kestrel9 ago

Short story became long and here's the short version of that:

I was researching a topic, and came across a 1977 Chicago Tribune article that made reference to the 'Gold Cup', as well as to the Guyon Society. (I'm going to do a post on that article later).

References to Gold Cup:

IN LOS ANGELES, police told the Tribune,, the favorite gathering place of runaway boys and the men who prey an them is in the area of the Gold Cup Restaurant at 6700 Hollywood Dr.

One night recently, a Tribune reporter watched about 14 youths, between 12 and 20 years old, waiting on the side- walk in front of the Gold Cup. Occasionally a man would walk up, a whispered conversation would ensue, and the man would walk away with a boy.

Searched that term and ended up with BoyWiki site, which I thought worthwhile to post here and that would be about it.

Went to look for info about the Guyon Society but initial digging showed a lot of confusion as to whether it was a real group. The quote I had read on CT 1977:

ABOUT 350 (?) families In southern California belong to the Guyon Society, an organization dedicated to sexual freedom and the motto, "Sex by the age of eight or else It's too late."

"We think the law should allow children to be to have sexual relations with each other and with adults as early as possible," says Tim O'Hara, a 46-year-old Beverly Hills aerospace engineer and spokesman for the group.

"Sociologists feel that a child s moral attitudes are pretty well set by the age of 8 (? hard to read) , and after that It's pretty hard to change them."


The Los Angeles-based Guyon Society with its approach to child sex would seem to be skirting the edge of legality, but California authorities so far have been unable to prove that the society has translated Its talk into the kind of action that could be prosecuted.

When searching about it, regular wiki says the group wasn't real, another one questioned it as a possible hoax (but why make a hoax about a group that supposedly skirts the law in LA?...just weird)

and BoyWiki referred to it as 'disputed'.

Anyway...just wanted to post the BoyWiki page as creepy as it is.

Back to my regularly scheduled digging...

abcdefg222 ago

Another good find. Thanks for sharing!