dannonyme ago

A) The page everyone is going to for Alfred Labermonte Webre is not his personal page

B) He currently has a link to THIS post on his page

C) He calls Pizzagate "disinfo against the Truth Movement"

D) HOW IS THIS HELPFUL? What kind of loose cannon thought that contacting him would be a GOOD idea? Geez...the same bozos who were talking about going to Haiti???

zlomsocz ago

i contacted him, and why is that such a bad idea, secondly he was very cordial, and thirdly i do not see anywhere on his blog that he calls us "disinfo against the truth movement" please elaborate @dannonyme

dannonyme ago

OK @zlomsocz, let me see if I can "elaborate"...

why is that such a bad idea

Because if you learned ANYTHING from the Daycare in UT, the Comet Ping Ping instagram, Comet-connected instagrams...you would already know the answer to that question! By contacting them like the amateurs we are, you royally fuck it up for ANYONE to follow and gather more info! YOU tip them off by contacting them. NOT SMART DUDE!!!

secondly he was very cordial

Yeah I'll bet he was! He's hooked into this and a helluva lot smarter than you. HE BLUFFED YOU!

thirdly i do not see anywhere on his blog that he calls us "disinfo against the truth movement"

It wasn't a "blog"...which just proves the point that it was STUPID for you to contact him before images/comments/friends/connections/etc could be catalogued BEFORE you tipped him off. Here is the link to his Facebook page, his PizzaGate post is public...go see for yourself....see what else you can fuck up.

EDIT: Content of FB post is in following comment. (Remember to thank Detective @zlomsocz personally.)

zlomsocz ago

likewise he was already promoting pizzagate so i dont see how this does anything.

zlomsocz ago

we have the right to post information on this forum for others to investigate, alfred is already a public figure and was already aware of the VOAT comments, so tell me the damage i did by contacting him, since his fb page is already archived...?

dannonyme ago

The Facebook post goes like this:

Pizzagate & AI Artificial Intelligence Entrainment - When I ran across my name Alfred Lambremont Webre as a target in a #Pizzagate conspiracy research website, I understood what #Pizzagate was about - AI Entrainment through AI transmission of a pedo Meme as state terror by CIA-backed WIKILEAKS disinfo PSYOP-"Leaks". This analysis below is from an actual #Pizzagate conspiracy research website. It is an exercise in AI entrained state fragmentation memes on the Truth Movement & the work of Alfred Lambremont Webre. It is part of the AI Entrainment of the 3D body politic and the terraforming of 3D Earth into an AI planet as living Earth ascends into Love & Unity consciousness-based portals in 4/5th density Ascension.

OH I GET IT! Pizzagate is really disinfo aimed at the Truth Movement & Alfred Lambremont Webre! [From Internet Pizzagate Bulletin Board]

"Making a Family Tree for the Alefantis Family, and Webre family, and speculating a bigger picture | pizzagate Alfred Labermonte Webre speaks at confrences with Dwight Eisenhauers great grand daughter, Laura Magdelena Eisenhauer the reason i get confused is because Labremont Webre's personal testimony story involves being involved in time travel experiments to some extent, relating to a project involving Yale or MIT, where he claims he is a graduate from (although some speculate he is a hoax) but back to the point. At these conferences Alfred and Laura Eisenhaur speak at, MK Ultra survivors, and Monarch survivors speak out about satanic ritual abuse, and all the related topics here. anyone who as seen Alfred Labremont Webre on project camelot back in the day will know why this connection to Alefants is quite peculiar. there has to be more to this connection i have to review alfred labremont webre person history and vet him myself, he may be a disinfo agent." https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1453691

Ya see that link above? That's to THIS page. So yeah...lets YOU invite every Tom Dick & Harry in to see what we're talking about, and cut us off at the pass. SMH. Stupid is as stupid does.

But my all-time fav phrase is this:

i have to review alfred labremont webre person history and vet him myself

You may just NOT be autistic enough to work on this! But at least keep your BUG MOUTH SHUT if you are truly trying to help!!!

dulcefoe ago

WatcherWatcher ago

Here you go - lots of family history here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1440343

zlomsocz ago

thanks @watcherwatcher I still dont think he has siblings, shouldnt this be the proof we need to have caught him in a lie since the story broke, he said those kids in the pictures were his nephews and nieces, now is that a blatant lie he can be called out on?

AHuman ago


Alfred Labremont Webre says Septime Webre is his brother

zlomsocz ago

@Eggs-Vs-Bacon im such a noob when i go back to make an edit i can only find a way to edit the text portion any suggestion to edit the title?

zlomsocz ago

i cannot find the link , i looked first before making one, can you help me source it, and likewise, did they find that james has legitimate nieces or nephews?

derram ago