Do we know who is siirianna? She is in the inner circle of James Alefantis according to his Instagram. (pizzagate)
submitted 8.1 years ago by Meerika
"Siiri" and "Anna" are typical Finnish female names (I am a Finn) and I'm wondering if the person behind this nickname is actually a Finnish lady. Of course Anna is an international name, but Siiri is a traditional Finnish name.
Do we know anything about her? James Alefantis writes @siirianna in several of his IG posts, for example in this:
S3m8o 8.1 years ago
So this guy claimed he hated children. Fuck him.
Somevoatguy 8.1 years ago
Let's be honest, he was talking about in a sexual way.
auggie313 8.1 years ago
"jimmycomet: That little baby loved the farm" No, this poor baby is sad and hurting. Who is this baby? I fear for its life.
fifibrindacier 8.1 years ago
wtf :
nomorepepperoni 8.1 years ago
Just a silly sign depicting how boys and girls "water the lawn".
Or, another of those vague big/little indicators of pedobear significance...
I'm more inclined to think the former for this one.
heywhatsgoingon 8.1 years ago
Probably not directly related but a search led to this pizza place
Right outside "Canaan valley" and it has creepy artwork. Might be worth looking into.
Yuke 8.1 years ago
Different name, different state.
ALDO_NOVA 8.1 years ago
mmmm unlike Comet, that pizza actually looks damn good
fartyshorts 8.1 years ago
That wood carving on the door is certainly odd. Cherub babies with pizza over their crotch.
DarkMath 8.1 years ago
Maybe. But there are other things it could be like Siri from an iPhone or a reference to Syriana.
The latter being particularly sketchy given the evidence of shady Oil deals and the Clinton Foundation outlined here:
S3m8o ago
So this guy claimed he hated children. Fuck him.
Somevoatguy ago
Let's be honest, he was talking about in a sexual way.
auggie313 ago
"jimmycomet: That little baby loved the farm" No, this poor baby is sad and hurting. Who is this baby? I fear for its life.
fifibrindacier ago
wtf :
nomorepepperoni ago
Just a silly sign depicting how boys and girls "water the lawn".
Or, another of those vague big/little indicators of pedobear significance...
I'm more inclined to think the former for this one.
heywhatsgoingon ago
Probably not directly related but a search led to this pizza place
Right outside "Canaan valley" and it has creepy artwork. Might be worth looking into.
Yuke ago
Different name, different state.
mmmm unlike Comet, that pizza actually looks damn good
fartyshorts ago
That wood carving on the door is certainly odd. Cherub babies with pizza over their crotch.
DarkMath ago
Maybe. But there are other things it could be like Siri from an iPhone or a reference to Syriana.
The latter being particularly sketchy given the evidence of shady Oil deals and the Clinton Foundation outlined here: