stellarcorpse ago

Yes, that would be Scott Cummings and his partner. Caris biological father. Mr. "Chicken Lover." The bisexual swinger and possible pedo?? that loves Butt magazine. Now resides in Portland Oregon.

stellarcorpse ago

I have said this here before ad nauseum that this Pegasus and indeed much of pizzagate is also about live child porn/snuff events, parties, not just child trafficking. Does not seem anyone else holds this theory but it would explain many things that don't make much sense. Also JA's fear of Pegasus being discovered. I submitted this here before.

twistedmac11 ago

I suppose they could be live streaming something from the building. I'll look more into this, thanks!

stellarcorpse ago

I may be wrong but strong feeling about this.

twistedmac11 ago

Very interesting! Thank you, I will have to do some more digging on this.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Let's revisit Pegasus Museum, shall we? Kill Room Pegasus Museum Complete copy of original Pizzagate Summary Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence Image links from summary I saved from over there ----> Backups of James Alefantis' Instagram / CPP related videos? Man with assault rifle at Comet, now you know why the camera was removed TODAY Gusifer: Patti Paule-Carres, a Podesta Cousin Runs is a Private INTERNATIONAL Adoption Service A DcAn0n here to assist Possible New Lead? "Thousands of women locked in the basements of D.C. museums!" Instagram users associated with Jimmycomet are now deleting their accounts Pegasus Museum is exactly above Subway tunnels A fresh look at the Macobbys, Podestas, Alefantis, Transformer, Septime Webre, The Washington Ballet, S&R Foundation. Followup to the Alefantis/Pegasus/Moonie Connection from an earlier post (Part 4) CONTINUED--THE OTHER PROPERTY OWNED BY PEGASUS OWNER) NEW - Photos of James Alefantis at PEGASUS in 2013 and OBAMA across from PEGASUS at The Coupe Do we know who is siirianna? She is in the inner circle of James Alefantis according to his Instagram. The Pegasus building - Home to the "Kill room" construction site and Square Form

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Don't forget that the Pegasus info involves a welding company that James Alefantis is connected with, SquareForm. They like to brag about how they are able to make square cages essentially.

jstrotha0975 ago

Do you have a link to that SquareForm, I can't find it.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Man its been a while. I would try search terms "square form voat" "square form alefantis" "square form jimmycomet"

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I just want to point out that when all the Pegasus info broke is also when we found out that Alefantis had connections to Laura Silsby, connecting the Silsby-Alefantis-Clinton connection. This is extremely important and the key to unravelling pizzagate.

Fateswebb ago

The refrigerator containing computers is not realistic to me.

twistedmac11 ago

I appreciate your honest input :) May I ask what about it you find unrealistic?

Fateswebb ago

I build data centers and it doesn't make sense to spend that much money on something that isn't designed for the use, and use it for that. I would suggest spending the money on a container that is designed for its use. That's all. I find it more likely to be a kill room, or just a cooler.

twistedmac11 ago

Gotcha. That makes sense. Thanks!

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

The threats to Ryan O'Neal are 100% true. I have a very good source on this.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Did you IsThisGameOfThrones mean to post as "Ryan AKA pizzagategearbitch" and a 3rd party with a "very good source" from the same Voat account, 2 minutes apart, or was that an error?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

On purpose. The good source was me. Meant as a joke

quantokitty ago

Here are my thoughts/post about it. The symbolism of the wings is important and means that prostitutes will be delivered.

twistedmac11 ago

Or, just had a thought, could they be delivering children instead of prostitutes? Or maybe child prosututes?

quantokitty ago


twistedmac11 ago

Any chance those prostitutes might be ordered on the internet, and websites used to order them housed in servers in Pegasus? Just trying to think of ways our theories could be interwoven. Good work on that post, btw!

quantokitty ago

Well, the theory advanced was that the prostitutes (or children enslaved into human trafficking), were ordered through Comet Pizza. That's probably what the encrypted files were. Maybe "specials" of the day? Even though encrypted, if this were happening, they'd probably be somewhat in code. Another thought is that the video monitors that stream activity could probably were streaming. Children that were available might have been playing ping pong and or video games. No proof that any of that happened, just working out the logistics of what could have happened if there were this sort of operation going on.

MattHelm ago

They move kids. The adult call girls travel by limousine you don't need any special secret transportation for women in their 20's and 30's they meet you at a fancy hotel in the bar or they go to your condo or even your house. Pegasus and Comet are all about selling kids and moving them to the buyers and we now know there are many underground tunnels in D.C. and near the Pentagon the entire region has a network of tunnels all over the place.

crazimal ago

Great to think about 3518 11th st NW again, but the post comes off as ignorant and lost in wordplay.

No credible information ever suggested the big walkin cooler is at Pegasus. As pointed out earlier Pegasus also probably doesn't have the electrical capacity to run such a cooler.

