merica_fk_yeah ago

Wow The plot does thicken ... The lies and these connections... these people need to be disposed of permanently so that they can never harm our children and all children ever again.

Blacksmith21 ago

CRS is based close to DC in Baltimore. The lobby of their building is covered with what you might imagine - lots of pictures of various missions into Africa and other 3rd world shitholes - as are the multiple floors of their building. No shocker - it's their mission.

I've thought about the potential for this organization's involvement, given the history of the Catholic church, and the similarity of CRS' mission compared to CF, CGI, and all of the various NGOs.

The fact that Strzok's father worked there is beyond any chances of reasonable probability. His dad could've been a carpenter, a business owner, a florist, or a school teacher.....but no, he works for Catholic Relief Services, of course.

Kacey ago

Wiki confirms that this Peter Strzok is the father of the FBI Strzok

Strzok attended high school in Minnesota.[14] He earned a bachelors degree from Georgetown University in 1991 and returned to earn a master's degree there in 2013.[15] He is married to Melissa Hodgman, an associate director at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.[16][17][18] His father worked for many years as an employee of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and after 1980 worked in villages of several West African countries.[19]

jewfighter33 ago


I found George Puello (Laura Silsby's lawyer's Twitter), and he has testified that Clinton is running the trafficking in Haiti months back and it seems to be his official account. PLEASE SHARE i will send this message to a couple more users, I am hoping that one of oyu can make a thread!!!


@Gwenjackmann @ron_fournier the real people doing the trafficking are The Clinton Foundation, Several Salvadora, Dominican and Haitian Pres

Twitter account: (


IShallNotFear ago

I'm not saying your necessarily incorrect, but, I believe has been verified to be a disinfo site. If you look at the front page you will find articles like this one. "Beyoncé Caught Shapeshifting In Front Of Celebs At Serena Williams’ Wedding" This article makes outrageous claims but provides not evidence to back it up. You may be correct but you will need to look to other sources to verify if it is true or not.

Dildo_Face ago

But Blacks (hey, yo, put yo hands up, Holla, hey, yo) can not get it. So, no.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

It's like FBI, big Pharma, Hollyshit, etc, are all in a cult.

Oh_Well_ian ago

So.. the article is very strange awkwardly worded but Strock's father's work in Africa took place in Upper Volta..

Which rings a bell and reminded my of the Strand on Volta, Alefantis' first museum in DC.

Looks like a tight knit group of generations we have here .

You might even say they seem like a CULT.

bopper ago

"These people are sick."

Talk to you later, off to bed.

Random101 ago

Father and son both called Peter Paul Strzok?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Satanic Cult members frequently name their children after themselves in a feeble attempt to cheat death.

con77 ago

it just gets sicker and sicker

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

as we discussed in another thread - Both the "suicided" Canadian Pharma Billionaires - the Shermans - and the "suidided" NYC doctor have deep ties to Haiti. Apotex/Shermans have very close ties to Clinton Foundation.

And the Clintons have a long history with Haiti going back to 1975 including not one but at least two regime changes

anotherdream ago

These latest happenings lend a lot credence @WinsonsinIsCorrupt ‘s posts and threads. Q mentioned that HC had come to cut a deal. Seems there may be bit of panicked housekeeping after the rejection perhaps? perhaps not on the part of HC but on the part of those who stand to go down with her? - I mention it because these events are all tied to Haiti, and thats tied to HRC. How to know who the next to fall will be? it seems certain many lore will die before this thing is over.

carmencita ago

I have been pinging @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt for weeks and he has not responded. Hope all is well. Yes, many will fall, possibly some that are not so guilty and want to expose. We should be very careful when accusing those suicided. Remember Seth Rich and Molly Macauley and Monica Peterson.

anotherdream ago

Haha - Thanks for showing the correct spelling. - Yeah I haven't heard from WIC in a month here. Been wondering what happened, what his thoughts were. Agreed, but the guy's placement was what set me off. Seth Rich was a young guy on the bottom rung of the ladder. - People dying lately are much higher up. - I think it's only going to get worse.

carmencita ago

I agree. I hope he is OK too. It seems the murders are coming more often, Scary.

GeorgeT ago

Interconnected web!