Thakiddds ago

That which is done in the dark will be brought into the light

baron_samedi ago

pajama factory makes me think of the horror movie HOSTEL

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Accounts are not deleted. only renamed.

Werkinonmahnightcheese is now woodandsteel4130

baron_samedi ago

yeah its just "fake news"

cmoncy ago

Hi there, Shill. So do you get paid to do this or are you just a die hard Hillary fanboy that's still butthurt about his dictator losing the presidency to someone with 0 political background? You must be devastated.

Nana66 ago

You can make it private....

dickface8 ago

Can we all agree that "Werkinonmahnightcheese" is the grossest most annoying name ever? Regardless of the reference.

stickittotheman ago

Jeff Smith likes to brag about his kiddie fucking activities with that name. Too late Jeff. You're marked for life.

VieBleu ago

Aren't real quick on the uptake are they.

tjarco ago

how come I can find NO ARCHIVE.FO links of these?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

WerkinOnMahNightCheese has a killroom in the back of his shop. His real name is Jeff Smith. His shop is Smith Steel. It's located in the Pajama Factory.

So there is a kill room in the back of some shop in Pajama Factory

Thakiddds ago

That is where the construction was being done that James was giving his 'Professional opinion' on

CuckSlap ago

That's why you set your account private.

Thakiddds ago


thicktail1730947 ago

If I were associated with Jimmy Comet, I'd be scrambling to GTFO too.

Blacksmith21 ago

If someone has documentation of this, post it here in this master thread:

IAmJohnBarron ago

Hope every thing is archived

search4truth ago

The Irony!!!

hopeforall ago

Archive and printscreen everything they put out some of it is suspicious and could have leads. You remember that guy bluejay who posted the creepy artwork in the bathroom, the painting on the wall of the guy wanking in the bathroom and the "Shut up and fuck" graffiti? Under his name on the post it read "Comet Ping Pong" this could prove he did take the picture there I mean why would he post the name of the wrong establishment? Perhaps he even works there. I can't find his account anymore either think he deleted it when Pizzagate first started and the image got revealed and gained attention. I doubt I need to tell you guys this but this is why it is so important to archive and printscreen these instagram sites. These people will delete their accounts the closer we get to the truth to try and cover up the evidence. They can't destroy the evidence even on their own social media by deleting their accounts if we archive it.

search4truth ago

I would've expected them to. Reddit, Twitter, YouTube: Everything down the memory-hole. Thank goodness for archiving. I've saved as much as possible on my own to document all of this.

Womb_Raider ago

Archives are not 100% safe. It is wise to save the most damning evidence locally, on a closed connection (flash drive, wi-fi disabled desktop, external HDDs)

LionParty ago

Check around the different wikis and pages, all of the stuff their deleting has been archived. Try I'm an admin there and have personally archived a lot of this Instagram stuff in the comet ping pong section.

SChalice ago

If you are the admin then why did you ban my account for a totally bogus reason?

LionParty ago

I didn't ban anyone. Must have been someone else.

SChalice ago

I understand but I seem to have no way to contact anyone to dispute this. I didn't do anything wrong and have never sock puppeted in my life.

Womb_Raider ago

Archive it all! Download their entire fucking accounts!

If you guys do not know how to save their images, I can teach you how to get through their Scripts that prevent it.

We need everything.

Edit: Some guy just private messaged me about some posts on his FB that no longer have a URL and wanted help. I accidentally deleted his message, and now I can't figure out how to un-delete it or to contact him. Shitty design imo. Can anyone help me? I hope he sees this. I had the answer to his question.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Jabaroos... deleted

JBlairSmith.. deleted

WerkinOnMahNightCheese... deleted

Smith Steel Business Directory listing... deleted

All this within a couple days. Shills coming out and saying the Pajama Factory is a dead end. The smiths and the Pajama Factory are a big piece of this puzzle

TrotskyTrotsky ago

werkinonmahnightcheese is now woodandsteel4130

quantokitty ago

Ha! Point noted.

mrjdouble ago

that account was bizarre af. Absolutely nothing suspect about deleting your account literally the day after you've been outed as a known associate of JA.

cmoncy ago

Ok, I can say for sure now, a lot of his tagged photos are disappearing and there used to be one photo of a baby eating a slice of pizza that seems to have been deleted as well.

dreamdigital ago

I just had a thought. Suppose James' Alafantis does get Suicided. The MSM will paint the picture that "he couldn't take the pressure from these Pizzagaters and it drove him into a depression so he killed himself." I can see that as a scenario for sure. And if it does happen, to quote Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park "Boy do I hate being right all the time."

pmichel ago

had the same thought

lutalica ago

Meanwhile, Tony Podesta changes his facebook profile picture.

