More proof that The Pegasus Museum is uber important. It’s been on the radar for ten years … as has Columbia Heights. I’m posting because it’s an MO or dossier on how to advance an agenda by taking over a neighborhood at a time, and why this strategy works. I'm also posting for new leads and to give us something to ponder/prove. Background:
Was just doing some searches, and up springs Jamie T and his blog “Farm” Fresh Meat. Begun in December 2006, it shows that he’s up to his eyeballs in Alefantis from way back. The first thing I note is that he writes about the problems JA had with the ANC in the form of Frank Winstead. The post is called Unraveling the Mind of "Forest Hills Frank" and is dated Thursday, May 8, 2008. (Archived: ) Seriously, JA & Co better never complain about their names appearing in print. The piece is a hatchet job that gives out personal info and lays the blame of Winstead causing problems on his not being able to get laid. Well, these Majestic Apes probably think everything boils down to that so it’s not altogether surprising, but sad that people think that way. Then there’s the non-classy, triumphant rubbing it in when Mr. Winstead loses to Tom Whitley (let’s put him down as another lead). so obviously this is proof that Jamie is vested in Alefantis’ travails and rise to being the 49th Most Powerful Person in Washington. (Demigods … all of them.)
It was right around this time that I decided to check out his Flickr account – just cuz I could. I did a little snooping and immediately see a Columbia Heights album. I scroll through it and KERPOW! There’s the blue house on 11th Street. Please note that the photo was taken on May 12, 2007. Because of the date, and what happens next, I can’t help that we’re missing something here. Why this house and not another? Did Jamie T live there? Or another of this Pan-driven tribe? Was it through living there that they discovered the wonders of the playground, the then
Jamie T has given us lots of clues as to where he’s lived. First on Yelp, he gives some reviews. Note at the top it says, “James T. Arlington, VA”. So is the “farm” he came from in Virginia? Presumably, after living (or visiting “the farm), he lived across from Comet Ping Pong, he stays in Columbia Heights, and now lives in Petworth. That borders on – yes, that’s right – it borders on Columbia Heights. There’s even a shot taken from the roof in Petworth. Is it possible that they’re in the visual sightline of one another? The Pegasus Museum is so close to that border of Petworth. Here’s a map I came up with to show the logistics of where Pegasus is located re: the borders of Columbia Heights and Petworth. . Now was this a casual decision? Hardly. Again, first he lives in Virginia (the place famous for missing children), then moves to Van Ness across from Comet Pizza. Then he moves to Columbia Heights, and now? Petworth. I’d also like to mention the pic he uses on Yelp. Yes, there’s his face, but it morphs into a lighting fixture. link from “Red Derby” and can be found in his Flickr account. . I dug up a link to it. It explains it’s a private party place. Guess you can rent it out for “events”. I’d like to put that down as another lead. It’s a ten minute walk from … yes, Columbia Heights and is near Georgia Avenue and that Metro Station. Jamie T is sort of obsessed with that area and always taking pics of it … why? There’s another lead. It’s found on his blog under Other Stuff and called Red Rocks Pizza. Again, it’s located in Columbia Heights. If you click on the link on his blog, it takes you here: Why is it important? That’s what we need to find out. There’s a few more places listed, and I doubt they’re there for no reason, including Mt. Pleasant Forum. Mt. Pleasant is a community in the …. Northwestern quadrant of DC so it’s on their radar and important.
I should add that that Jamie T (and most likely Alefantis since they appear to have common goals), has been very big in helping shape Columbia Heights. He worked on the planning committee for Columbia Heights Day . This is around September 30, 2008, and look in the comments section! There’s an anonymous poster who comments on a blogger getting blasted by this wolf pack that JA has assembled (at least, that’s my opinion). The poster even charges that it’s members of the planning committee that are acting unprofessionally and attacking someone simply because they stated they didn’t have a good time. Is there a crime in that? But there’s Jamie T, rushing in and not apologizing. Instead, he’s pressing how it was done on a volunteer basis, and presumably, that’s enough for the entire event to get a pass and wonderful reviews? Because of the obvious wolfpacking on individuals who stand in JA & Co’s way, I think this should get rid of any guilt anyone feels for putting these a##holes under a microscope.
Let me quickly mention, that in the Flickr friends account, there was a makeshift memorial outside a home. Since there were cat pics and a lion statue, I wondered if it was for a cat. It sure was. There on Jamie T’s blog is mention of a neighborhood cat dying. I guess it had gone missing and turned up dead. Was it cool? Or simply calling everyone’s attention to it? He has pic on Flickr of a cat coming up and saying hello … and then there’s an album on Panda Head Magazine. There’s a party, a celebration of Dia de los Muertos, at a house and it opens candles. The fourth pic in is of a sleeping cat. By the sixth pic, somebody’s holding up the cat to the table where the candles are placed and the cat looks very scared. Sacrifice, anyone? Remember: these are people that think blackened eyes on abused children translates well into a fashion/beauty magazine so the killing of a cat? Not out of the realm of possibility. I’ll admit, these guys are a bunch of creepy ba$tards.
