quantokitty ago

Good point.

Yeah, so many underlying messages ... all dangerous and disturbed.

4_InquiringMinds ago

TAKE THE NEXT LEFT: a movie devoted to choice.

This had me laughing even tho it's a serious subject...thanks :)

ps...you always say The Cannibal Elite/another thanks for being specifically correct, just plain elite my ass lol.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the comments. Always appreciated.

Absolutely, they are not elite. They're scumsuckers.

ShootJewsAndKillThem ago

Bullets in jewish skulls solve this problem permanently.

DeathTooMasons ago

Start with yours. Be the change you want to see.

quantokitty ago

Look, you're a member for 1.5 hours and posting violent replies. You've earned a block.

kestrel9 ago

A sixty year old pedo freak will interpret a three year old child's smile as a come on. Sick delusional perverts.

quantokitty ago

Exactly. The most innocent gesture in the world like wanting to be hugged or to sit in a lap is twisted and perverted and used as an excuse to molest a precious child.

They are scum.