It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be, but it uh, it sure changed a lot - they started to pretend that there was some Satanic movement and conspiracy in society - that the people burning churches were really Satanists who planned to spread evil and all this crap and when I got out of prison, there was nothing I could do about it.

I told them, "This has nothing to do with Satanism", and they never paid any attention to what I said. Even Øystein was never a Satanist - nobody was Satanists, but, this was all about demonizing a movement; they wanted us to be Satanists"

Also noteworthy, is that which is said by Olve "Abbath" Eikemo of the band "IMMORTAL", then that which is said by Varg in the same interview as above:

OE: starting at 1hr:20min:17sec

"He fucked up. He's a very intelligent guy, he's a very talented guy, but uh, he wanted to live differently from us so he decided to burn these churches. It must have been a hell of a rush for him... but uh, now he's in jail, and uh that must suck for him, but, y'know, he has himself to thank for it."

VV: starting at 1hr:20mins:55sec

"It's very hard to recognize the truth when you are bombarded by lies all the time, every minute of the day - you have to go to sleep and even in sleep, because you dream of the presence you have during the day. Y'know, you are bombarded by commercials and completely senseless information every single day. If you turn on the TV you're bombarded, if you turn your head in some direction you see some sign, some commercial. Y'know, you read magazines, newspaper - senseless information - the news are themselves products being sold; everything is meaningless.

Sure, the truth is out there - I know I sound like some X-Files, but the truth is of course to be found, but, in a sea of lies it's just impossible to find it - unless you know how to look, where to look and when to look & uh, of course, it's not possible to just, y'know, get up in the morning and say, "Okay, I'm gonna find the truth this day", y'know, and go find it.

You have to try and fail and eventually you'll weed out all the lies and you end up with something at least similar to the truth.

The truth is hidden in the grass, under some rocks, in a hidden trail - a forgotten trail - in the forest and when you try to find these trails you will stumble, you will get some branches in your face; you'll make mistakes before you finally find it"

So, what does this prove? Well, it proves that international religious zealots, mainstream media and their puppet masters have consistently tried to push the public to blame Satan/Satanists and have also capitalized on the ignorance of labeling morbid events and various groups as "Satanic"

Many more examples exist in support of this, some of which will be explored in the final entries of Root of Corruption per what is most relevant to corruption of the last 100 years. I have 3-4 more coming, ideally.

This is as condensed as the crux of my research can be.

Crensch ago

Shortest possible explanation, backed up by my research(currently published & still to come):


The propaganda which I speak of, started in it's earliest forms thousands of years ago and has evolved over time, to become what can be called anti-Satanist propaganda.

This sentence is argumentatively null. It's storytelling.

How this was achieved is through storytelling and many crimes & inter-connected religious/territorial wars(including assassinations and the theft/suppression/destruction of historical artifacts and knowledge in the form of tablets, tomes and books, etc - massive trauma from these conflicts also causes immense psychological distress resulting in forgetfulness) in which propaganda is consistently used as a means to persuade populations to attack their neighbors, with some of the most damning and relevant examples being related to the conflicts in which we see Joan of Arc, Vlad II Dracul & Vlad III Dracula and the Báthory family - these 'iconic' persons/families have been portrayed as heretics/'monsters' or otherwise had their stories exploited in a way which distorts perceptions of the past, creating a weapon of sorts which we see utilized by particular persons of interest in Hollywood today - in particular, we see a lot of vampire movies with various manipulative undertones, along with many movies that use symbolism and storytelling to seed very morbid themes regarding "Satanists".

I only see one period in that.

"How this was achieved is through storytelling"

Kind of like your first sentence? And this run-on?

This weaponized propaganda has profound effects when combined with real-life situations allegedly involving Satanists - some indeed do involve people who have committed horrendous acts 'in the name of Satan', a perfect example there being Richard 'The Nightstalker' Ramirez(yet another RR) who did some seriously fucked up shit which the mainstream media of the time capitalized on as part of their pushing 'Satanic Panic'. Another example being the West Memphis 3, however, in that case, we see young Satanists taking the fall for a crime they did not commit. Yet another example being the McMartin Preschool incident, which never proved Satanist involvement beyond reasonable doubt. Then there's the MacDonald incident, another which never proved Satanist involvement. Just to name a few.

More storytelling. Just a bunch of claims, no facts or evidence or even an argument, really. You're just claiming things without supporting them at all.

