Podge512 ago

I found this regarding the California Healthy Youth Act, which is a blatant attempt to sexualise children, promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion and instructions on the use of sex toys:


MolochHunter ago

here's a good twitter campaigner against the normalisation agenda https://twitter.com/Br3ak3r0fCha1nz/status/1019052379327459328

gamepwn ago

Hang them all to hell.

exposethecriminals ago

They may also argue that the psychological damage to children from sexual exploitation of minors is also not a function of their exploitation prior to their capacity for consent, but a function of social stigma. That’s generally an argument they use in the same breath of denialism that child abuse does any psychological damage.


This, below, may not be for the body of your post, it's perhaps distracting, but I wanted to add it here in the comments. It has to do with the psychological damage caused to minors who engage in "casual sex," -- so accepted and promoted in society especially through the Kinsey-based "comprehensive sexuality education" in our children's schools, linked in the OP.

It is followed by a link to articles related to hormonal system and cognitive disruption, due to childhood sexual abuse, childhood physical abuse, and casual sex:

Illuminati weakening of society through sexualization of children -- a large 2013 study of children and teens found that casual sex is linked to suicidal thoughts

This Ohio State University study followed 10,000 children and teens from grades 7 to 12 (age 12 to 18) until they were age 18 to 26:

Casual sex can cause depression and can even lead to thoughts of suicide, a new study suggests.

Dr Sara Sandberg-Thoma....said: 'Several studies have found a link between poor mental health and casual sex...There's always been a question about which one is the cause and which is the effect. This study provides evidence that poor mental health can lead to casual sex, but also that casual sex leads to additional declines in mental health.'

The link...was found to be the same for both men and women

This led me to five interesting articles on hormonal system and life disruption caused by child sexual abuse, physical abuse during childhood, and casual sex. I'm not a scientist nor doctor so I can't judge the science behind them but they make compelling reading.

The articles are in the second half of this thread: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2077555

MolochHunter ago

wow thanks, interesting. And anecdotally true for me, my high school friends who started shagging early nearly all ended up depressed / bipolar etc with lower life outcomes than those who 'maintained their virtue'

still, I didnt start shagging til painfully late and I'm a ne'er-do-well, so it aint a universal rule ;)

exposethecriminals ago

Wonderful, fantastic, thank you!

13Buddha ago


cantfindmenow ago

Great post!

I don't understand why this blog hasn't been taken down by WordPress-


It normalises and encourages paedophilia, another example of how it is allowed in our culture dressed up at literature, blogging, art etc.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

stop the kinsey institute - https://archive.fo/et81W

fellowship of the minds - https://archive.fo/wGRMQ

theblaze - https://archive.fo/V9rHr