crystalclear ago

Outstanding. I can't believe this has not stayed on top longer. We are being over run with "old news" on the front page of Voat while things like this get lost. What a shame

educate_yourself ago

also septime webre is linked through Sasha Lord's website making clear allusions to pedophilia. scanned thru ur post and didnt see anything about it. i only lurk on here but i should post more often idk. ““I love going to Comet Ping Pong to play Ping-Pong. It’s one of my favorite places to eat and drink. And who doesn’t love Ping-Pong?” ”— Septime Webre, Artistic Director, Washington Ballet who the fuck actually says "places to eat and drink" unless making pedo reference??!?! "oh yeah its agood spot i like to eat and drink there" ok...

AHuman ago

Is Sasha Lord a person of interest other than being linked to Septime?

educate_yourself ago

yes she damn well should be. back in november i saw her connected to some stuff, cant really remember. it seems she is somehow selling her own ass out of his establishments among other things

AHuman ago

Hi. Yes I saw you commented earlier but you got cut down by @VieBleu and deleted it.

It was understandable as your comment was a bit hap-hazzard initially. I feel everything that is posted should be written up as if it's going to be read by someone who knows nothing about the elite power circles. Even if its just a comment.

I'm learning a lot about both Freud and Jung, and Viebleus initial reply to you has some fair points in their comment.

I would like to know more about "witness testimony by child of senior leader to Hitler and the SS Nazi regime." backed up with some source material if possible.

Thanks for your input.

Jem777 ago

Testimony is first hand though witness passed away in 2010. Story never been told. The information provided is breadcrumbs for others to find. Deletion is not in response to @vieblue directly but to share the what is known personally. Cannot give names at this point. Just encourage everyone to realize history has been edited in many ways. Research Sigmund Freud and Hitler in Vienna just prior to WW11.

Also look into the occult or actually called the inner occult of the Nazi party. The swastika is a representation of the Black Sun. Who supported Hiter (propped him up)? How were members of the inner occult involved in black majick secretly while outwardly young children gleefully joined Hitler youth in the beginning?

This is a part of history many do not understand. The brainwashing of the culture the subversion. For those who naively believe Freud was not an integral part are mistaken.

Not stating anyone is at fault everyone is fallen. As we are all learning the experts of certain fields are often a mask for their inner selves.

For example: orphanage=trafficking

To understand the occult you can look at: The Outer Dark Youtube

AHuman ago

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I understand and believe most of what you say. But they are bold claims to someone who doesn't understand what you are saying. My point is if you want to encourage everyone to realize history has been edited then you need to provide some kind of evidence. I get that if history has been edited it would be harder to find proof of this. But you have obviously done your research so it would be useful to people reading this to have quick access to some of you evidence/research. Even non evidence or inconsistencies in known history would be evidence of sorts. It's a massive subject in itself. Maybe it's worth making a post.

Anyway. Its not a dig. Just my thoughts.

Jem777 ago

No worries. This post you made was brilliant and am hoping others are researching. One area where this must go to unravel is the Tavistock Institute. If everyone followed the investigation from the beginning this was the location listed of great concern. Freud's statue is located here. This is a highly secretive institution developed around the end of WW11. There have been "special training" there since. There is many spin off organizations but as mentioned by many others but most often deleted there is a core that is a secret. George Soros is a major finder. If someone started a post on Tavistock and began to unwind it we might discover some answers.

AHuman ago

I'm looking into all this at the moment.

This is something I'm currently looking at if you are interested.

Common Purpose

Common Purpose's vision is that we can improve the way society works by increasing the number of informed and engaged individuals who are actively involved in the future of the areas in which they live and work.

For a democracy to be strong, it needs an active civil society, in which citizens are both informed and connected.

The leaders of this civil society are likely to be leaders already within their own areas: companies, hospitals, communities. But they need to see themselves as leaders of society too - and use all their talents accordingly.

Common Purpose is all about finding, encouraging and developing these leaders: wherever they are and whatever they are currently doing.

Forgetmenot ago

This image was on Reddit I wonder if the little girls are related to Washington ballet.

bumbleberries ago

Great work. I will post this here, @StillTheSameOld made a great post on the Maccobys too: D.C. Spider Web Chapter Two: Maccobys

AHuman ago

Ah ha. Yes I came across that blog whilst researching. Great blog. The Folgers and Maccobys interest me.