Note: Ted Gunderson's death and many other relevant deaths mirror the black and blue hands Erzsébet Báthory experienced the night before she died; arsenic/heavy-metal poisoning.

Why does anyone give a shit?

See also: New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Program; Scientology.

You haven't linked this to satanism.

In following this trail of weaponized anti-Satanist propaganda in Hollywood and mainstream media/real life, I am led consistently to Scientologists and corrupted(blackmailed and/or malicious) persons in a variety of positions, but, this is not conducive enough to blame everything on "Satanists" or even all Freemasons(et al) as a whole, indeed, the more I look, the more I see a very different source of this propaganda, from 10's of thousands of years ago, up to today.

And yet you can't seem to back up a single claim.

Part of weaponizing anti-Satanist propaganda is to time particular events such as assassinations and other global corruption, with 'the satanic calendar' - notably events in February, August and October, so as to enforce the idea that Satanists are to blame. Elements from many other religions are also utilized, so as to ramp up the morbidity and manipulation; Syncretism gone horribly wrong(intentionally).

Claim, claim, claim, claim, claim, claim...

The truly corrupt persons/entities want you to get hysterical over "Satanism"/Freemasons/OTO(et al) as a generalized group - rather than on a case-by-case basis, then blame everything on "Satan/Satanists", because until rather recently, it has served their agenda perfectly - ironically, those who were commissioned to pervert ancient knowledge, did so in a way that eventually people would start to connect the dots and see through the charade. For a way to put it, the Clintons(et al), walked right into a trap.

The Clintons just appeared out of nowhere here in an attempt to legitimize your horseshit. No evidence at all for any of this.

One more example of 'the media' drumming up anti-Satanist propaganda which I have not yet brought up, is the arson of churches over in Norway(between 1992 - 1993), involving Varg Vikernes and several others - which the media deliberately misconstrued and capitalized on, turning it into 'Satanic Panic' rather than addressing the reality of why the churches were burned and who actually set the fires.

Not that I trust the media, but support your claims.

wiki: Varg Vikernes: Arson of churches:

Ok, you got the media claiming satanism instead of paganism. WOOO, you've convinced me!


I sincerely recommend getting your hands on the documentary titled "Until the Light Takes Us"(NSFW warning), which includes several interviews with the people involved & a trove of other footage/material relevant to the situation. I have just sat here transcribing the following, as best I could.

I sincerely recommend getting your sources straight and not pointing me to time-wasting bullshit to corroborate your unnecessarily long, masturbatory storytelling.

VV: starting at 0hr:56min:23sec

So, the same guy, saying the same thing. Once instance.

OE: starting at 1hr:20min:17sec

A buddy of the guy, saying effectively nothing.

VV: starting at 1hr:20mins:55sec

The same guy saying more shit.

Literally all you've proven here is that the media was wrong about ONE guy. It took you ALL of this so far to get ONE GUY who was lied about.


So, what does this prove? Well, it proves that international religious zealots, mainstream media and their puppet masters have consistently tried to push the public to blame Satan/Satanists and have also capitalized on the ignorance of labeling morbid events and various groups as "Satanic"

No, it doesn't.

Many more examples exist in support of this, some of which will be explored in the final entries of Root of Corruption per what is most relevant to corruption of the last 100 years. I have 3-4 more coming, ideally.

3 or 4 doesn't really make good evidence, either, though it might have been worth looking into if you didn't need 10,000 words to point out ONE guy that was lied about.

This is as condensed as the crux of my research can be.

Then you are too stupid to be presenting it to anyone else.

It's true that if you cannot explain something complicated simply and succinctly, that you do not understand it well enough to explain it or teach it.

I could have gained the same ground as you, for literally anyone reading this, in one paragraph. I would have convinced someone JUST AS WELL at the VERY least, (probably better) that VV was lied about.

You're a clown.

@srayzie @Shizy @Vindicator

argosciv ago


This sentence is argumentatively null. It's storytelling.

You're asking for 'pages' of research to be condensed into 10k characters(not words) or less, of course there's going to be some parts which are unjustifiably shortened.

I only see one period in that.

Fair, even I just noticed that.

"How this was achieved is through storytelling"

Kind of like your first sentence? And this run-on?

Kind of, sort of... obviously far more to be said about - or at least a better way to present it.

More storytelling. Just a bunch of claims, no facts or evidence or even an argument, really. You're just claiming things without supporting them at all.

Do you want a summary of the ongoing research, or a bunch of links you won't click on? Really, the supporting material is scattered throughout RoC, which has always been a research series which records the information I'm looking at and presents a running theory alongside it, subject to changes as new information is encountered.

Why does anyone give a shit?

Recurring patterns are a part of the research and basis of what I'm looking at/espousing. Whether you or others give a shit, is not my prerogative.

And yet you can't seem to back up a single claim.

Claim, claim, claim, claim, claim, claim...

Supported by previous and upcoming research.

You haven't linked this to satanism.

Because it isn't. That's kinda the point really. What they're doing isn't based on Satanism. They're (Scientology) part of efforts via Hollywood and other avenues to have people blame Satanism.

The Clintons just appeared out of nowhere here in an attempt to legitimize your horseshit. No evidence at all for any of this.

Because I'm yet to present all of it - doing so out of context would do no more justice than the brief mention of them here. I'm building up to this one though, believe it or not.

Not that I trust the media, but support your claims.

Ok, you got the media claiming satanism instead of paganism. WOOO, you've convinced me!


Paganism isn't to blame for it either. The entire point of bringing up the arson was to illustrate yet another instance of msm trying to push 'Satanic Panic'(anti-Satanist propaganda).

The other point of interest in that case is that VV shares the hatred of Freemasons that many here have(some of that hatred being absolutely justifiable given that even several Freemasons have indeed been involved with corruption). This is something which should be appealing to a lot of you.

I sincerely recommend getting your sources straight and not pointing me to time-wasting bullshit to corroborate your unnecessarily long, masturbatory storytelling.

You call it time wasting, but, it actually adds weight to what is being said by myself and others here who disagree with me on several points; common ground re: distrust of Freemasons, Jewish terrorists(for lack of a better term) and mainstream media.

So, the same guy, saying the same thing. Once instance.

Relevant to the subject at hand.

A buddy of the guy, saying effectively nothing.

Ironically, he's saying Varg burnt down churches, but, he actually didn't... it was others who burned them down and Varg made the mistake of talking to a reporter who misrepresented what he was saying, leading to his(Varg's) arrest and what would then become another 'Satanic Panic' media push.

The same guy saying more shit.

Hardly shit, very on point(re: media manipulation and hunting for truth) and shows that he's not just some moron who ostensibly burnt churches to spread evil.

Literally all you've proven here is that the media was wrong about ONE guy. It took you ALL of this so far to get ONE GUY who was lied about.


Varg's case was presented here as something I had not yet put into my research entries and indeed didn't plan to because I was willing to wait and see if anyone else might be aware of it and raise it as a topoic of discussion. Apparently not, though.

No, it doesn't.

It does, in conjunction with the other things mentioned in the comment, albeit that I omitted links to the supporting RoC entries which cover those other topics. (charatcer limit)

3 or 4 doesn't really make good evidence, either, though it might have been worth looking into if you didn't need 10,000 words to point out ONE guy that was lied about.

You're going to be pleasantly suprised by said upcoming entries - not that they're going to be short at all, but, if you want supporting material, you're going to get it. Hell, even if you don't bother to read it, I know others out there who don't comment will. The information is being presented for those willing and able to read and do something with it.

Then you are too stupid to be presenting it to anyone else.

It's true that if you cannot explain something complicated simply and succinctly, that you do not understand it well enough to explain it or teach it.

Neh, you're just not willing to read it, just like so many others. That's your hangup.

I could have gained the same ground as you, for literally anyone reading this, in one paragraph. I would have convinced someone JUST AS WELL at the VERY least, (probably better) that VV was lied about.

If I waned to talk about VV alone, I wouldn't have mentioned the other stuff above that section - it's all connected though. You wanted everything condensed, though, no?

You're a clown.

And you're a lazy niggerfaggot.

Crensch ago

You're asking for 'pages' of research to be condensed into 10k characters(not words) or less, of course there's going to be some parts which are unjustifiably shortened.

Horseshit. I'm asking for evidence of your claim. I don't need an encyclopedia to determine the truth of a claim.

ALL you're giving me is MORE claims.

Kind of, sort of... obviously far more to be said about [it*] - or at least a better way to present it.

Only if your intent is to waste everyone's time with nonsense. You don't prove a claim by making more claims.

Do you want a summary of the ongoing research, or a bunch of links you won't click on?


I don't want your fucking story. NOBODY cares about your story. MAKE A CLAIM, AND SUPPORT IT RIGHT THERE or nobody in the history of ever will give a fuck, or give you the time of day, save maybe one or two autists and a guy that's WAY too nice to tell you to shove your long-winded storytelling up your ass.

Really, the supporting material is scattered throughout RoC, which has always been a research series which records the information I'm looking at and presents a running theory alongside it, subject to changes as new information is encountered.

I don't know what RoC is, and I don't care where it's "scattered". It's YOUR job to support your claims concisely.

Recurring patterns are a part of the research and basis of what I'm looking at/espousing. Whether you or others give a shit, is not my prerogative.

Going to sit alone in your ivory tower with nobody giving a shit? Sounds like a plan.

There ARE no patterns that you presented in that comment. None. CLAIMS are all you gave me, and evidence that ONE guy was lied about by the MSM. I won't even give you that win because it took you 10k words to make one single minor sub-claim that still doesn't prove a single claim you made with your words.

Supported by previous and upcoming research.

Not supported by anything. Supporting arguments work like this:

  • Succinct claim

  • Supporting links/evidence

Because it isn't. That's kinda the point really. What they're doing isn't based on Satanism. They're (Scientology) part of efforts via Hollywood and other avenues to have people blame Satanism.

Yet another claim. You're really bad at this.

Because I'm yet to present all of it - doing so out of context would do no more justice than the brief mention of them here. I'm building up to this one though, believe it or not.

I don't. What you wrote to me is one of the most substance-free word diarrhea comments I've ever come across. CLAIM CLAIM CLAIM CLAIM CLAIM CLAIM CLAIM

Paganism isn't to blame for it either. The entire point of bringing up the arson was to illustrate yet another instance of msm trying to push 'Satanic Panic'(anti-Satanist propaganda).

I count one. Maybe. You showed ONE time of the media misrepresenting some bad guy's religion.

The other point of interest in that case is that VV shares the hatred of Freemasons that many here have(some of that hatred being absolutely justifiable given that even several Freemasons have indeed been involved with corruption). This is something which should be appealing to a lot of you.

Nobody gives a fuck about what he shares. It doesn't prove your claim - any one of them. It's not appealing to us because we're not rEddit-tier niggers that will accept storytelling sophistry as convincing arguments.

You call it time wasting, but, it actually adds weight to what is being said by myself and others here who disagree with me on several points; common ground re: distrust of Freemasons, Jewish terrorists(for lack of a better term) and mainstream media.

I asked you to prove one claim that has fuck-all to do with what common ground we share, yet here you are acting as if it's relevant.

Relevant to the subject at hand.

Irrelevant. ONE quote by the guy himself saying basically, "I'm not what they're calling me" is enough to cast doubt on the MSM, and any MORE of him or his buddy bloviating isn't going to change that one way or the other.

All YOU did is make his claims look suspect by trying to hammer home the one thing you seemed to have a source for. Like I said, I could have done better at convincing someone that the media lied about that dude than you did, and do it in 1 paragraph.

Ironically, he's saying Varg burnt down churches, but, he actually didn't... it was others who burned them down and Varg made the mistake of talking to a reporter who misrepresented what he was saying, leading to his(Varg's) arrest and what would then become another 'Satanic Panic' media push.

Not even remotely supported. Again.

Hardly shit, very on point(re: media manipulation and hunting for truth) and shows that he's not just some moron who ostensibly burnt churches to spread evil.

If a guy claims something, but has no evidence for his claims, it's his word against the opposition, and him talking MORE changes that all of none.

Varg's case was presented here as something I had not yet put into my research entries and indeed didn't plan to because I was willing to wait and see if anyone else might be aware of it and raise it as a topoic of discussion. Apparently not, though.

LARPing as Mr. Miyagi now? Young grasshopper not learning to your satisfaction, slant-eye?

It does, in conjunction with the other things mentioned in the comment, albeit that I omitted links to the supporting RoC entries which cover those other topics. (charatcer limit)

You omitted an ounce of sanity, and got lucky by accidentally posting a link to something with a claim that required links like that to even begin to be discussed.

You're going to be pleasantly suprised by said upcoming entries - not that they're going to be short at all, but, if you want supporting material, you're going to get it.

If you tell a story, your time will be wasted. Make a claim, support it, repeat. Your story and conclusions about your "research" mean precisely dick if you can't support your claims.

Hell, even if you don't bother to read it, I know others out there who don't comment will.

I rather doubt it. They'd be more likely to read my responses to your words, and if confused, THEN read some of what I quoted. You're not interesting, or informative, or really much of anything besides lackluster and aimlessly meandering.

The information is being presented for those willing and able to read and do something with it.

You can't even support a single claim. Nobody is going to act on your Autistic Sperghetti.

Neh, you're just not willing to read it, just like so many others. That's your hangup.

I'm not willing to let you shift the burden of proof, and I'm not willing to shovel your shit to find the one brainfart that caused you to actually make a claim and support it; it's obvious your brain would have to malfunction for you to get something right for a change.

If I waned to talk about VV alone, I wouldn't have mentioned the other stuff above that section - it's all connected though. You wanted everything condensed, though, no?

If you wanted to talk about other stuff, you should have supported your claims. You couldn't fully support a single one.

And you're a lazy niggerfaggot.

I've read more of your shit than probably anyone here. Probably every single person patting you on the back saying "good work man" didn't actually read your shit, but wanted to virtue-signal as if they had. Congratulations, you've impressed the dumbest fuckers on Voat, and you took their compliments to mean that you were actually communicating ideas from your fucked-up brain to their lazy/desperate ones.

@srayzie @Shizy @Vindicator

Crensch ago

For those reading, I told @argosciv that I would not be communicating via PM, yet he continues to try to keep our conversations private. Here's cut-paste of his messages to me:

3.1 hours ago:

I'm a bit busy reading for and compiling my next entry(which you've been given a preview of) over here; I'll respond to your latest shortly.

Dunno if you're just having a laugh or what, happy to respond, though. That said, if the belligerence is genuine and you'd rather just ban me from v/pizzagate, go for it, censor me, whatever makes yourself/others feel better.

Only request that you not ban me from v/pizzagatewhatever, so that the rest of the research you hate so much can be posted(without me pinging anyone).

2.9 hours ago:

Honestly wasn't fussed whether or not you respond to that or this pvt message.

If we're just going to go around in circles(publicly), culminating in you banning me from v/pizzagate, save us both some time. Just leave me with the ability to finish posting the research(in v/pizzagatewhatever), which is for those able to do more with it(/goodguys/).

I'll check back in publicly soon, assuming I'm not banned by then.

2.8 hours ago:

It's not that I can't be convinced

Well, to be clear, before I do jump back over to public, you want to be convinced that there's a running theme of weaponized anti-Satanist propaganda, yes?

4.7 minutes ago:

Ah fuck it. I was going to respond publicly, point by point, but, I seriously cannot be fucked. Maybe I'll have the energy to do so after some sleep, but right now, I'm going to use what little I have left until I crash, to keep working on more important shit, including getting to the bottom of Brittany Murphy's death which is indeed connected to everything I've been posting about.

I've read more of your shit than probably anyone here.

Bully for you. If you want to see the supporting material, it's all in RoC & there's plenty more coming in the final entries. Yes, there is an end in sight.

I don't know what RoC is, and I don't care where it's "scattered". It's YOUR job to support your claims concisely.

If you can't figure out that RoC is short for Root of Corruption, the running title of my research series, then what-the-fuck-ever.

Going to sit alone in your ivory tower with nobody giving a shit? Sounds like a plan.

There ARE no patterns that you presented in that comment.

Yurp. Read the research, or don't, I don't give a shit about impressing you or trying to prove the validity to people who don't want to see it.

You can accuse me of shifting blame, but, honestly, the same is being done by those who simply just cannot see what I see.

It's all my fault, the onus is all on me, nobody else should ever be responsible for taking initiative of their own. Blah fucking blah.

I will publicly humiliate you

Pfft. You aren't humiliating me at all(all you're doing is stroking the egos of those trying to railroad me; "/golfclap" right back to ya), because I know my research has solid hits in it and again, I know that others elsewhere(ie, people who do not have an account here, thus not even showing up in a thread's view count) are paying attention(not any of the people who comment on my research - in case you haven't noticed, the majority of them are just as stubbornly blind to what I'm showing & indeed go to lengths to try to shit on it, without bothering to read it all properly) and putting the info to good use - I can see this by monitoring events in real time after each entry.

I'm happy to let you have the last word in public though, as it makes you and that retarded judaeo-christian-cunt srayzie(who I have genuinely gone to extreme lengths to support despite her sheer ignorance, in the face of that dumb-fuck hojuruku's bs - which you all conveniently forget) feel good to paint me as something that I'm not.

You lot pretend to care about the victims but consistently shit on the work of someone who broke free with just enough critical discernment in-tact, to dedicate their "fucked-up brain" to bringing down the corruption rather than contribute to it as was originally planned for me(as in, they were hoping to turn me into a shill and/or worse, but instead, I'm here doing everything I can to help - doesn't at all occur to you pricks why my brain is so "fucked-up", does it?).

Y'all only care about the victims who parrot the anti-Satanist rubbish that was drilled into them by their abusers - far-be-it that you might take notice of the one person who's putting together some of the hardest-to-understand connections - just because it takes too much time to read the necessary research, yet, here I am doing exactly that reading...

I'm not going to ban you, faggot.~

~But as it stands, you're on the chopping block, and using your last meal to try and talk your way out of it.

Then just go ahead and chop(whatever that might imply), if you're so damn sure I haven't got solid connections coming and already published.

I'm not trying to talk my way out of shit. Do what you will.

I say that out of frustration, so I'm hoping you mean it when you say you won't ban me.

It's not that I can't be convinced~

~Hell, if you can even convince me that you MIGHT have a point, or that I could SEE kinda, sorta, a little bit, why you would make a claim, I won't destroy you.

You don't want to understand me or my angle, that much is becoming apparent - I'd like to think I'm wrong there, though, and that the belligerence is just the usual 'shill test'.

Honestly don't care anymore, or at least, as said, until I've had some sleep and maybe decide to entertain your bad-cop routine some more(I've always and will continue to respect the need for you to fill that role around here, despite this confrontation we're having - no, I'm not bootlicking for brownie points, I simply know that it's a necessary 'evil'). You seem pretty adamant on rejecting anything I put forth, whether there's supporting links in a single comment or 'pages upon pages' of supporting research in RoC.

If you respond to this(not fussed 1 way or the other - probably easier on both of us if you save yourself the effort), I'm guessing it will just be more of the same indignant attitude. I'm not going to let it get to me anymore whether it be in private or a public grandstand.

I have more important shit to do, I'd like to think that you do too.

I spend all fucking day every day(on borrowed fucking time, no less - not a shred of income, certainly not a shill, paid or otherwise) researching and trying to get to the bottom of this god-forsaken mess which I've been stuck in since birth, if you want to shit all over that, go riiiight ahead.

srayzie ago


as it makes you and that retarded judaeo-christian-cunt srayzie

I’d rather be a Christian than some druggie who can’t lay off the shrooms. One that likes to drink human blood during sex with underage girls. One who defends homosexuality. Who told me that the 3 wisemen ate baby Jesus. Who continued to offend me after I told you to never bring religion up to me again.

Then you would continue to send me demonic music video links. I told you to stop. You never stop. You are the ignorant one. You can’t tell when people want you to leave them alone? You can’t respect people’s wishes? You can’t respect that others have their own beliefs? We don’t need you to try to change our minds. You are the last person that would be a role model for anyone.

I tell you that I’m done. Leave me alone. Then you’re sending me DM’s on Twitter or pinging me here. After I told you that I don’t want to talk religion with you, you would write me telling me that the upside down cross and other symbols weren’t evil. That we’ve been believing a lie.

You were concerned because Liz Crokin was onto you and going to dox you. You were afraid that Honeybee would find out. You tried to convince me that it’s all because you set a trap for Liz Crokin and she fell for it. You are a lying manipulative FREAK. You didn’t set no damn trap. You’re fucked and trying to crawl your way out of the hole you dug for yourself. You don’t mind ruining someone else’s reputation while you’re at it.

You’re narcissistic and can’t accept being wrong. You have to feel important by telling us you’re working on something HUGE that’s going to break pizzagate. You aren’t psychic. You don’t have special gifts. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. But, you’re just getting worse.