There are lots of contacts in here as well as the blueprint of how these people gain footholds in a community and bend the community to its will. I googled up a map to show the progression/onslaught from the Transformer Museum to the Pegasus Museum, right up into Petworth. Practically on a straight line and definitely following a path, but what path? But returning to the infiltration and takeover of neighborhoods, it happens because they install people in key volunteer positions. That’s why these places don’t get a second look from the police. They work on volunteer community days and events. They control what goes on and BECOME synonymous with the neighborhood, but the neighborhood is only acquisition and territory. Soon the neighborhood falls under the guise of these jackals doing good and building it up. The upshot? As reported in the WaPo: : the under 18 population in Columbia Heights and Petworth is burgeoning. I also found this on FB about Petworth and an attempted child abduction. I think it’s really pertinent because IT DIDN’T MAKE THE NEWS? Quote: “Commissioner John-Paul C. Hayworth asked for information on an attempted abduction of a child at EL Haynes (wait, there was?? How did this not make the news?).” Unquote Yeah, how? Why on earth would an attempted child abduction not be reported? Didn’t the press think a child disappearing was worthy of a mention? Think back to the Hoggle kids and no Amber Alert … what is going on?
So my question is: are we missing something here? Why the rooftops? Why a design on a rooftop? Are they communicating and keeping within a certain distance of one another? Is the sightline important, and if so why?
AreWeSure ago
How is this small handful of people "taking over neighborhoods?" Do you have any sense of the population density of these neighborhoods?
The process you describe sounds like simple gentrification, a process that has occurred in city after city for decades now. And you need a lot more people than JA's friends for it to happen. In the last couple of decades, the trend of city population moving to surburbs has been reversed with city populations increasing. Going along with this is gentrification. As the desirable neighborhoods fill up, newcomers move to neighborhoods they could afford and affordable neighborhoods next to desirable neighborhoods are the places they want. These usually happens along transportation lines. If I can't live near my friends I want to live at least a short metro ride away.
The straight line you talk about is it the path of the metro? I bet it is.
Here's some references to Petworth's gentrification from a decade ago.
2006: 60 million dollar big business/ government development project planned for the Georgia Avenue-Petworth Metro station
eyeVoated ago
How many friends does JA have?
quantokitty ago
Well, aren't you kind? Thanks so much. Very appreciated.
reasonedandinformed ago
I wonder if this Jamie T is the Mr. T referenced in Evie's Crib blog:
Archive of Evies Crib, given that it was scrubbed a few days ago:
quantokitty ago
You're brilliant! An upvoat for you. Yes, it could be. He mentions being a computer programmer or something like that. Maybe software programmer? Anyway, he could certainly put up a website. If he is the same, I'm wondering if he could be the one that encrypted Comet P's private files. Yes, I'm going to add what you said to the OP. Thanks!
quantokitty ago
Well, if not the underground tunnel path, then which one? Does it boil down to them wanting to keep in the sightline of one another?
Singleservename ago
Look at Jacob Hoggle's hat in the WaPo picture.
Mother mentions leaving them with an old friend named Erin. Now there is an Eryn in my pizzagate files: Eryn Sepp, Podesta's assistant.
She currently lives in Gaithersburg, MD. About 6 miles from where the Hoggle kids were last seen.
Mad_As_Hell ago
That's Sarah Hoggle, according to WaPo photo sub. Is it just me or does Sarah look like a little boy dressed in girl's clothing in WaPo pictures? Wasn't there a similar suspicion about Caris?
Singleservename ago
Thanks for waking me up wrt this topic, the Hoggle kids and the mysterious 'Erin'.
I totally forgot about it. So many leads yet to follow. And I've been at this for four months next week.
Jacob's Hat:
whats fucked up is that if you search "Birthday Hat" on google image - NONE with spirals
quantokitty ago
Yeah, Eryn Sepp ... she deserves her own spotlight.
LeChevalBlanc ago
She used to provide "blue cheese" to JP.
quantokitty ago
"Blue cheese" as in blue cheese? Or was this another code word?
LeChevalBlanc ago
Sorry I've been trying to find the e-mail with Sepp and "Blue cheese" but no chance so far. Maybe mistaken with :
One chain including Sepp about conspiracy (inside joke?)
quantokitty ago
Thanks ... there are a lot to get through.
quantokitty ago
I love when I get pushback. It means I touched a nerve.
Singleservename ago
Hate to agree with 1ew but that is not the blue house at 11th Street, which is the fourth of the row, with the white house and Kids next to it and next to that the house owned by Jaime Batres.
quantokitty ago
It's on his flickr account page. If I didn't paste a link, here's an archived one:
think_whatif ago
"Practically on a straight line and definitely following a path, but what path?"
From your fascinating post last week; the tunnels?
quantokitty ago
Yes, it is right on that Dyar tunnel path ...
BoondockPirate ago
The Hoggle kids...creepy. There's the Smoking Gun.
first time I heard of the Hoggle kids - mother is in a psych ward trying to escape
Truthseeker3000 ago
I can't read the article without signing up to WP with an email address. Do u happen to have just the article saved? Thanks, looks interesting.
Hoggle story -
quantokitty ago
Yes, I wish a "real" journalist would dig into that case. Find out who the mother was friends with ... maybe the kids mentioned her talking to someone ... or taking them somewhere ... I mean, why would Podesta include the link about that case in an email?
Bolux ago
You guys are the real journalist's., keep up the good work.
quantokitty ago
Dressage2 ago
It researching! Another rabbit hole that will go deeper I am sure!
quantokitty ago
Oh, yeah! This guy is Old School Alefantis. Back there with him in the day when the empire was being formed. I really do wish someone would talk to Winstead and the man that Winstead was taking orders from. I'll have to look up his name again. It's on the blog, but both those guys had it in for Alefantis. I have no doubt that they knew something was going on and wanted to head it off. Instead, look what happened.
derram ago :
This has been an automated message.JPG
quantokitty ago
Awesome ... thanks for the archive.