jstayz44 ago

Please check out Tamera Luzzatto of the Pew charitable Trusts, she is the woman pictured with the three children Ruby, Emerson and Maeve on Evie's Crib. Her son is Ben Luzzatto and he is married to Alexandra Tydings Luzzatto, and they are both artists in the DC area. Alexandra, according to Wikipedia (I know, but bear with me) has "an Illuminati bloodline." But, no shit, that part was under "occupation" and has since been stripped from her profile (I posted this info to Twitter, but have not seen much else on it. I also took a screenshot of the Wikipedia posting and will try to figure out how to upload it as proof that I'm not out of my fucking mind.) Tamera's daughter is Marisa Luzzatto Neaville, with a long career serving the Clintons and the Dems...she is MOTHER TO EVIE - Evelyn Neaville, the baby posted on Evie's Crib as raw and uncut. Furthermore, the blogger managing Evie's Crib, Mr. T, also hosts other blogs featuring children, and one blog post on a blog with the name "Jack" in it said something about not opposed to posts from chicken lovers. Any assistance from more savvy investigators would be lovely. I can add links shortly to blog info I found.

justice4kidz ago

ok so Evelyn is not a sibling of the other 3, but a cousin, right? it was Evelyn she was clearly pimping out "raw and uncut online" "for a limited time only". was that text legit? before she closed the website? UGH!

jstayz44 ago

Yes, before I knew how to archive I saw it and took a screen shot. Evie is the cousin of the other three, and her name is Evelyn Neaville. Her mother is deep into the Dem establishment. It makes me think that she knew what was going on...and I hate thinking that any mother would either allow it or force their children into it, or worse, abuse them herself. Sometimes it's just too much to think about, but we can't stop trying...knowing that the children are suffering immeasurably.

Cbradio ago

Hi, I looked over all those blogs they have, the comments and the wikipedia, you mentioned. Yes yes yes ally))

jstayz44 ago

Many thanks. I can't stand that I can look at these children's faces and not at least try to nail Tamera down for pimping out her step-grandchildren. Thank you for confirming that this all makes sense. Someone, whether "Mr.T" is Tamera's husband, or Tamera herself, is offering these children for entertainment, and I'm thinking it's not the legal kind. I know there have been other leads along the way, but again...thank you, I hope these children get some justice.

Cbradio ago

I spent time looking at their blogs too. Its def, way off. Normal family caretakers of kids, are very protective, not advertise as swim entertainment, say one will be ruling ..etc etc.

Any we look at, its always about the adults, not the children and their individual needs and healthy development.

But, I've also noticed, besides a few outbursts, ( podesta email), everyone is quite supportive, nurturing, respectful to each other, write very lengthy and in odd unec detail of over talk.

Have you noticed that?

Aside, I went through, @3671 Stratford emails with search term pizza; and there are a lot of suspicious emails. Attached receipts to Austin pizza emails, a pizza program using Eloqua software, and much more. Did anyone else find this?

jstayz44 ago

Yes, they do go into some rather in depth information in their email...like, I was shaving, my razor broke, I ran to the store, and ended up arriving to Starbucks 15 minutes later than I had predicted. No real reason for the information, just small-talk, that is rather boring, right? If I sent my family some of those emails, I would get feedback from them to "STOP giving me mundane updates, I'm too busy!" But, I know they're busy, so I don't send them...right? That's the way normal people think....it hadn't occurred to me that THAT in and of itself might be code for something like "contact me about this deal to buy a bunch of kids." Given how strange these people are, and the fact that I don't understand at all where they are coming from, I would say we at least should check it out, or vet it in some way.
Regarding the Stratfor emails, yes...someone seemed to have uncovered that they are managing an international pizza delivery racket. Holy freakin' what...they are a top-level contractor to the US and many other top-level contractors that the US deals with: Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman. WHY oh why would they be involved in that? I think you should touch base with the folks that have done some of this research, and I'll reply with a link when I find it...might be on Voat or other. Have you looked around here on Voat?

Cbradio ago

Thanks. I had seen some subverse on Staford, but only ones dissecting an email that ones were saying jokes, as someone brought up a son writing to a dad at Stafford about pedo and abuse. I'm glad @nana (Sp? searched the other Intel groups, crimes I'm area and such, for its parallel to some areas that I have been digging.

That's what led me to read over 3000 Stafford emails yesterday and last night. I had already gone through every Stafford email for search terms, meat, meat grinder, freezer. And found a lot. So when I saw the long diverse that kept minimize Stafford, after already found do much with other key terms, is why I just did this next huge Stafford dog with pizza keyterm.

Yes, if you see a Stafford subverse, besides that big one minimizing Stafford. I would love to list all the other mails and what else I found. Its a lot, and I've just given you a quicker summary. Thank you a lot!!

Yes, notice all the extra words that Chelsea uses too, in Clinton emails. Its So wordy, but not in necessary wordy of sharing info; more how the ultra elite have no responsibilities to even do home chores, they over wordy narcissistic, as a habit.

Yet..lol..as so many do that, they are quite patient, good listeners with each other; unless in a conflict. But, man, the constant, excessive, me me me, describe tiniest things is a trip. Lol Its like they are on nonstop acid..lol for yes, even reg friends or FAM would be like, ughh but they all do that lengthy talk of nothing.

But...if its a we ring, its got to be with the many sets of emails they call pizza of jrct and use a pizza box that is a Dif computer for customers and staff, and using the Eloqua software that they troubleshoot the set up a lot in the emails; testing what ones can enter and view as staff, customer, non customer, types of customer. Very revealing emails. And Eloqua allows a Biz a lot of web control, even tracing isps of viewrs non customer and customers.

Ingredion corp does that too, cookie on front web page, so do websites for corps on Obamacare contracts: Logisticare, Providence, Igeus. Written on their Privacy and Terms of Use posted on web page, in small font.

jstayz44 ago

Have you found Discord. I can see if you can join, I think you would enjoy some of the convo and thought provocation there. You also have much to offer and I'm certain that they'd appreciate it.

Cbradio ago

Hi, I was sent an invite link code. I finally DL the app and for, but have no idea how to do the invite link, been trying. I have my four digit code for my profile...if Nathan is on can you tell him cbradio DL discord but not know how get on?? That I sent him pm on here? Thank you))

Cbradio ago

Hi, thanks. One cool person invited me, and I'm getting ready to added tor, add memory for it..)) Yah, think I'll like it there versus..))) Appreciate you reaching out..thanks))