Thispizzasalive ago

Well fuck you too then.been part of this since it started..just cause my account is 8 days old doesnt justify your negative ass attitude. I am doing this for personal reasons, so I could really care less if you have trust issues.

Millennial_Falcon ago

rule 1: not investigative content, rule 4: no discussion posts without sources.

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

Apply for a job at Comet Ping Pong, infiltrate and report!

Otto- ago

If you're genuine, I can't thank you enough for your interest and bravery to face this issue. I have a life away from all this, yet I don't really have my mind all together lately when I'm thinking of this BS; in some way, I wish for nothing else but to be in your position, making moves and feeling productive.

If you happen to be in the area, one thing we'd like checked out is the Trolley Turnaround Park located at: 1101 Monroe St NW, Washington, DC 20010. As others have said, it would be better organized if you could use your authority to inspect places that the layman could not. Don't do anything too extreme or conspicuous, don't be a nuisance, but if you happen to see anything from street view that you think would be worth capturing, please share. No need to go all out at once here.

And finally, if you're unsure about your safety or privacy submitting information under your pseudonym, you could PM a mod or reputable member here with attachments and so on.

Thispizzasalive ago

Is there a way i can be put in touch with a Mod?

Otto- ago

I have to say I'm not too sure, sorry. Still new to using a reddit/voat platform, but I'd say go here:

red_pill_stefbot ago

Thanks for the help. Make sure to bring a buddy, and tell friends where you're going and what time you'll be back, if you go anywhere. Better to be on the safe side, these people we're up against are truly evil and will do anything to get away with their crimes.

Thispizzasalive ago

Will do, i opened up to my significant other last night about this..and the look on that face..i have to help even if its small..

Singleservename ago

Without proof of bona fides this would also be an effective way to know which places to clear and secure for LARPers.

But if legit, try the tunnel entrance behind mass ave, via q street, as suggested in the comments under the Dyar tunnels article. Apparently it is easily accessible from the street.

Thispizzasalive ago

I will have to scope that out first. This is D.C. and there is still mentall disabled homeless people that are batshit crazy. I include only 1 person that i will inform of my moves.

wokethefkup ago

Welcome glad to have you here with us! Your safety is first and foremost the first priority, but any confirmation on DC maps and DC things and such will definitely come in handy. Thank you in advance!

sensitive ago

Please, give this anon a detailed description of what exactly he should do / photograph: Yes, he could go to the trouble of searching this subverse, but it'd much more efficient (and nice!) to post it here for him/her.

B3nder ago

Did it come to your minds that maybe that is a shill and he wants us to tell him to look into stuff in D.C. so that those places can be cleaned up?

just sayin...

Thispizzasalive ago

Did it ever occur to you that everything that has been posted on voat redddit and alreadyon the internet? And a simple boogle search will post almost everything pizzagate related...sooooo the"clean up" would have happeneda while ago

PrivateJoker ago

Find your way into Alefantis' tunnel system and plant some cameras

Otto- ago

Joker, I don't think it's that easy to just plant surveillance on a section of tunnels that are locked away or in operation. First of all, what kind of cameras could you use? How expensive are they? Where would they fit? How would they connect to an outside signal? Should they be wired? Would there be interference? Would the battery last longer than 12 hours? How would you cover them up so nobody notices, how do you even gain access to a tunnel without notice? How do you set up a base of operations if you're only there temporarily?

As an end goal, this might sound appealing if the tunnels are still even being used, but I posit that we start off real slow.

PrivateJoker ago

You're right, i just want these fuckers exposed before they do any more harm :(

Thispizzasalive ago

Is that the same thing as whats on Q and mass?

PrivateJoker ago

Not sure what you're talking about

Toogi23 ago

Oh... That's a shame...

Thispizzasalive ago

So 2 people are doubting me...which is fine and not the least bit questionable..but to say im tipping off suspects? Bro you dont even know my name or what I do. Im the least likely person you would even "suspect" cause im everywhere. I understand your concern, but for you to rely on information thats all on paper and a couple of years old..when i can provide(hopefully) updated information for the cause?

salinaslayer ago

We're going to steal the Declaration of Independence!

Thispizzasalive ago

Im sorry but i gotta laugh LOLOLOLOL

DefenderOfTruth ago

I wish we were in a forum format. I think it would be more useful for our purposes. Then posts could be moved around as needed.... Oh well.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Thank you! Tunnels...maps not easily found on Google...links to DC sites/people that might warrant a closer look?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

TY :-)

Redcone ago

Thanks, but we have enough people tipping off suspects

AgainstTheNWO ago

Like they (James, podesta, etc) did not know on their own. I would love it people are telephoning them 24/7 365 with questions. Sending post packets with some of the public knollidge findings (wikileak emails/instagram postings), etc, etc.

Why not make their live a little bit less easy?

Agora1234 ago

Please see my post!
I want to organize exactly what you are talking about.

