conspiracyprincess ago

Mighty funny how Tony Pedo-destas favorite artist "Biljana Djurdjevic" art depicts children in tile background room settings. Similar to uhmmm, idk, SUBWAY STATIONS. Eerie and far to similar to the movie "Meat Train" only the victims are mass amounts of children.

Air fives to all the people consistently researching, all good and god are with you!

ActivistAngel ago

Here is another reason these kids are worth so much. We need an army of parents

lhunterel ago Plenty of civil war tunnels, and you now what they say: "for everything you see, there ard ten things you dont"

Same tunnels?

remedy4reality ago

Here is the difference: The Pegasus building as a systematic torture chamber for children, and there is mounting evidence that that is exactly what it is, is a galvanizing narrative for those who may be sitting on the fence. Obsessing on 'tunnels', specifically known subway routes, is not only mundane and insignificant, it diminishes the narrative by insisting on putting focus on 'how' the children are moved, away from WHAT is being done to them.

hanknut42 ago

so that would explain the digging picture they were trying to build a ladder into the subway! also being able to move stuff out at the other location would be very well to do. EDIT THIS COULD BE THE REASON WHY ISTHISGAMETHRONES WAS SO DETERMINED TO GET US TO STOP INVESTGATING PEASGUS THIS IS A BIG PEICE OF THE PUZZLe

Cbradio ago

The seer has never even done hours of research to compile and post, as have bones on the list. And, the amulek is a regurgitated boat issue, look under atko profile to see where it began, in 2015; before most of us even heard of boat. Started with, " I am the one who hacked voat..continues on more subverses.

And, as one is on this subverse and many more that post the same, pizzagate is false, cuts ones down..for months and never on that list, that also over ten others, comment on, enabling such..))).

zzvoat ago

At he beginning of the creepiest video of Magestic Ape talking about "the day of our Lord", etc. and laughing demonically, s/he says "we are under the subway".

I have never figured out what that means.

huhhh ago

Right after she mentions Jared from Subway, so I think she meant the sandwich shop.

Ordo_ab_Chao ago

Really surprised to see this on Google search -

remedy4reality ago

I think the tunnels are a canard and have already been used to ridicule the PG investigation when our false flag shooter came in 'looking for kids and tunnels' and that narrative went worldwide. Couple that with the 'Hillary Clinton runs a pedo ring out of a pizza joint', and you have two very powerful false commentaries pounded into the heads of millions of people still glued to the MSM, that this entire investigation is preposterous. Second, the McMartin Case where there was a fixation on tunnels that was flipped to discredit the child victims and erode the prosecution's case, is a cautionary tale about emphasizing what may be the weakest part of the case. The McMartin case needs to be studied by all PG researches to have an understanding of what role the media, the police and the courts play in destroying the credibility of witnesses, victims, and what looked like a rock solid case for conviction. The Wikipedia fake version > What really happened >>

BarryOSeven ago

Could as well be a canard.

But a shooter running in looking for tunnels and finding nothing is not a proof that no tunnels are used. If you look at the Pegasus metalworks they have some sort of rolling plateau. The floor can move, they don't use the closets anymore, they are just capable of moving the floor a bit to open up the staircase. Could be electrical powered.

Since this is a possibility I would not cancel out there is an underground connection.

If Comet Ping Pong is a front where parents can sell their childs or something, and then they are transported to Pegasus through tunnels. Sounds like an option which needs investigation.

remedy4reality ago

You are way off... the room with the rolling viewing platforms is a torture chamber. It's not about covering tunnels.

Btw.. this is your ONLY Pizzagate submission and it's appears you're touting it and defending it in a level that belies your previous non interest in this subverse. What gives ? Why are you now so committed to this subject?

BarryOSeven ago

So how do you know what it is exactly?

From the photo's with the rolling platform it looks like a sort of demo picture. Which gives an option it is an example of how a secret room could be made. Like a small prototype.

This is my first submission to voat, yes it is. And it's a valuable one, that is what counts. Don't be such a smartass, I was there when we questioned why they were using such strange word combinations (pizza, hotdogs) in the WikiLeaks.

I don't care if it is not, if you can prove it is not related please do so. But you are only shouting it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with subway tunnels, which makes me wonder how you know. And how you know exactly what the rolling platform is.