VieBleu ago

STILL has a nasty demon over his head with tongue lolling, lol just can't help himself.

zoot3d ago

Podesta also tweeted about "fake news"

give me a fucking break

9 / 10 replies to his tweet were about pizzagate, he got stunted hard

MetalAegis ago

I have nothing to hide, I'll prove it by deleting my account.

topkek1337 ago

Yeah no fucking shit they are, you would too if you were getting harassed by a bunch of crazies.

cmoncy ago

Or just make your account private... but what do I know?..

topkek1337 ago

they want to get rid of the crazies, going private isn't going to help in the long run.

poly ago

They should have expected us

cmoncy ago

So deleting your account would be the answer? That doesn't seem suspicious at all!

topkek1337 ago

to get rid of crazy people? Yeah it's the only way.

organic1 ago

Are you lost? You're in a room full of people you just called crazies. If you need help finding the door, let me know.

topkek1337 ago

Why would I leave when it's 24/7 comedy here?

organic1 ago

I don't see anything funny about Pizzagate. I don't find child pornography funny. I don't find filthy artwork in a supposed family establishment funny. I don't find kill rooms funny. I don't find human trafficking funny. I don't find Bryce Taylor's story funny. I don't find MK Ultra funny. I don't find animal sacrifice funny. I don't think it's funny to call a baby a 'Hotard'. I don't find it funny to be censored because the MSM is run by pedophiles. I'm glad you've admitted that you find all of this funny though because it reassured me that it's keeping you off the street and away from children.

topkek1337 ago

Lol classic conspiratard rhetoric. Laughing at you does not equal any of those things. get triggered more sjw.

ThePuppetShow ago

Can't argue any of the facts so you're here to attack the messengers? Typical braindead SJW. <yawn>

topkek1337 ago

There aren't any facts? Guys deleted Instagram that's it. I'm an sjw? You're the ones who are so scared of what the media tells you about paedophiles that anyone who looks at a child is a paedophile. Kekekekekeke.

ThePuppetShow ago

lol #chickenlover Quit trying to pretend your from the chans. We know where you come from.

topkek1337 ago

lel, if you had any intelligence you'd know that the list of "paedo references" was complete and utter bullshit made up to fit in with the emails and not the other way round... classic conspiratard rhetoric of jumping to conclusions and finding the "evidence" (and I use that in the BROADEST WAY) to fit in with the rest of the story.

ThePuppetShow ago

So the FBI release of pedo symbols is now bullshit? Ooook shill. If you're speaking of the hotdog/walnut list, nobody ever claimed that was bullet proof evidence. That was all guessing and people invesitgating the dark web trying to come up with meanings. One thing is for sure though, cheese pizza is known pedo language for child porn and a chickenlover is: an adult male homosexual sexually attracted to underage males. Used somewhat derogatorily.

This site carbon dates to 2004, check it yourself...

common_sense ago

Always the new accounts.

topkek1337 ago

lol, is there such a thing as an old account on this platform? No one used it prior to about 2 weeks ago.

Username doesn't check out.

common_sense ago

No one used it prior to about 2 weeks ago.

Um what? I've been here for over a year and this could not be further from the truth. Fuck off and go shill somewhere else.

topkek1337 ago

Congratulations, do you want an award for being so hip? Lol Shill. the kek is top.

wgvdl ago

Hi topkek. Or should I say workingonmanighttopkek.

SoldierofYAH ago

Thanks for the update. This is an admission of guilt by them.

onemilligram ago

Are you actually able to see the things on his instragram? It's private so most people can't get in and take a look around. I am very interested in the things posted in the months and years before Pizzagate was a thing. Have you seen anything interesting on his account?

cmoncy ago

Yeah, I've been trying to look through his friends list mostly. Everything on his instagram has already been dissected and investigated, it seems. Let me know what you'd like to see and I'll help anyway I can.

onemilligram ago

Just interested in any odd stuff posted towards the beginning of his account. I'm curious as to what he was posting before this became an issue for him. For solidarity it would be great if you could screen cap his entire profile. Might be a bit of work though.

throwawaa ago

Get links to archives of these deleted accounts that prove roughly when they were deleted, and post on the censorship timeline thread:


throwawaa ago

Get links to archives and post on the censorship timeline thread:


IsThisGameOfThrones ago - the video that caused the deleted - the follow up video implicating his brother, Blair Smith and the Pajama Factory.

Blair smith has deleted his Instagram account as well and one of the posts was captioned with "my favorite pedo"

Jeff Smith has now deleted instagram account as well.

Business Listing for smith steel was deleted from the pajama factory directory the day after discovery

Something is happening at the Pajama Factory

cmoncy ago

I think Jeff Smith is now woodandsteel4130.. Looks like he changed his profile pic too.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i couldnt find this name on instagram but i did find it on a different social media and it had his initials with some familiar pictures

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Jabaroos... deleted

JBlairSmith.. deleted

WerkinOnMahNightCheese... deleted

Smith Steel Business Directory listing... deleted

All this within a couple days. Shills coming out and saying the Pajama Factory is a dead end. The smiths and the Pajama Factory are a big piece of this puzzle

redditsuckz ago

I think there are MANY "kill rooms" and the one at Pajama Factory was just one of them...I still think there is one around Comet Ping Pong.

