findingaway ago

Hotel owner has been released after being uncooperative. Senator Jean Renel Senatus (PONT/Ouest) believes the foreign participants somehow escaped. None the less, he congratulated the police units which participated in the sting at Kaliko Beach Club. Senator Senatus said the first information he received was that foreigners were involved in the child-trafficking.

allconnected ago

Georg Webb's video today adds more details.

Seems Kalico and other hotels are built using USAID (taxpayer money)and I think these guys mights invest also, but there main role is to front it. - so those involved can hide.

I also think that Paret and other such companies are fronts. Yes,they get a piiece of the action, but only reason they win the mining, oil rights etc is because they are a front company for the real owners.I think if you peel back the layers you will find a few families own a shit load of the earth and they have used the serf workers money to buy everything and funnelled ownership through multiple front comoanies to conceal the true owners. Sure thefrint companiesetc make money but they are not the controllers.

VieBleu ago

I looked into this the other day - here is the info I found on the CEO of Kalico and others - Also -pet peeve: submissions that lead to an immediate video starting up. Anyway hope this helps.

if the links don't work here, go

Drkadrka 3 points (+3|-0) 1.2 hours ago (edited 1.1 hours ago) I archived the whois on the website. Owner seems to be Samy Zuraik, who sits on the administrative council of Capital Bank

Interesting. Besides CEO of this resort, he happens to be an importer/exporter.

Also: Samy Zuraik, Haitian import export executive. Certified Business Administration. Officer National Order Labor Haitian Governor; Member Interam. Business Association, Haiti Chamber of Commerce, American Society of Heating. Background- Zuraik, Samy was born on September 29, 1940 in Beyrouth, Liban. Son of Salim and Victoria (Kawas) Zuraik.

Owner manager Retail Textile Store, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, 1963-1967, Import and Wholesale Textile, Port-Au-Prince, 1968-1971. General manager Import and Distribution Electronics and Appliances, 1971-1988. Director Kaliko Beach Hotle, Port-Au-Prince, since 1981, Land Development SAIDA, Port-Au-Prince, since 1983.

He and his wife Renee own a condo in Miami Dade County: SAMY ZURAIK ZREIK &W RENEE 5610 NW 114 PL #101

Seems to have business ties to Dominican Republic too, but not sure. This seems to be a review site for businesses/people in DR - MIAMI, FL 33178-4170

This small article from 2011 has some interesting connections:

Owner of Kaliko Hotel where children were kept in this sting Samy Kuraik is named again. His hotel is a neighbor of another resort called Club Indigo. Both are testifying that there is not enough investment in hotels in Haiti, Haiti needs more luxury hotels, and they cost a lot. Club Indigo's advertising talks about how the Clinton's honeymooned there, so there is a direct connection.

I read elsewhere that Clinton Foundation money went to build a big luxury Marriott with Digicel a phone/technology (spying?) company

MY SPECULATION FROM THESE CONNECTIONS - Seems like money is funneled from foundations/charities towards these hoteliers/business people, and in return they provide the infrastructure for the illicit payoff - hotels and staff to handle children in "safehouses" and in the case of Samy Kuraik, who is an importer exporter with a condo in Miami, perhaps shipping and safe houses in America.

Obviously more proof is needed. Looking at Mr. Kuraik's shipping activity would be interesting. Also if he owns more places in the US. Also Club Indigo Connections.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Lots of things to look into here, thanks for putting it down.

Sorry for the video startup....I agree it's annoying. I comment mostly instead of posting, but saw most others seemed to do the videos this way so I waffled on it and posted it this way. I'll avoid that in the future.

VieBleu ago

) I hesitated to even mention it, but I thought, if no one ever says anything it'll just keep being a convention. thx

Hooliganscat ago

In July of 2011 Paret Petroleum claimed to be in the process of acquiring oil and gas leases in Afghanistan, Kurdistan and Yemen: [link] (

Given that FBIanon talked about Global Connections you got to wonder ....

Hooliganscat ago

One area to look into is the fact that Emmanuel Paret is involved in gold mining in Haiti and so is HRC's brother. Is there a connection between the two?

NikitaVerite ago

upvoat. More people need to watch this vid.

noKnowthing3313214 ago

This leads to my theory. Now has Clinton foundation ever used Angel Wings International or collaborated with them?

Ronnilynn31 ago

I've been trying to look at this in between work so it's not very concise at all. From first glance, it looks like Angel Wings appears to be a good organization. That's certainly not any in-depth analysis, but I don't want to cause any undue bashing on this organization whatsoever.

However, it could still be a great charitable organization with one or more not so great people working for them. That is worth a second look in my opinion.

noKnowthing3313214 ago

I am coming across the same thing. Can't find much without physically looking at their financials or how they operate.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Samy Zuraik - import/export executive

Samy Zuraik, Haitian import export executive. Certified Business Administration. Officer National Order Labor Haitian Governor; Member Interam. Business Association, Haiti Chamber of Commerce, American Society of Heating

Fritz Paret - Finding Paradise Hospitality group

Fritz Paret and his father Manuel are the principals of Paret Petroleum and Director of Angel Wings International:

We have a simple mission: to improve the health and well-being of the underserved in the communities we serve in Haiti. While this sounds like a simple statement, without social infrastructure and general education in the areas we serve, it can be incredibly difficult. Angel Wings International aims to help communities develop sustainable, high level, healthcare and personal care education to everyone who needs it, in the communities it serves.

This could be a legit charity as the video states, or maybe not.

Edit: Paret Petroleum info

Haiti Oil and Gas Exploration:

The 2010 earthquake, ironically added tremendous political stability. A large visible and persistent US and UN presence has greatly accelerated earthquake re-building and energized development beyond the damaged fault zone. Mineral exploitation is one area which the Haitian government has emphasized. Two such examples would be gold and oil. Although it has been known about for centuries, a substantial gold venture was recently announced. With deep family roots in Haiti, American born Paret Petroleum LLC CEO Emmanuel Paret, foresaw the potential for oil exploration and navigated the complex Haitian bureaucracy, to negotiate favourable rates, and obtain relationships with key governmental officials.

Edit #2 - Hillary's brother Tony landed rare goldmining permit in Haiti. This is also mentioned in the video but here is a link to an article about this: