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finska ago

You should check out this thread for more info about blood drinking.......very disturbing. It sounds like we are sharing this plantet with vampires....

argosciv ago

Le sigh... there's some fact with fiction there.

The consumption/abuse of "Dragons" is indeed an attempt to 'consume god and gain it's power', but, this whole "Vampires" thing is retarded. They're just addicted to blood(dragonblood specifically) - addiction can lead to serious depravity, ie, resorting to concoctions such as 'walnut sauce', which, at my best guess, is Dragonblood + flesh + excrement.

Are they trying to abuse and claim the power of god? Yes... Are vampires real? No, we're dealing with pathetic humans who will prey on any and every insecurity imaginable, in order to derail investigation into their crimes.

finska ago

Vampire is just a fun term to exaggerate their creepiness and make fun out of what freaks they are....they are still however like the vampire myth literally drinking blood....just not by puncturing necks with long teeth but probably a more clincal method.....still disgusting! This certainly doesnt seem human to me and makes the lizard thing look less crazy by the day!

argosciv ago

Confession: I drink blood on occasions of consent... you need to understand what I am, if you're to believe me...

This makes little sense on it's own, but, read my research: I am a fucking dragon, I am here to save your fucking arses, stop bashing satanists and dragons, for drinking blood in a non abusive context. Our magic is what is helping you win this battle of Evil vs Good.

finska ago

Im not sure what to think...I am open minded enough to believe your story but the problem is most of the people who drink blood dont seem to be all that say they have hijacked your tradition...thats possible too....but are they not nice as a result of this habit or were they not nice before? You should understand why most people wouldn't trust blooddrinkers!

Anyway adrenalised meat and blood is definitely a cruel practice. I eat mostly vegetarian but all these stories about making meat addictive as a product by adrenalising it makes me want to avoid meat all together.

Also you may know that this week Harvey Weinstein was accused of forcefully performing oral sex on a woman who had her period. Do you think he was consuming starfire?

Finally does the blooddrinking give the elite an anvantage over us or are they just that much crueller due to their MK that they have no empathy and are willing to do anything to get ahead and control the world?

argosciv ago

you say they have hijacked your tradition

Not my tradition, I claim no ownership nor authorship, etc.

Im not sure what to think...I am open minded enough to believe your story but the problem is most of the people who drink blood dont seem to be all that nice...

Do I look like I'm nice all of the time? Everybody has a tipping point... that said, those who abuse dragonblood(or any blood, anything really) and especially obtain it in abusive ways, are bound to have that reflect in their being and actions.

but are they not nice as a result of this habit or were they not nice before? You should understand why most people wouldn't trust blooddrinkers!

Chicken or Egg? It can go either way, if nothing else. You're right though, most people don't trust it and squirm at the very thought, due precisely to mass hysteria perpetuated by "Vampire" myths and etc - the (woefully incorrect) assumption is that the act is inherently dark and void of consent.

Anyway adrenalised meat and blood is definitely a cruel practice. I eat mostly vegetarian but all these stories about making meat addictive as a product by adrenalising it makes me want to avoid meat all together.

I hadn't actually considered that aspect... thank you for the eye-opener.

Also you may know that this week Harvey Weinstein was accused of forcefully performing oral sex on a woman who had her period. Do you think he was consuming starfire?

Forceful(ie: without consent) = rape

Is she a dragon? Dunno... maybe Harvey just wanted blood? I won't make too many presumptions about him other than he is VERY sick and not worthy of forgiveness for a very long time - personal opinion.

Finally does the blooddrinking give the elite an anvantage over us or are they just that much crueller due to their MK that they have no empathy and are willing to do anything to get ahead and control the world?

Hard to answer... it's a little bit of everything that you said. That said, it's not like you NEED to drink dragon blood, in order to produce your own - life takes on a very different dimension when you're actively utilizing it(from wherever you source it) - the full breadth of advantages (and even disadvantages) is, as yet, still not fully known by me - but I'm learning rapidly ;)

finska ago

Hi just found an article here you might be interested in. If you read it through without getting stuck on the vlad stuff you might get something out of it. Found the warning to other blood drinkers from the 'illuminati' fascinating and thought you should know...if you dont already.


argosciv ago

Oh there's a lot of "warnings" out there, lol. A lot of people don't know how to react when first confronted with the idea that blood/sex magick can be performed in a consensual context - so they often go to extreme lengths to demonize it and anyone they might catch in the act - the accusations of addiction are generally superstition based on vampire mythology.

There's also a very subtle effort to make people think that "the illuminati" is going to get them, if they ever happen to dabble in blood/sex magick. Funnily enough, some dilweed here on voat by the name of r_r_p__ks even tried to pretend to be an Anon, threatening to come after me with their Legion, I mean fucking lol, they might wanna check in with Tech N9ne first.

Thanks, but, no thanks. Maybe someone else needs to read it, but, I probably don't - given what I already know. Thanks anyway.

finska ago

Oh well. Parts of the article are quite interesting. I had a feeling you might not want to look at it. It gets into the adrenalised meat we were talking about before and other aspects I had not thought about ....although I dont really understand the difference between satanism and lucerferianism......btw I cant spell-dyslexic so dont crucify me...plenty of shitty things going on here in oz....Have you looked into Fiona Barnett?

Also I saw you say the other day you were going to buy some fags.....youre too smart .....Ive watched someone dying of emphysema absolutely horrific....if you cant do it for your self do it for the people you love.

argosciv ago

for what it's worth, i'll get back to you, just later :)

argosciv ago

much appreciated, looks like it might actually be an interesting read