Criticalthinker615 ago

How could a real estate agent find a minor attracted person on the kitchen island in the rental property kitchen? The context doesn't seem to match unless you consider that kitchen island and rental property are also being used as code. Any ideas what they could mean in this context? "Kitchen island" & "rental property" used in conjunction with "minor attracted person" ? Anyone have any ideas?

septimasexta ago

You refer to the handkerchief with a "pizza related map," yes? In the email, the realtor was on Martha's Vineyard, home to globalist heavyweights, including Rothschilds. It was originally theorized that satanic pedo ritual sessions would be held on available rental property, thereby leaving little trace of when, where, who. Realtor would be in on it. A kitchen island is like a big table..... Just my opinion. Not code words.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Just found this while looking through urban dictionary, could be nothing:

word used over work email for an attractive females ass. Basically a cover up to let you get away with saying fine ass butt over work monitored email. Yo I'd like to put it in the kitchen of the girl in the cubicle next to me. by Wolverine Jorts November 27, 2009

septimasexta ago

Actually, it should read: MINOR ATTACKING PERSONS

“The Prevention Project” is actually a front for a more insidious group called "National Prevention Science Coalition." They are actively promoting this to Federal agencies. It is a FAKE science that they try to equate with mass vaccination as a means of "preventing" such social/sexual problems from progressing. Their "scientific" solution is to ultimately legalize pedophilia, and VOILA! the problem disappears.

Dr. John Roman Makes Opening Remarks at Foundation and Gov't Partnership Briefing National Prevention Science Coalition Published on Jun 5, 2018

National Prevention Science Coalition

"The Prevention Project The Prevention Project is a coalition of advocates promoting governmental adoption of a "prevention model" for improving a broad range of social outcomes, while also addressing government budget deficits by reducing the expenses associated with costly problems (e.g., incarceration, substance abuse) and improving economic success (e.g., promoting high school graduation, preventing teenage pregnancy). To date, the Prevention Project has written a white paper and coordinated two congressional briefings that have detailed the benefits of preventative programs and how to effectively scale up the implementation of evidence based practices.

We invite community members supporting this mission to join in this effort. Members of the Prevention Project regularly receive email updates about the group's progress and ask for members' input on the direction of the group. Members are also invited to play a more active role by helping to develop resources (e.g., fact sheets), speaking at briefings, or contacting their legislators about upcoming briefings."

"About The Prevention Project

The Prevention Project was launched in March 2016 to help operationalize and sustain a “whole of society” approach to preventing the spread of violent extremism. Working with its partners, which include the Geneva Center on Security Policy, the Global Center on Cooperative Security, the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN), the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), and the Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL), the Prevention Project is committed to promoting the role of civil society, local authorities, and, more broadly, communities in preventing a and countering violent extremism (P/CVE)."

WHAT IS VIOLENT EXTREMISM? "Violent extremism’ is rarely defined: neither the United Nations nor the European Union has an official definition. USAID defines it as “advocating, engaging in, preparing, or otherwise supporting ideologically motivated or justified violence to further social, economic or political objectives”. However, this apparently simple and obvious statement conceals a great deal of controversy and uncertainty. Is violent extremism, by definition, something carried out by non-state actors? In conflict situations, how can we differentiate violent extremists from other, more legitimate conflict actors? Does violent extremism always have to be ideological – can it, for example, be criminal, or even purposeless? Is ‘violent extremism’ merely a synonym for ‘terrorism’? More fundamentally, are terms like ‘extremism’ relative – in which case does ‘violent extremism’ mean different things to different people? These are not merely academic questions: what we call a phenomenon helps determine how we see it and what we do in response to it."

This will be used to describe those who consider rape/murder of children a punishable crime--even the death penalty. THIS IS THE PEDO NORMALIZATION STRATEGY. They will fail.

septimasexta ago


The corrupt WHO (also in charge of global vaccines) HAS JUST DECLARED "COMPULSIVE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR" A MENTAL DISORDER! More importantly, this has been listed "in the latest update of its catalogue of diseases and injuries around the world" known as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

"Reed said it was important that the ICD register, which is widely used as a benchmark for diagnosis and health insurers, includes a concise definition of compulsive sexual behaviour disorder to ensure those affected can get help." YOU CAN BET PEDOS WILL QUALIFY. WHO recognises 'compulsive sexual behaviour' as mental disorder

septimasexta ago

Wow! Just found this. Did Mr. Strzok have this posted?

Also, check out this related VOAT page:

Geo_synchronous ago

Post-Consumer Recycled Goods is still reused trash. Words don't change the actual meaning.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

They aren't rebranding as Minor Attracted Persons. They've always represented themselves as such, and to be spreading this now so far after the Podesta emails is diluting the fact that he used the term MAP.

7e62ce85 ago

I have seen similar campaigns in the news. Can't give details as I want to keep this account anonymous.

However their angle was basically: "Being a pedophile is something you are born with, but this pedo here is a good pedo that totally won't act on his pedophilia".

BeTidy ago

The other angle they push is the idea that the molestation doesn't hurt the victim... unless adults tell the victim to be upset. On that basis when parents approach authorities they take the child victim away from the parent, and either into care, or place the child in the hands of the abuser.

7e62ce85 ago

That one is new to me. Sickening.

Wtfisthissht ago

This may irrelevant to this thread but I cannot post new links until I've made 10 posts and I don't have time for that. This poem is by Allen Ginsberg, "Meditations on Moloch".

HeavyBrain ago

What is it called when your bullets are attracted to minor atractted persons?

Pizzalawyer ago

@heavybrain: can't help it, loved the comment .

Geo_synchronous ago

Its called AWESOME.

Simpleusername ago

A start.

darkknight111 ago

In Dungeons and Dragons, your bullets would have the "MAP Bane" property. Note that magic projectile weapons confer said property to any ammunition that gets fired from them.

mrohm ago

Pizza-related MAP.