GreenDell144 ago

This will be part of our victory: while they simultaneously deny its reality AND advocate for its acceptance, they will continue to redpill the sleeping masses of people in western society that have some semblance of family values. We can uncover, report and expose all we want, but let’s face it; the enemy does a lot of work for us by talking out of both sides of their mouths.

migratorypatterns ago

Important stuff.

UppadaVoat for you in keeping us honest.

FacelessOne ago

Good collection of references and finished with LOTR quote, upboat earned

derram ago :

The Sex Trafficking Panic Is Based On Myths :

Sex offenders including paedophiles should be allowed to adopt, Theresa May told - Telegraph :

Harriet Harman under attack over bid to water down child pornography law - Telegraph :

How paedophiles infiltrated the left and hijacked the fight for civil rights | Politics | The Guardian :

Labour MP shares post telling abuse victims to 'shut up' | Daily Mail Online :

Paedophiles working as teachers a ‘social good’ - psychologist - Telegraph

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urbanmoving ago

Conditioning you to not resist it with force to allow your "betters" to lord it over you and enjoy the fruits of their usury and fraud.