Thanks still.

witheyestosee ago

While reading this post, I recalled an incident between Alfred and Kevin Anett. Alfred had been seemingly working with Anett who has been trying furiously to expose the pedos in the church and governments, as well as The Ninth Circle. I had been following things closely when things seem to go south between them. Alfred switched from investigating to calling Anett a potential fraud and liar. Perhaps there is something here in this vid. I would review Alfred's vids and convos prior to the vid above. Did Anett get too close for comfort and Alfred felt he needed to discredit him somehow? Hmmm. I will definitely being going back to these vids and revisiting.

AHuman ago

Kevin Annett was stopped from entering the UK in 2011

On May 29, 2011, Annett was denied entry into England at Stansted airport, and briefly held in an immigration prison before being deported. The only explanation offered was that giving public lectures was not an appropriate activity for visitors to UK. He had been scheduled to speak at a public rally in London against child trafficking by church and state.

zlomsocz ago

from my research Alfred is an active agent with a clear intent to his mission. I called his approach intelligence edging, because he always has a platform that is disguised as truth, and he will certainly tell you 90% truth, but then lead the flock awry on key points within the topics he chooses to speak about. Thus there is never a climax to his ramblings.

The whole webre thing got so out of control for me, after alfred started contacting me about my voat submissions. I told him i found it beyond a coincidence that he is one of the most outspoken voices againt satanic ritual abuse since the early 2000'S and his brother Septime happens to be closely allied with the Alefantis and The Center for american Progress PAC, and the david brock Media Matters donor networks; and I was the first to ask alfred how his brother knew James Alefantis so well. It ignited a discussion that spanned the course of a week, and the peculiarities i discovered through talking with him were bountiful. I posted an archived copy of alfred's and I's discussion in my submission history. pm me if you need a link.

VieBleu ago

That should be worth a fortune! Will you split it with me?

zlomsocz ago

VieBleu ago

Hemmingway did want to know about that.

VieBleu ago

Ok nutball

zlomsocz ago

I was contacted by septimes brother Alfred lambremont who has a platform in the Rockefeller/Ford foundation funded "truth movement" the whole webre family is a rabbit hole unto itself

zlomsocz ago

The entire webre family are SRI DARPA mind controlled agents. Look at any of my submissions to get a better history of the webre family, whose various family members all are connected to governments and non govt organizations with major political leverage. Family bio can be found in my submissions

witheyestosee ago

Read my comment below and review the vid I posted if you haven't already. Now that I have seen this as well as your old post, I say something is up for sure.

AHuman ago

Wow great research. Thanks for this.

There's a lot more for me look into now.

VieBleu ago

I have a few problems with your comment.

  1. Pizzagate pedophilia trafficking does not "pass" through Sigmund Freud. This is misinformation or just really badly stated.

  2. Freud is the founder of psychology. His work did focus on the development of human sexuality starting from early childhood.

  3. "His closeted experiments deeply held secrets and he is worshiped." I'm sorry this sentence doesn't make sense. He did not do experiments in a closet or even secretly. While he is admired, in most psychology circles Jung, who he mentored, far outpaced him and replaced him as the premier early groundbreaking psychologist. Jung considered some of Freud's fixations on human sexuality to be infantile, and brought psychology into the realm of the transpersonal with his discussions of archetypes and shared consciousness.

  4. "He is connected directly to the foundational principals and understanding of trauma based mind control MK Ultra" Freud had absolutely nothing to do in his research with trauma based mind control. He also had no association whatsoever with Dr. Joseph Mengele. If there is an association that can be proven, I ask that you do so immediately as that would be interesting, controversial and groundbreaking information. As it stands, it is just more misninformation.

  5. Yes the CIA did something of this sort, though I have never seen proof Mengele survived the end of WW2 and was indeed Dr. Green.

  6. "The ballet and art has always been connected." Yes dance is one of the arts but what that has to do with Chicago, "SF is where children first go" and anything else is just not related to anything at all.

I understand this is just a comment, but I would suggest that you gather your thoughts into a more cohesive idea, back up your assertions with some facts and links. There may be something good in all that, it just doesn't make sense and you do want to communicate what you are getting at.

VieBleu ago

Septime Webre has an unmistakable profile, and may be the "star" of the Heavy Breathing video I No Luv, as the Pedo Perv character seduced raped and broken by Majestic Ape. I won't link the video here, it can be found easily on you tube.

AHuman ago

The tall guy in the mask?

VieBleu ago

yeah. There's a good look at him at 2:24. I think it is him, but can't be 100% sure. Would like others opinions.

AHuman ago

Quite possibly. They are both tall and skinny.

Be fucked up if it was.

