In England they are now saying pedophiles should adopt children! (
submitted 6.7 years ago by hojuruku
hojuruku 6.7 years ago
@Dfens a good way to keep track of @Vindicator kikeshill pedo censorship:
Dfens 6.7 years ago
Yeah, I used that comments section to upvote your posts that had been brigaded by those morons. It's a useful feature.
What kind of SRS/SBBH pedophile like @srayzie @Vindicator @kevdude would downvote this eh? CC @dfens @freshmeat
I'm thinking it might be bots. We know they use bots to get clicks on their doxing sites:
haha tagged 3 pedos got only 2 more down-votes. One of them is the pedo trolling us, the other two just love child sex. CC @dfens
derram 6.7 years ago :
England to Allow Pedos to Adopt - YouTube
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hojuruku ago
@Dfens a good way to keep track of @Vindicator kikeshill pedo censorship:
Dfens ago
Yeah, I used that comments section to upvote your posts that had been brigaded by those morons. It's a useful feature.
hojuruku ago
What kind of SRS/SBBH pedophile like @srayzie @Vindicator @kevdude would downvote this eh? CC @dfens @freshmeat
Dfens ago
I'm thinking it might be bots. We know they use bots to get clicks on their doxing sites:
hojuruku ago
haha tagged 3 pedos got only 2 more down-votes. One of them is the pedo trolling us, the other two just love child sex. CC @dfens
derram ago :
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