organic1 ago

Mao-ism. Well, that explains Killary's clothes.

pbvrocks ago

She outs the Berkeley organizers...

Jobew1 ago

she does do a great job. but the russian revolution and the aftermath wasn't real socialism. look up the bolsheviks, who they were, and who funded them.

AngB23 ago

Thank you for posting. She's awesome and digging into Soros is something I was hoping would happen.

bopper ago

Wow, mods are really hit and miss. There's been several Bill Nye threads here just recently. Well actually MFalcon did delete one (he deleted it twice!) but others stayed up. They def should not have deleted yours. Maybe you should re-post it.

PizzagateBot ago

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bopper ago

Wish we could repost her piece on Bill Nye, lots of goof info.

V____Z ago

Why can't we?

bopper ago

Sorry, I meant Really Graceful. I get 'em all mixed up.

Laskar ago

"Bill Nye the creepy guy:

Bill Nye, an entertainer posing as a scientist (though he will not ever debate a real scientist) has defended planned parent hood's sale of organs, and any sort of sex perversion as being normal, has now come out of mothballs to promote an even sicker agenda.

Source: Bill Nye's logic: "Rape, murder and pedophilia should be legal because 'You can't tell people what to do!' ":

He is a staunch defender of "Climate Change" and is afraid of facing anyone who is a real scientist: "Why does debate scare Bill Nye?" @2:09:

He has a new show on Netflix called "Bill Nye Saves the World".

Here is a video about a vanilla ice cream being persuaded to participate in a multi sex orgy:

And here is one which really pushes "anything goes". In this song, where the lyrics say, "sexuality is a spectrum, everybody is on it", there are the following lines:

[sex] "with a sad clown skyping in the moonlight" "damn Skippy, home slice sing it with me all night" "sex how you want it's your goddamn right"**

Here is the source: the captioned video: "My Sex Junk--Rachel Bloom--Bill Nye Saves the World":

As a post script of sorts: Does anyone else think this video has strange overtones?:

Stay tuned for blockbuster part two--coming soon.

bopper ago

Mod deleted it.

V____Z ago

Social Media Site Sold to Reddit Insider, Immediate Changes Expected

bopper ago

That article sounded weird to me. Did you read their "about" page on their website?

This is a satire site. Do not take it seriously. Stories and people mentioned may or may not resemble actual stories or people in whole or in part. In other words, Newscast Now is about the same quality as all the rest of the online sites.

V____Z ago

thank you - i was duped!

GeorgeT ago

Honeybee is the best detective out there. Amazing work! I watch her videos on Bitchute - she is fantastic. That MrPing Pong American Psycho must be feeling it and so is Skippy the degenerate!

Puttitout_Is_Fat ago

We're surprised that this post hasn't been deleted! @Puttitout and the criminal cabal members such as kevdude fuzzywords mick disappointed cynabuns tipman79 expertshitposter adhdferret and 100 others were very specific in how they allow v/pizzagate to function. They don't want you actually connecting the dots. This is a call to all real investigators, and all those who are against the elite pedos and against censorship to stand up against @Puttitout and have him removed from Voat, as well as the rest of the criminal cabal. If you do not speak up now, there will not be anywhere on the internet to speak freely left.

here is the evidence, decide for yourselves:

GeorgeT ago

As Victor Hugo once said 'No army can suppress an idea whose time has come!'