In case I'm wrong we spent some resources on something which turns out to be not true. You are trying to cancel an investigation into this subway tunnel dea which is highly suspicious and needs investigation. That is suspicious itself.

remedy4reality ago

You superimposed a subway map over a street map and made some vague conclusions, so don't pat yourself on the back too hard. It's far from groundbreaking. I'm shocked this garnered so many likes, but like I said, people have some sort of fascination with tunnels. The importance of the Pegasus building is in the building, itself, and not what may or may not run under it.This tunnel thing is like arguing over whether kids are transported in blue vans, or black ones.

BarryOSeven ago

Many roads lead to Rome. I don't see what you problem is. If you are able to dive deeper into the building do so, even replying to my post is wasting your energy. As said it looks like there are tunnels beneath both Comet Ping Pong and the Pegasus Museum. The maps indicate this could be true.

And then there is this guy coming in: "No there are no tunnels, you should not look there." What is you problem dude? Why should we absolutely not look into those tunnels?

You've got the wrong guy here, I'm going for the tunnel narrative now. You are acting way too suspiscious.

remedy4reality ago

My problem is this: Your shit about subway tunnels right when the focus of PG is put on this building is the DISTRACTION and I am pointing it out. There are NO SUBWAY TUNNELS THAT RUN BELOW COMET. Yet, you said they're were. You lied or you were wrong. You posted some weak crap that you said 'proved tunnels' and I immediately rebuked it. You told me to 'do research' as your stupid comment was being obliterated. Get real. Just who are you, and why did it take you so long to comment on this subverse ?

BarryOSeven ago

How do you know there are no subway tunnels below comet. The map indicates otherwise. You are pointing out it is a distraction without providing arguments why it is a distraction. The rest of your comment does not make sense. You make shit up about me proving stuff which is not true. I'm pointing it out it is suspicious and needs research. And I was never telling you to do research, just anybody who has time and also thinks it's suspicious.

It's none of your business to who I am. I'm doing my part in the works, like you do. Voat isn't the only platform you know. Look at my comments on other posts to see I'm not shilling.

Provide valid reasons of why this is a distraction. You did not and that is why it's even more suspicious.

remedy4reality ago

I moved my reply to the first comment on this post.

remedy4reality ago

Comet DOES NOT have subway tunnels underneath.. Just what is this fascination with needing tunnels as part of this plot ?

BarryOSeven ago

It has, it has been displayed many many times.

Do some research or stop replying

remedy4reality ago

Don't be so sensitive. I've read everything in that link you provided, more than a few times. Just where is the proof of tunnels in your link? I have hundreds of hours on this thing, so don't be condescending and be prepared to better back up your assumptions.

BarryOSeven ago

In case you are a serious researcher you should also know nothing is known for sure about these tunnels yet, your statement that there are no tunnels beneath Comet Ping Pong is based on nothing. There are leads on the web who lead to tunnels underneath Comet (Same line as Pegasus?) leading to the whitehouse. So please just presume both options a validity and not canceling one out without solid proof.

This needs thorough investigation imho. If you can provide solid proof there are NO tunnels beneath Comet Ping Pong be my guest.

happyme73db ago

good researching.... these rats love their tunnels....

pinklb_q ago

If they're using the tunnels you should work to figure out what waterfront building they're using to transport the children in/out of the city

Cbradio ago

Yes, I've been looking into both commercial industry ports and naval ones. Seven ship.ports in area of Dc and va of Dif sizes.

The largest one has made business journal news as volume and use of twenty foot cargo has increased a lot. Is director of that commercial.port, tied to Hillary, cf or any of them?

Also, warehouses at the ports, nearby and the property bookers. I posted more specs today and a lot of other subverses in last weeks as looking into this.

Idk if this PDF has info related, but : PDF, St George's Logistics Warehouse,> ocean- CSF> stg- facilities, Dec 31, 2016 ( web search)

And: Newport News Shipping and Dry Dock Company: Cornel University > Law Text: Petitioner vs hospital charges, anesthesiology supplies. ports ports/USA_ va.php

And Ny Times dec. 24, 2010: companies with permission to bypass sanctions.

Toogi23 ago

Plenty of underground tunnels in UK are unused... Or are they? Here is a list of those apparently not in use anymore. Plenty of them, handy if you want your own transport network? Do you have similar disused tunnels there? might be worth looking into that also.