DarkMath ago

There's a lot of discussion about hidden tunnels, subway tunnels and other weirdness. Some people have tied a lot of these places together by showing the locations are near tunnels. If you search /v/pizzagate you'll see the posts.

Also note that voat's search isn't very good. I use Google to search. Here's an example searching just

There's also discussion about farms and/or pig farms. Search for farms and you'll find the posts.

Boud8814 ago

I don't think reconciliation is an option. no. Pedphiles do not get a get out of jail card, not even the Clintons. This guy is fucking covering for them

Thispizzasalive ago

Im not covering shit LOL! This is your proof..i responded back to you.

fifibrindacier ago

Thanks a lot. There are a lot of threads providing ggmaps links with pictures. Could you go to these places and take updated pics ?

Agora1234 ago

@DcAnon ^^^ this is great idea

sensitive ago

Thanks a million! I am not a US citizen, so forgive my asking: Is "I hold clearances" a widely known expression for specific clearances? And if not, can you elaborate on what clearances you have / what kind of access you have? Would make it easier for us to assign "tasks" to you.

Thispizzasalive ago

Clearances i have are not up for discussion.. I can tell you that theres only 1 I dont have. Yet there is certain times in "emergency" situations where I am clearable to full extents to be allowed access to bypass. Just saying... If your. SERVER ROOM doesnt have cooling..what do you do? ;)

sensitive ago

That's as good as it can get. Should help us, I guess. Thanks!

RedGreenAlliance ago

i support this. We need to know what you are capable of as there are literally hundreds of things you COULD do. We need to concentrate on what you could do, that the normal person could not. Ie access to city records of various sorts

DefenderOfTruth ago

He/she needs to be careful telling us what he/she can access. That would give away personal identifiers quickly.

What about we start a thread with "If you live around DC, here's how you can help." Then anyone can jump in who lives in the area. We just need to be carful not to become a nuisance in the DC area whatever we do.

Thispizzasalive ago

Id appreciate that cause there are so many places to start, but id rather help for the main cause.

rooting4redpillers ago

The MAIN cause covers two things: 1) saving children from heinous abuse forever and 2) putting child abusers away forever (my words, not officially sanctioned by pg). Tall order. But I see a lot of good suggestions HERE, for getting THERE. There are a lot of separate leads that people take a more personal interest in, for whatever reason, and the info gets linked together by everyone reading and retaining as much as possible. Pick your poison and get going! Glad to have you.

srayzie ago

You should post here too


Perhaps a visit to DC city planning archive? Try to find permits and/or applications for reconstructions in known areas and owners. Also sublevel constructions with service tunnels and entry/exit points. Perhaps you'll meet and old archiver who knows all about DC underground ;)

Thispizzasalive ago

I do work at DCRA from time to time and know a few people over there. And I will try to get more info on this...cause D.C. is constantly changing the permits and Regulatory insanely busy. 4th and Mst

Agora1234 ago

editing out where you work in that comment wouldn't be a half bad idea. Or even consider telling someone close to you that you are looking into something dangerous

Womb_Raider ago

Hey, try not to give out much info about your personal life or your movements. If you're going to get involved, you need to be really cautious. This guy has personally threatened lives at this point.

And I need not remind you he's a part of the same crew responsible for the Clinton body count.

I respect you for taking the risk.

Thispizzasalive ago

Thank you kindly for concern. I will only act..not going to post on where im going or who i talked to. You will just be given pics i take as im parading around the city.

Womb_Raider ago

I would try to compile information and release it in dumps, rather than releasing it as you take it. That way it's harder to track your movements via your work, if someone were trying to do so.

Pizzagateisreal1030 ago

This. BIGLY.

2impendingdoom ago

Welcome, your post will probably be removed, so it would be good to repost in askpizzagate or pgwhatever. A video confirmation of the "new" tunnels Quantokitty investigated would be fantastic.

Thispizzasalive ago

I have worked in some of the many tunnels in d.c. mainly up around capitol hill...where there is a lot of tunnels to transfer steam around to the government offices. There is an underground subway that takes senators and political figures to and from rayburn building and etc. Id like to know wherr i can start with taking pics for us

2impendingdoom ago

@Quantokitty has the most research on this, I think, If anyone else is working on this please pip up.

ArthurEdens ago

Yep, any post about investing pizzagate gets deleted from the pizzagate investigation. Annoying af. This guy should stay on this thread.

2impendingdoom ago

I just want to encourage anyone new before they are booted, mods are sticking to the rules, which is their job. DcAn0n please investigate as you see fit and post your findings.

ArthurEdens ago

Not blaming you, blaming voat mods. No one goes on those other threads and they edit vital things like this guy offering to help all the time in the name of cateloging.

Toogi23 ago

Is there no way that when you click edit on a post, that you can change the subverse as well so that it just slots over into pizza whatever instead and removes itself from here rather than having to repost?

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know, you can try it. or ask the mods :)

Toogi23 ago

Welcome :) any assistance is much appreciated.