13Buddha ago

Downvoaters, this one's for you:

"The two pillars of 'political correctness' are willful ignorance and a steadfast refusal to face the truth."

Guess who.

think- ago

@13Buddha: Thank you for this post.

I would like to ask you to add a sentence at the top of your post (after your first paragraph) that the Rene Guyon Society is a possibly mythical society, and that it doesn't seem to operate at present.

You might want to cite the Wikipedia article about the society:

The René Guyon Society was a possibly mythical American group that is said to have advocated sexual relationships with children.


When you've added a note that the society may have been fictitous, please delete the sentence 'The Rene Guyon Society is a national organization of persons'.

This way, it will be clear from the beginning that the existence of the Rene Guyon society is debatable.

Thank you!

sharpedge42 ago

Child Smut Business Going Underground : Grows Uglier as Customers Trade Children, Not Just Pictures, Police Say

LA Times September 16, 1985

Two small groups that espouse sex relations with consenting children are the Los Angeles-based Rene Guyon Society and the New York City-based North American Man-Boy Love Assn.

think- ago


13Buddha ago

@think-, I made the corrections but am unable to copy/paste the full "mystical society" wiki link. I have attempted to do so 3 times unsuccessfully. I will keep working on it.

13Buddha ago


think- ago

Thank you, @13Buddha. Unfortunately, I havn't been able to access Voat all day long, just succeeded about half an hour ago, otherwise I would have removed the flair earlier.

13Buddha ago

Thanks! I experienced that as well today.

13Buddha ago

Thanks. I will comply and edit today asap.

kestrel9 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2100361 past look for info on the question of it's existance

think- ago

Thanks! :-)

derram ago

https://archive.fo/19b0Q :

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