YingYangMom ago

Good question.

YingYangMom ago

I'd also like to know where this is and, why Alefuckface would post the picture of a young girl in an underground place like that. Is that creep playing hide and seek with poor young girls now?

Edit: Or, since him and Tony Podesta are such close friends... Is this Tony's torture chamber where he plays with his dinner? I think I need a break.

rooting4redpillers ago

That photo of the young girl shows credit "Chris Zee." Chris Zee (chriszeeebra) Flickr account is pretty new, Nov 2016. MANY pizzagate relevant pics, pics of James Alefantis, including some of his Facebook photos. Plus Hillary, Tony Podesta, some construction pics, Pegasus ceiling sketch.

rooting4redpillers ago

Doing more searching on "chriszeebra" I found werkaanzee, and because of "werk" it reminded me of the werkingonmahnightcheese person. I found this weird music video. Get the subtitle "Sunset Rubdown."

"DRAGON'S LAIR" ​Director / Writer / Producer

"This was the first big project I worked on after leaving VICE Magazine in NYC back in 2009. I wrote, directed and produced this 10 minute music video for a Canadian band called Sunset Rubdown. The whole thing was shot with RED on my parent's horse farm in Alberta, Canada with a young girl from the neighborhood named Becky who was an amazing rider."

Starting at 3:50: The little girl rides a horse across remote landscape, stops gets off at some sort of homemade structure, looks in a mirror. Women holding some kind of tools like guitars, then the little girl floating with a dagger tied to her waist. Back on the ground, she screams, smashes the mirror, runs, runs, falls. Then the face of a young woman, wide-eyed, smiling, creepy, in red light fills the screen. Then, back to the little girl, laying on the ground and a black-gloved hand touches her face and she flinches. Cut to the little girl laying face down across the back of a horse. Enter adult male. He carries her to the homemade structure and we see a primitive oven, deer skulls, animal skin. She appears unconscious. He lays her down, strokes her face, then draws on her face with ashes... then he leads/carries her away across the remote landscape. They are running and laughing, then she's alone, he walks away, she waves and runs. Now shots of a long narrow waterway (reminds me of the little stream running through the picture of the girl in the white room linked above), and long narrow roads. The girl rides away on her horse.

rooting4redpillers ago

More from werkanzee:


"These are a pair of hand made office shanks constructed from a broken coffee cup, ping pong paddles and orange duct tape. They were made available through THE SHOP WK."

YingYangMom ago

Yes, that's where I stumbled upon this pic. Personally, I find it disturbing. Why would she be there alone, in an uneven, underground space? Something creeps me out about it.

lhunterel ago

I bet it is a gateway location if those trenches are ways to the tunnels, after reading the dark web recipes and the way that cannibal at red!t came down on us, I am sure its trafficking of people for consumption

Fatsack ago

Bingo, they dug down into the tunnels

salinaslayer ago

underground railroad lmao

doubletake ago

"Could they have a little train downstairs" --

a little train might make noise? a rumbling, too? What about electric cars, golf carts, etc. little or no noise.

party1981 ago

Sure would explain why they dig giant holes in the ground.

redditsuckz ago

Seems a little too far away from the metro lines;

Yellow and Green Line metro;

3518 rear 11th street;

I also checked Comet Ping Pong and its by the Red Lines but still pretty far away....still doesnt rule out underground tunnels in both places tho.

Washington Underground tunnels from History Channel;

Dupont Circle underground;

Cbradio ago

Hi, has Anyone dug up all county, code, zoning, plumber, electric, property tax and such records for both Pegasus and playground? Playgrounds have to go by safety laws. Does playground have bathroom, water fountain, slides and bars that must be safety accessed, and safe soil, grass, or turf to be accessed..)))

And insurance..)))

hanknut42 ago

Not if you have the board members in your pocket As a commissioner, DuBeshter said he will work to spruce up the tree and flower boxes in the 11 Street commercial area, promote open public spaces and take steps to fight unsanctioned pop-up homes and other illegal construction.

Cbradio ago

Very true, but worth looking to see.

Aside, I was doing property tax lookup in DC, and Clinton seems to come up.

And a Clinton education grant that has a Bill Gates Quote on their website. Tech supplies and education. Don't know if related to Hillary FAM.

