Strawtinman ago

What NYC elite, museum magrag was normalizing cannabilism? That journalist is a twitter regular. Smithsonian.

Dfens ago

I've noticed for a long time that slutty people tend to be crazy as hell. I know several guys whose one night stand got pregnant. Once you have a child with one of these psychos you never get rid of them. It's the gift that keeps on taking.

angry_mob ago

there is no question in my mind that the deep state know what they are doing in terms of child/adult psychology. it was developed in east germany with the Stasi, they know their stuff. however, i do think these article excerpts fail to acknowledge the role of blame, condemnation and guilt as i know this was most of what was damaging to me as a teenager. i mean really, nobody sat me down and talked with me about the consequences of early sexual activity. (i was also in love) and also, i would just like to point out about the above post, that having sexual feelings at that age is completely normal - everyone i knew did! (o;

and as for the pic of the girl on the swing, i think the t-shirt is trying to promote the idea of all ages shows. that's a huge issue for early teens. and as for the skirt being "micro-mini," that's pretty much how girls dress, i know when i wasn't in school i sure did and so did my friends. girls basically dress for each other for the most part. i actually think she looks cute, but i'm not a pedo so ....

kestrel9 ago

Great work thanks!

Sounds like encouraging early expression of sexuality not only causes stress on mental health but can result in a pathway towards increased susceptibility to ending up with 'battered wife syndrome'.

It's a way to control people and make them want to be (or addicted to) being controlled.

10248358? ago

Thank you. And that's an excellent point!

4_InquiringMinds ago

Impressive post~thank you so very much.

10247442? ago

Thanks, and you're welcome

Cheesebooger ago

Jews have been pushing normalizing pedophilia for a while. Then its beastiality after that. Then we will see people marrying animals. Then they will be artificially creating human/animal hybrids and there will be half donkey/half humans walking around virtue-signaling

angry_mob ago

i wanna marry my cat!!!

ConcernedGoat777 ago


10253754? ago

The Hampstead children? Hasn't this been debunked?

Howmanyarethere ago

Hampstead children have in no way been debunked. Although there are those who would like them to be

10296516? ago

Step Dad was a degenerate who fed these children marijuana and coached them on what to say. Listen to sword and scale episode on this podcast.