VieBleu ago

There are quite a few photos that def identify Septime Weber and Alefantis at parties picking each other up and laughing. The two def partied together and it seems had a friendship if not relationship. BTW this video was prob done EDIT: around 2005, so would be a younger Weber.

AHuman ago

The video just has a retro look to it. The video for I No Love was uploaded in the Dec 1, 2015 following an indigogo campaign to fund the release of Heavy Breathing's 2nd album 'Airtight'

Thet guy might be the same guy in another of their videos punching a tree

I guess this is already known but it looks like the person who set up the indigogo campaign is called Amanda Kleinman <---Who?

VieBleu ago

first I edited my comment as I didn't mean mid 90s I mean around 2005, and I have no proof for that. I didn't think it was done just recently though. Now that I take a really close look, I'm not convinced it is Webre - very similar appearance though. thanks for taking a look.

AHuman ago

lol. no problem

AHuman ago

Yes. There has to be a lot of mind control going on.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

My opinion is that Freuds freudian desires may not exactly be real, but by the power of suggestion, through his theory, they became real whether you like it or not. Freud=Fraud, he must be an age old conspiracy/psyop, IMO. Crazy how the freuds are showing up in this, like clement freud, grandson of sigmund i believe, a notorious pedophile who was loaning his house out to the podestas during the time of Mccains abduction, 1/3rd of a mile away, apparently. And you know the police sketches for the mccain kidnapping are a direct match to the podestas. Matthew Freud, who was married to Rupert Murdochs daughter seems to show up as well.

VieBleu ago

Sigmund Freud's work was not "an age old conspiracy/psyop" by any stretch of even your very taffy like imagination.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

ya whatever you want to think bud....

VieBleu ago

Your kind of dismissive bs is the sort of thing that ushers in Dark Age thinking. Are you familiar with the Dark Ages? It is when the medieval CHURCH controlled every thought anyone had - another form of mind control. But you'd be fine with that, if the church controlled everyone's mind, wouldn't you - bud.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

No I understand your plea of the church's mind control and brainwashing very well. You are just shilling because i know things like freud and modern art are just psyops.

VieBleu ago

  1. Please define what you think a shill is
  2. You understand right that forums are for DISCUSSION. If I don't agree with you and discuss the disagreement, that is not shilling and is not trolling either
  3. I am not a fan of modern art myself, and know that the CIA at least in part promoted it. I have posted about this many times
  4. Even so, Freud's work is not and never was a "psyop" You are just wrong about that and need to wise up because it makes you look like a joker and a fool.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

oh no!!!! I'm so afraid of looking like a joker and a fool!!! oh no!!! don't say that!!!

VieBleu ago

Aren't you concerned at all about just spreading wrong information? Don't you think you should simply look into Freud's works a little closer? Start with Civilization and It's Discontents. I don't think you would object to his work in the manner you do if you would familiarize yourself with some of it.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I am familiar with the personality disorder axis. Ranging from totally logical to totally emotional, and introverted and extroverted. I think it is spot on. I think it may be analogous to classical mechanics in physics.

VieBleu ago

Then stop spouting misinformation re Freud, and following me around, and do something worthwhile and APPROPRIATELY EFFECTIVE with that mind of yours. Fighting with me when I correct some of your unhinged spatter is a waste. I do so not to attack you but to correct the record. Also I'm the only person who pays any attention to what you say here at all besides your acolytes, so you may wish to wash your mouth out with soap and hold your tongue once in awhile.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

youre saying i have acolytes what the fuck are you talking about....

VieBleu ago

since you persist in swearing at me, you are blocked. Keep it civil next time and I'll continue the discussion.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Anything related to the maccobys, cia, alefantis, silsby is great. Thank you for the hard work OP.

AHuman ago

No problem.

Yuke ago

Alefantis has also been a S&R Foundation donor (listed as Buck's Fishing & Camping)

AHuman ago

Thank you I shall update.

0xFFF ago

maybe update with info from this thread

Party at Bucks Fishing & Camping hosted by Kevin Chaffee, Septime Weber and James Alefantis,

Here are a few that engaged in the after party: Kay Kendall & Jack Davies, Nancy Bagley and Soroush Shehabi, Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, David Deckelbaum, Stuart Holliday, The Ambassador of Denmark and Mrs. Lars Lohse, Kathleen Matthews, Francesca Craig, The Ambassador of Afghanistan, Nina Auchincloss Straight, Roxanne Roberts, and Dr. Susan Blumenthal."

another interesting appearance of Dr. Susan Blumenthal. Could explains why "she knows a lot about where bodies are buried."