And a search on visa and green card for hiring staff. Various Clinton cf affiliated locations come up. Will post when out of the cold.

idontlikesalmon ago

You posted one of Amsterdam.

redditsuckz ago


Higher image of Amsterdam;

here are some more underground tunnels...;

Mystery Surrounds Leavenworth's Underground City Kansas City

"No one knows why the tunnels are there"...what?...of course people know why they were there...they just arent telling anyone...

"Torture chamber" @1:20

10 Mysterious Underground Cities

JoJoVoat ago

more tunnels can be dug around these if these are active rt now, right? Since there are existing active tunnels wouldnt it be easy to build more to transport children, drugs and whatever?
What type of construction business is in the shop center w comet pizza? Children can be moved through these tunnels for their satanic rituals and entertainment from location to location.
The Satanic Calendar and Occult calendar is I hate to say, very active... lots of days where they do animal and human sacrifice/sex rituals. These freaks have to have their blood. (sorry) Calendars here from earlier post

yabbadoody ago


sorry, couldn't contain myself. HOWEVER, one must ask: exactly how useful is it, to be directly above an ACTIVE underground tunnel? Probably not, unless you're in a sealed off or "maintenance" area of the same. Probably not.

BTW there could be a lot of "tunnels" under DC, and if the old AmerIndian stories have any merit then DC might be honeycombed with stuff older than "train tunnels". Total speculation, just sayin. Swamp creatures and stuff.

Cbradio ago

Besides the two black construction guys in basement pics, surely in the poor areas of Dc, and homeless/food shelters, temp day job sites; ones must have done work and seen tunnels and more.

joeysaperv ago

True, I was thinking I wouldn't want access to an active subway tunnel. There is not much space to avoid the train. Some front cars on subway trains actually have windows so someone down in the tracks would stand out like a sore thumb. Can't remember if the DC cars have windows or not.

Freemasonsrus ago

It doesn't all have to be about a form of human trafficking. Different locations could be used for different types of illegal or nefarious activities, like a "brownstone" project, stolen artwork (from war torn areas), drug distribution, ect.

Bratton912 ago

Good point. Could explain why it's listed as a museum. Beat cop gets in there for whatever reason, sees a lot of art...doesn't think much of it, because it's a museum. What else is supposed to be there?

ThePoorPeople ago

Beat cop shows up to a Museum, sees a bunch of kids under strict adult supervision... Field trip, right? Fuck my stomach dropped typing that from how in plain sight this shit can be.

whirledpeas ago

I checked the distance from the Monroe Trolley Turnaround Playground to the nearest Metro stop and was informed .3 miles by Google. I didn't get so far as to look in which direction.

Sharipie ago

Nothing is out of the question anymore.

Redcone ago

Including organ harvesting

dindonufin ago

I'm a bit confused as to why we haven't seen any evidence of drugs or weapons smuggling as well...

hanknut42 ago

when you have all the money in the world your not smuggling drugs or weapons thats for people with no money. What can money not buy? A human or so we thought

remedy4reality ago

Get caught with drugs or guns and you get arrested.

Cops see you with a kid and they say, 'cute kid'.

Cbradio ago

Look below, another detractor on for months and never on the army s list..))

0xFFF ago

Its like expecting radio shack to sell eggs and fresh milk. Completely different domains wich requires different skills infrastrucutre, customers....

dindonufin ago

It's more like a shipping company who ships stuffed animals to also ship weapons, drugs, and trafficked humans.

pizzatards ago

hahahaha you ppl are clinically retarded. get some help. pizzagate is not real. donald trump wont do shit for you. you've been played by the russians.

JimALFixIt ago

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) peek-a-boo pervert, game over

dickface8 ago

hahaha are you a shill or a sheep? Either way, get fucked :)

party1981 ago

you should be banned from this forum

common_sense ago

That's against everything Voat is supposed to stand for. Just downvote and move on.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

clinically retarded

You're the one coming here and arguing, what does that make you?

Sharipie ago

Shouldn't you be tuned in to CNN to get your thoughts for tomorrow told to you.

DarkMath ago

Please watch these videos explaining the Clinton Foundation scam.

Take note of what a Brownstone Operation is.

Then come back here and apologize.


idontlikesalmon ago

That prick doens't care what's real or not, he's paid to write this BS...

Odaat ago

George Webb is amazing!