Alefantis's alleged threats to pizzagategearbitch (aka Ryan from TX) were interpreted as JA freaking over Pegasus (among other things). In retrospect it seems Ryan was perhaps a bit full of shit and may have faked the whole incident. I wonder if he made any money in those T shirts. Anyway whether Ryan is legit or not, it seems like JA might be more likely encouraging people to look into dead ends than otherwise.

Likewise the fascination with the hashtag #killroom is probably about as unhelpful as any hashtag fixation. After all hashtags are pretty #stupid.

The business financial and legal ownership angles of Pegasus property are probably worth looking into though...

twistedmac11 ago

As pointed out earlier as well, a bunch of serious construction was done there; you don't think they could've added whatever was needed to be able to support a refrigerator?

While I don't know how to feel about Ryan and Pizzagategear, I believe that he made a valuable contribution by giving us more info on Pegasus. Unless you can give me reason to believe otherwise (other than Ryan makes money selling Pizzagate t-shirts and may have been lying about being threatened), I don't see any "credible" (to use your word) evidence that proves The info he provided isn't to be believed.

Lastly, I referred to it as the "kill room" (note the quotes" because that is how it's been referred to by others investigating Pizzagate, and that helps people to know what I'm talking about, not because I think that the refrigerator is, in fact, a kill room.

So, as it is, I stand by my theory, although I do agree that the financial and legal angles should be examined as well, especially considering who owned the property before Alefantis.

twistedmac11 ago

I wanted to add this into my response earlier and then got sidetracked and lost my train of thought, so I'm glad you happened by! Thank you!

Yuke ago

Sorry, you seem to have misinterpreted me. I wasn't suggesting there was a walk-in cooler at Pegasus in the thread that I made, I was simply saying that it was the site of the construction pictures we had seen, and I was referring to the fact that people had labeled it a "killroom"; I've never believed that. I've always believed the #killroom picture of the inside of a walk-in cooler to be at least elsewhere (this has been covered) and at most, not literally a "killroom". Sure, technically they could use it as a kill room, but I don't think the Comet-involved people are actually involved in slaughter (although Cummings could be involved in getting rid of a body). I've said before, I see them more as "fixers" for others. (But that is just my opinion and only my best guess).

The fact that Pegasus was acquired in a seemingly strange way and was (before the construction) used as a music venue with at least one person also listed as living there, and was then used by the guys from Squareform (and may still be being used by an offshoot of Squareform - they have since disbanded 'officially' with Scott Cummings moving to Oregon and Joe Wills being on the East side of the country - but we still potentially have the Margot workshop there, makes it highly suspicious.) I believe it is 100% involved in things, but exactly what the specifics of those things are, well, we really don't know yet. The naming of the place (Watchtower) and the location, is very, very suspect with regards to all that we have seen before. In all honesty, it still needs more digging, I'm sure there's more to be found it's just a case of finding it. But let's just be clear; it's not about a walk-in cooler being at Pegasus, it's about Pegasus being suspect but we don't know what for in a specific way just yet.

twistedmac11 ago

You're right, I did misinterpret you, my apologies! Thank you for clarifying. I would like to reiterate one thing, however: I am simply referring to the refrigerator as the "kill room" (and usually in quotes) because that is what many people know it by. I use the name as a reference point, not to insinuate that there are actually murders going on there. Your use of "kill room" in your post is what led me to believe you were agreeing that the refrigerator is at Pegasus, as the picture of the refrigerator is where the term "kill room" was coined and your post places it at Pegasus. The dip in the floor of the refrigerator lines up with the hole in the floor in the construction photos, and Pegasus has been named the location of the kill room ever since Ryan's video was released (not saying I endorse Ryan). So I'm not sure I'm quite following you here.

Yuke ago

If you go back to my thread, which shows all of the relevant areas of Pegasus, you will see how the idea of a walk-in cooler being at Pegasus, especially in 'that' area, just doesn't fit at all for so many reasons. Ryan's video used the findings from my thread.

twistedmac11 ago

Gotcha. I think what threw me off was your use of "kill room" to refer to the construction zone, when I've only ever seen it referencing the walk-in refrigerator (which was pointed out in the comments of your post, multiple times). I didn't see anything in in your post that disproves the "kill room" being at Pegasus, just that you didn't believe the refrigerator is there; you posted no evidence to back you up on that specific claim. As it stands, I am still of the belief that the refrigerator ("kill room") is at Pegasus.

I appreciate you clarifying all of this for me though. You've done some great work and I mean no disrespect. It was evidence (albeit circumstantial) that made me think the refrigerator is at Pegasus in the first place, so I'm going to need a little more than you saying it doesn't fit in order to change my mind.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Ryan AKA pizzagategearbitch checking in. The Threats are 100% true. The profits from PizzaGateGear go toward the PizzaGate Billboard Campaign. My focus is awareness now and I'm doing my best to bring awareness of pizzagate to the general public

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Anybody could have faked the texts. Your lack of audio evidence is unnerving. Hindsight being 20_20, but your friend sitting next to you should have been capturing this on even cell video.