There are MULTIPLE Kill Rooms - Comet Ping Pongs Bricks are same inside Restaurant + McCullough Contruction and Chevy Chase Gallery Beside it

quantokitty ago


IsThisGameOfThrones ago


redditsuckz ago

Hi Game of thrones could you please go over the evidence here and make a can reach more people...I am giving up fighting these bots...

COFFEEGATE - Starbucks and other "coffee" shops just might be serving childrens blood to drink - Starbucks mentioned 105 more times than Comet Pizza in Podesta Emails

cmoncy ago

I'm on my phone so I'm not able to do much. I can see Jimmycomet's profile still, though. So if anyone wants me to look at anything on there, let me know how I can help!

throwawaa ago

Archive everything

RecycledUser ago

Just a reminder, please archive ANY screenshots of these you can.

quantokitty ago

Yes! This should always be done.

AdVict0riam ago

Roaches frantically scurrying under the furniture now that someone turned on the light...

redditsuckz ago

I know right?...the minute the "COFFEEGATE" light turned on they scurried like roaches and are trying to bury this one;

COFFEEGATE - Starbucks and other "coffee" shops just might be serving childrens blood to drink - Starbucks mentioned 105 more times than Comet Pizza in Podesta Emails

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

God, if you're a shill you are honestly so bad at your job, I'm not surprised you had to sell any shred of decency to a crew of child rapists. If you're a troll which seems more likely, well I'd imagine you are an angry pedo, whatever the case, I hope you get whats coming to ya.

VieBleu ago


CuckSlap ago

Fuck off with this disinfo, faggot.

AdVict0riam ago

Please stop spreading the "Coffeegate" disinfo. Thanks.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the post. Appreciate it. Hope you have the original account archived.

This is good. People are distancing themselves from the weak link. JA is in an untenable position. Think about it. He has Comet Pizza and would love to shut down and run, but if he shuts it down, CP goes up for sale and .... whoops! There goes people discovering it does have a basement and a connecting passage to Bucks.

Thakiddds ago

Did u see the invite he sent to Mike pence inviting him for pizza to talk 'fake news' and what needs to be done about it

quantokitty ago

JA's invite to Pence? No. Were did you see this?

Thakiddds ago

Ya. It was on here

VieBleu ago

Hence, my little marbles planted to run 'round in the head of Maj A who is surely monitoring the doings here

Insubordinate ago

Real estate information on Comet Ping Pong indicates the property has 2 floors. Doesn't appear to have a 2nd story due to high ceilings and skylight.

quantokitty ago

No it doesn't. We've seen the inside ... no 2nd floor.

oldskeptic ago

Or discovering what's buried there.

lude ago

He's starting to look like he might get suicided. (He is probably worried about that if too much pressure comes on him) or anyone that catches heat for that matter. Hillary might be top dog but (they) wont risk their whole op blown open for a few high profile people. Everyone that catches flack is at risk right now.

We_The_People ago

Looks like whatever side he is on.. he is fucked from this point forward. So he is sticking with the people in power because it gives a false sense of safety.

quantokitty ago

He should know who he's been dealing with and what they're capable of. If he was smart, he'd switch sides, pronto! Doesn't matter what he's been doing, if he's willing to testify, he'll be golden.

search4truth ago

I like your line of thought. I wonder what their next move will be.

quantokitty ago

Well, they're trying distraction in reporting the faux news of a Russian hack swinging the election. They also performed a false flag event to turn the tide of sympathy for JA and then they tested the waters in having Podesta tweet. Nothing is working. Oh, and did you see Tamera Luzzato's tweets about trembling and being terrified? Ha! Can't imagine what they'll do. More PR on turning JA warm and fuzzy? They really can't because he'd need to explain all those callous, creepy remarks ... and his friend s... and now the PEGASUS MUSEUM ... And time grows short until Trump take office so I'd say they're purging evidence right now. Probably a lot going on behind the scenes.

TruthTrumps ago

or gets knocked off and it's blamed on a pizzagate investigator again.

mrjdouble ago

Bingo, this is likely more accurate.

More than slightly concerned about this. If him or one/both of the Podesta brothers get harmed it's more than certainly going to a ff to come back around and dump it on us. Saw that as a prediction on this sub a while back and thought, yea, I could see that happening.

0xFFF ago

that would be the least of their problem. More like he and his kind is well insured.

quantokitty ago

No, it's part of the whole of their problem. Remember, all people need is that toe in the door. Catching him in one big fat lie would start another uproar. Plus, they have to make contingency plans of where to meet, etc. I can't believe with all the attention that they can carry on like they used to and Christmas is coming up ... they love to mock that holiday.

Luxxy ago

Thanks for the update!