DeathTooMasons ago

Although I like the what A call for an uprising exposes, I don't exactly trust him either. There is something wrong with the way he raises his voice and acts angry all the time, even though he has been covering it daily for years. I also found a channel called Stand your ground videos, that I suspect might be him. Same voice pattern that I know to well, but disguised by being overly sedated. It's like he uses a voice modulator for one of his characters. I don't know for a fact it is him, but I suspect it. Same thing with Stephan Molyneux being Jeff C. I am almost possitive. Most the youtubers are half truthers and are worrking for the other side. Many play several different people. My suspicion is that they look for something that is hot in the truth movement, and try to hit a big with something. If it doesn't work, they switch to anoter MO and a different character. I still think A call for an uprising is a good channel, but something is not right.

HesComingBack ago

yeah...guy is on my shill radar for sure. some of these guys just sound like they dont wish to be taken seriously. i prefer nicholson1968, facelikethesun, and barhugrufhowzer (channeldown). aside from these three, i always take what the rest have to say with plenty of salt. lots of fake christians out there. so many shills these days.

edited for suspected shills

SturdyGal ago

I know what you mean, but have not spotted duplicate channels. This over the top emotionality reminds me of Alex Jones but I guess it works to get people's attention. He kind of lost me when he keeps having his "Last Day to buy a straight t--shirt" for the past month. Reminds me of my local rug salesman who has been going out of business for at least two years. On the other hand, I know it is hard to make money on YouTube if you are anything alternative. He always seems to make a good point then carry it one step too far. Is that me, or is that him, who knows?

SwampAintDrained ago

Ever notice how much anal sex and ass-to-mouth is pushed in (((porn)))?

Is that really the consumer dictating what the product is, or is it the other way around?

Even though I'm an atheist, I can appreciate OP's viewpoint. Certainly no one can deny that they are being spiteful towards Christians regardless of your religious beliefs.

Here is an especially relevant video of Jews gloating not only about owning the porn industry, but also describing how they enjoy harming Christians with it.

HesComingBack ago

if you keep digging in this whole conspiracy world, at some point it becomes clear that there is something going on with this good vs evil and biblical prophecy thing. in part, its why i became a christian.

SwampAintDrained ago

Yeah my buddy keeps lambasting me for not seeing it that way, I just don't see much evidence of it. When I press him for evidence he falls short. He just says look at how persecuted Christians are, god must be real. I see the persecution, and I also share it, because it isn't just Christian type folks they are after. They are after anyone with similar values, religious or not, and they seem to want to rid the world of whites who are evidently too problematic for them.

HesComingBack ago

no worries man. keep searching. if you havent seen it, you should check out barhug rufhowzer reposts. his channel is down. his great deception of mans history is pretty good. he did one on the star tarot and pizza gate too thats short but worth a watch. i thought i liked nocholson1968 and facelikethesun...thinking theyre shills now. i might be biased but i cant view this whole thing without a spiritual context but i dont expect everyone to see it that way.

SwampAintDrained ago

but i dont expect everyone to see it that way.

Well that is good, once I was told on this subverse that because I'm not down with Christianity that I can't oppose the pedophile criminal cabal. Its like what the hell, I'm on the same side! People from any belief can see this great evil for what it is.

I do find myself agreeing more and more with Christians, and the prophecies and what not. I'll check out those barhug rufhowzer, thanks.

hojuruku ago

agnostic here. Just got my family and friends being sued for disrespecting the self confessed child sex cult:

SturdyGal ago

Oh man so sorry you are being sued. I hope the suit magically goes away and that you live another day to find more and safer ways to harass them. I love that you are a self-proclaimed agnostic. I feel we are born with the truth of goodness (I think it is God, but I respect your agnostic stance) in our hearts and They are just trying to talk us out of it. We all know what the natural path is and anything else is an absurd perversion. Good luck to you, your family and friends.