quantokitty ago

Thanks for checking that out. Huge help.

quantokitty ago

Interesting. Probably made it easy for people to find the place.

quantokitty ago

No, do you a pic?!!!! I'll look online to see if I can find it.

Singleservename ago

Can't find the .png now but there was a clear sign in code at the entrance to the Pegasus alley. Red letters similar if not identical to the 'kids' sign around the corner.

It read, 640 BMS and it obviously wasn't a random tag. Could be an address, like a pick up place. I never did figure it out though..

quantokitty ago

Oh, I do know what you are talking about, and you're absolutely right! Yes, there was that writing. Did anyone figure out what 640 BMS referred to?

GeorgeT ago

Rock Creek Park is notorious for mysterious disappearances of children.

quantokitty ago

Yes, it is. Would like some stats on that.

BerksResident ago

Just went to give up vote and saw its another gem from quantokitty (love the name). I hope soon in the future the amazing folks on voat/Reddit/4chan get recognition awards for their amazing contribution to taking down the global pedo ring, as long as Trump stays safe we can achieve this. Don't forget Neon Nettle mass prayer/meditation on 25/2. Q. how many UK based folks on here?

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the good words. They're appreciated.

MAGABoomer ago

That's a gift to be able to see and correlate symbols like that. Good work. I do believe you're on to something. What innocent person would correlate angel wings with such a thing. That makes the use of the symbol able to fly under the radar yet at the same time project the message.

quantokitty ago

Thanks so much. Yes. the symbol has to be exactly that.

MAGABoomer ago

Something so innocent turned to foul purposes. Thanks for catching it.

quantokitty ago

You're very welcome.

reasonedandinformed ago

Makes sense. CPP always seemed to be a transactional place, where the computer was the centerpoint for the sharing of videos and purchase , with actual transfer and abuse occurring elsewhere

quantokitty ago

Yeah, it makes sense to have the orders go through that central point. It wouldn't attract any attention because they did take orders. And think about it also being perfect for money laundering. All that cash that comes in would have been counted as profits from the sale of pizza. Who knows how they worded things. "Unannounced specials?" "Slices that are perfect for sharing?" No one would know what they meant except those the messages were intended for. I mean, I would have never known what wings meant until I read that blog.

spez_dispenser ago

What about the NSA Pegasus Program. You might recall it from a while back when A True Ott wrote about it:


"But — it gets worse, if possible. “Pegasus International” owns and operates Pegasus Technologies – which is involved in a neat little NSA/CIA operation titled the “Information Sharing Council” or ISC. Their “unclassified” 2006 report can be seen at http://www.ise.gov/docs/eds/edspo-conops.pdf. A careful reading of this document shows that part of the “Pegasus Program” is the deployment of thousands of vehicles across America, outfitted with domestic spying “Maximum Information Technology” (MaxIT) systems. MaxIT is a joint venture of the following companies: Appriss Inc., Bio-Key International, Inc., Business Communications Inc., Circadence Corporation, Cquay Technologies, Dell, eLabs Inc., MS e-Center and Sun Microsystems. (See 12/12/03 report on http://www.eetimes.com/press_releases/prnewswire/showPressRelease.jhtml?articleID=117687&CompanyId=1))

Here's a press release on the Pegasus Program:


"About the NSA Pegasus Program The NSA Pegasus Program is a non-federal multi-state immediate information sharing system designed by and for local law enforcement and first responders utilizing COTS technology. The Pegasus Program is operated using US Department of Justice approved NIST standards, and is managed by the Pegasus Research Foundation in coordination with and for the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA). Information on the NSA Pegasus Program may be found at www.pegasusresearch.org."

The Pegasus website is down, but it's on archive.org still. Is there a possible connection between Project Pegasus and the Pegasus museum, or am I reaching too far here?

heywhatsgoingon ago

Lots of symbols related to flying... Might be reaching but "somewhere over the rainbow" comes to mind. As is widely known, it's associated with mkultra. Flying seems to be a metaphor for drug and/or trauma induced dissociation, which would also explain the butterfly symbol.

paulf ago

The butterfly symbol comes from the Monarch butterfly and Project Monarch (the current name of MK-ULTRA) is named after it specifically. It was the first living thing that was discovered to pass on location information genetically - Monarch butterflies return to their places of birth. The idea is that if you condition children at an early enough age, they will always return to do your bidding.

quantokitty ago

Not reaching. Notice in the Demi Moore video where she's kissing the fifteen-year-old, the singer suddenly begins singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow while this is going on.

heywhatsgoingon ago

Yeah, Demi just snaps to attention when it starts. I just wonder if it's part of the same metaphor, and if it's only a reference to dissociation, or something more.

quantokitty ago

Have no idea, but, yes, she does react which is weird in itself. The fact she's sucking this kid's face off when it happens is just plain bizarre.

Rmm ago

Thank you!! Phenomenol job. So much data. I'm not a reacher like you ---just want to be informed of all the developments and this sounds huge.

quantokitty ago

I think every little bit helps. It's crucial that people share this information because it helps put the pieces of the puzzle together.

GeorgeT ago

Great Info. All fits in.

quantokitty ago

Thanks. I can't help but think it all helps.

Dig, dig, dig!

quantokitty ago

Awesome. I think part of what hampers us is not knowing this jargon, but we're catching on.

Rmm ago

Thanks for sharing. Lots of potentially incriminating relationships. Children, hotels, shipping-exports and of course OIL Precious metals, and banking. Wow--and we have an arrest.

iamthepizzanow ago

Look at the stair set on the house on Spring street, directly across from the school.

Same kind and the one inside Pegasus,

940 Spring Rd NW

Rmm ago

do you have a link?

iamthepizzanow ago

I did have a link until slim.img shut down. Check it our for yourself, it's easy. 940 Spring Rd NW, Washington, DC.

White house behind the red SUV.