carmencita ago

This is Beyond Disgusting, This Statement and I could read No Further after it. Perverted Scum MORON Jacob Breslow Says:

“We are not required to interfere with or inhibit our child’s sexuality”. “Children are not inherently unable to consent” to sex with an adult, and “Assuming children are unable to consent lends itself to criminalization and stigmatization.” Self-descried “gay activist” and London School of Economics teaching fellow Jacob Breslow said children can properly be “the object of our attraction” and that a child’s consent is not needed for pedophiles to have sex with “it” any more than we need consent from a shoe to wear it. Breslow used graphic language to describe the act of climaxing (ejaculating) “on or with” a child, which elicited no objection from the audience.

Barf Worthy

adaya ago

It's in my violent Nature & casino Culture to break a pedophile's finger everytime he complains about digging his own grave. I'll empathize with Podesta, if he'll take a little car ride with me and my Italian friends.

VFD ago

Obviously this is unacceptable and horrid, that is a fact we all can all agree on (shills not included). A concern that arises from hearing about this is that these phony ("sexologist" my ass) academics, or more accurately the people backing them may be trying to sow distrust between people who are rightly opposed to paedophilia, and real academia.

Narcissism ago

In a study of 57 ritual abuse cases it was discovered that 97% of perpetrators fell into four large occupational categories; 35% were professionals, either doctors or lawyers, 25% were teachers, 22% priests and ministers, and 15% were police officers. These professions have one thing in common - they attract people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Shizy ago

Pedos need to just be put down. Their sickness can not be "fixed".

Podge512 ago

I have long said that child rapists need treatment. But since chemical castration would not preclude the possibility of them violating a child with a foreign object, the only appropriate treatment is a fucking 9mm lobotomy!

dundundunnnnn ago

I only became aware of the concerted attempt last year during my Pizzagate digs. Made me ill for a week that I was so blind to the narrative.

Soulbrotha2 ago

Kill, death and imprecatory prayers to these sick fucks

GreenDell144 ago

The period for human gestation is 18-24 years. Animal species have MUCH shorter time periods. In fact, scientifically speaking, humans are vastly different from other species found in nature. Even if people disregard that, each species is different. Just because bees mate a certain way, it doesn’t mean that penguins should try it too.

mrohm ago

This has been going on since Kinsey, at least.

carmencita ago

I personally became aware of a concerted attempt to normalise the desire to rape children back in 2014, but it's been going on for much longer than that.

They are Slow and Methodical. They will be successful if we don't Band Together. This Should Be WAR.

carmencita ago

“We are not required to interfere with or inhibit our child’s sexuality”. “Children are not inherently unable to consent” to sex with an adult, and “Assuming children are unable to consent lends itself to criminalization and stigmatization.” Self-descried “gay activist” and London School of Economics teaching fellow Jacob Breslow said children can properly be “the object of our attraction” and that a child’s consent is not needed for pedophiles to have sex with “it” any more than we need consent from a shoe to wear it. Breslow used graphic language to describe the act of climaxing (ejaculating) “on or with” a child, which elicited no objection from the audience.

carmencita ago

There are no absolute standards of right or wrong: “These things are not black and white; there are various shades of gray.”

grey=murky Like all of their statements.

septimasexta ago

Important article. Changing the Psychological Manual is the beginning of LEGALIZATION. They are following the same path as the gays, who followed the path of minority civil rights (even though the two have nothing in common). We must keep fighting and exposing! Pizzagate research proves the children are HARMED!

researchsearch ago

Thank you for sharing. The whole 'Academic' thing is truly concerning.

We are looking into academics like Gary Dowsett, Steven Angelides, Lynne Hillier, Debbie Ollis, Roz Ward. But they are so good at hiding their incriminating research papers.

Although 'Boiled lollies and bandaides' published in 1982 by Gary Dowsett says some very unusual things about Gay men and kids...what is their agenda? how can we expose whats really happening with these people?

Norseman ago

They play the natural angle because technically speaking any sort of attraction to a female of your own species is "natural" so they have a footing to stand on, but that doesn't make it right or good. That's why we're not animals, we can choose what is BETTER than natural. We can choose not to rape just for pleasure or to spread our seed because we're self aware. A baboon doesn't understand this concept.

That "default" or "natural" wiring of a brain is really strong in some people, almost always because it was re-enforced when they were kids because someone taught them it was ok. That's an individual's mental issue they need to deal with to fix themselves because THEY have a problem, not as a means for us to assume all people are just like them.

dundundunnnnn ago

That natural and default wiring is your inner demon. The natural man is an enemy to God.

ben_matlock ago

That is a fantastic article, thanks for sharing.

carmencita ago

Jaw Dropping.

Norm85 ago

One part from the intro of that 1981 book is true.

The part which says that pedos don't lurk around school playgrounds. Most of them are in positions of easy access to their victims and don't need to lurk around in an obvious way and risk getting caught.

Cc1914 ago

Right, they don't need to lurk around schools , they own the schools !