Let it be a lesson to all investigators. Verify, document, video.

Good luck with your billboard.

Flat_Truth ago

Could that be the kind of "museum" Lady Gaga is talking about? Where someone is laid on the table the "museum" goers can do anything they want to prove they are "limitless"? There was that big table in the main room where a body could be laid out. Someone should check the drains there for human DNA.

equineluvr ago

This cannibal dinner was held at a museum.

twistedmac11 ago

You mention drains, and it makes me think of the house that Alefantis did work on behind Pegasus on 11th street that has "kids" and an arrow spray painted out front. There was a manhole right next to it, although the arrow wasn't necessarily pointing to it. Could be something, could be nothing.

I've never heard of this "museum" Lady Gaga speaks of, so I am definitely going to be doing more digging into that.

Flat_Truth ago

Smithsonian, Guggenheim.....those are the big name fronts on some of them. The Smithsonian does its evil works on behalf of the scientific operations of that church; hiding our true history and building a history that fits the contrived one that rules Western civilization. The Guggenheim....well its roots are creepy, and its underbelly is the higher ups than the pizza queen and Rothchild level, but same a large scale more rich and renowned version of Alafantic's Transformer place.

twistedmac11 ago

I'm most definitely going to research more into that, thank you!! Any chance that ties into children's museums somehow, you think?

dookiehowzer ago

if i were them i would have the child porn stored on massive hds that are easily transportable to a van or other suv etc so it could move around constantly but still stealth, or i would just burry it in a underground silo

carmencita ago

Notice the Remarks Made, #Kill Room, Money Under a Sheet. This is a Pedo Paradise. They are disgusting sick murderers. We have to think like they do, if that is possible. I think CP could be made here, but then add on Snuff (#Kill Room) and then possibly Satanic, and then Organ Harvesting (Money Under a Sheet). It makes me sick to even write this stuff.

twistedmac11 ago

Good point! Definitely worth exploring more.

je-sui-pepe ago just interesting thats all. in fact when you look at the names of all of them, Castellum, Achilles, Pagasus, James Alefantis, all of their names are just interesting. These creepy people are quite convinced they have power.. via their names? i don't know, i just find it all so very strange.

Niandra ago

James Alefantis is an anagram of 'J'aime les enfants' I believe. All of these words are part of their sick game.

twistedmac11 ago

They do seem to put a lot of meaning behind their names. A lot of symbolism and references are made by these people, especially Greek and Roman references.

je-sui-pepe ago

for what reason......

equineluvr ago

They are paying homage to their ancestors.

twistedmac11 ago

I've seen bits and pieces (but haven't done a full on dig myself, yet) regarding the Greek/Roman connections and the planet Saturn, but I'm not sure how it all plays in.

remedy4reality ago

Working on my own Pegasus redux and will have it up today.

I think my theory will be very convincing.

Devious1 ago

Did u post your theory? Not seen it yet and curious....

remedy4reality ago

hey dev... got sidetracked with this > ( let me know what you think... Look at the link added by other voater )

will post Peg redux today or tomorrow

Devious1 ago

Nice post, I did upvoat, I can see why you got side tracked. I'm collating a few things on the Pegasus kill room / torture chamber. Since my last post has been shut down, making all images invalid. Also looking into the voat users who where promoting as the best place to host images.....

Keep up the good work.

remedy4reality ago

The images of the sliding platforms have also been scrubbed from Scott Cummings website. I have certain images of Pegasus that have since been deleted. Let me look for them and I'll bet back to you. Ps. thanks!

Devious1 ago

I always back mine up, there one one of my devices - somewhere! Will also look through, it will take me a while though.....

Devious1 ago

I'm allways interested in Pegasus posts

twistedmac11 ago

I look forward to seeing it! Please link to it here so I make sure I see it :)

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

me too!

Don-Keyhote ago

Nice check my comment history I asked what happened to Pegasus lead a minute before your thread

twistedmac11 ago

I saw a video where David Seaman said he had a source who had gone to investigate and had come across some suspicious activity, but I never heard anything else after that. I think there's so many more questions about Pegasus that have yet to be answered.

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol ok then it's a nonlead

twistedmac11 ago

I don't think it not being mentioned in the last month makes it a nonlead, and I'm pretty sure you're gonna be hard-pressed to find someone who does.

First comment is a shill, I must be onto something.

Don-Keyhote ago

Says the guy referencing David seamen

twistedmac11 ago

Move along, shill. Your distraction tactics won't work on me.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

I'm trying to follow. Is Seamen a shill?

twistedmac11 ago

Some people think he is. I'm on the fence about him, so I take anything he says with a grain of salt, just in case.

Fateswebb ago

Seamen doesn't do much of his own research, but he does get the word out. Sometimes he acts ambit crazy... but it is what it is.