You say I’m retarded. Well, you can’t take a hint. You get upset because we don’t want to read your “series”. I have NO DESIRE TO READ YOUR SATANISM DEFENDING BULLSHIT. How many times do I have to repeat that? I don’t care what your writing says. I have my beliefs. Other people have their beliefs. Why don’t you take a hint. When we don’t want to read your trash, stop asking us. Stop pinging us to go see your latest. Stop telling us you’re working on something that’s gonna be a big drop. You aren’t Q. I don’t want your drops.

I think you should stop pushing your beliefs onto people in a sub like this. What is your point of being here if all you do is try to convince others that Satanism isn’t bad. I just looked at DM’s from August of last year. You were talking about the SAME stuff then!

If all you’ve got on me is that I’m a Christian and retarded, then I’ll gladly take it. It’s far better than being a sick freak like you.

who I have genuinely gone to extreme lengths to support despite her sheer ignorance, in the face of that dumb-fuck hojuruku's bs

Wtf? Extreme length to support me? You didn’t do shit. I don’t even know where you’re coming from. You had your own issues with that stalker. You didn’t do anything at all to help me.

I’m not arguing with your ass all day. You can go for 3 days with no sleep with your drugs you fricken tweeker. I can’t. I only have so many hours in a day and I sure as hell am not wasting my time on your bullshit.

@Think- @Shizy @EricKaliberhall @Bopper

Vindicator ago

Hell. I didn't see this, or the comment by @Crensch with the PM's. Neither appeared in my copious notifications this week. Does Voat only send Submission Mentions to the OP for the upper branches of the comment tree?

Crensch ago

After the first level, you get no notifications for having been OP.

Shizy ago

Well said Srayzie! He's trying to clear up "misconceptions" and promote satanism yet he acts like one would expect from a satanist! Not helping his cause 🤣. His tactics are just as pathetic as pedophiles who are trying to have tjeirnsickness normalized and accepted. It's never gonna happen! Somethings are too disgusting and too evil to ever be embraced and accepted.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Can you believe he told me that baby Jesus was eaten?!

Shizy ago

Not surprised, I already knew satanists were freaks and liars. He's not doing any good for his cause saying stuff like that.

bopper ago

So what are you saying?


Argo is still around? I haven't heard from him.

Sounds like you have lol.

srayzie ago

Yes. Unfortunately. 🙄

think- ago

retarded judaeo-christian-cunt srayzie

Wow. Just wow. Now your true colours show, @argosciv.

@srayzie @Shizy @bopper @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

@think- I will be responding in a little while. 😁

auralsects ago

I hope you notice how the precise words "retarded cunt" immediately come to mind to 9/10 people who have ever spoken with you. it's uncanny.

both you and @shizy don't have enough brains combined for me to crush into a paste and masturbate with, although your caved-in skulls would have me so aroused I might just rub one out dry. LOL

Suck my glans.


Shizy ago

You're such a sick fuck! Only mental midgets are so fixated on their micro dicks. I guess it makes sense though, you're so revolting no woman would willingly have sex with you so you have to focus so much on masturbation and screwing objects! Nasty faggot!

srayzie ago

Oh and how did you come up with that figure you stupid fuck. You don’t like me and @Shizy because we’re strong women and and don’t put up with you.

xenoPsychologist ago

nine out of ten dentists agree?

srayzie ago

No. You have it backwards. 9 DO agree

xenoPsychologist ago

i didnt realize agree no longer meant agree. no still means no, right?

SchlongKeyhote ago

LMAO 'strong women' is you trolling bitch?

We're saving Israel for last lol

this is 100% of what Q is for. to involve more dumb fat soccer mom slob CUNTS like you into serious matters, so you can fuck it up and just be slavishly retarded all over it.

Shizy ago

It's pretty scary that there are such freakish people in the world! This is why I carry a gun!

srayzie ago

You go girl!

srayzie ago

Thank you @think-

think- ago

Welcome. xoxo

argosciv ago

I will say that even I think I was being harsh in using the word retarded, the rest though, not so much.

Go ahead and think what you want - nothing I say or do, positive or negative, was ever going to change your minds if you're already convinced of the worst.

The info is what's important, but, I guess if you've gotta ban me, then so be it. I'll just have to write it up without the convenience of markup making it easier to read.


argosciv ago

No problem, if that's what you'd rather do, like I said, go riiight ahead.

Crensch ago

@srayzie, you were mentioned here. It didn't look nice, but I really didn't pay much attention.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I replied to the faggot. Keep putting that Satanic freak in check!